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30 July 2008

Brian Belovitch (1956 -) housewife, performer.

Brian was raised in Rhode Island. When still a teenager she decided that she was a woman, and became Tish Gervais.

Still in Rhode Island, Tish married her boyfriend, Denny, and for five years lived as his wife on a US Army base in Germany, where she was the Tupperware representative.

When the marriage broke up, Tish was a model, a lounge, and then a disco singer. And finally a prostitute. She appears in Split: William to Chrysis: Portrait of a Drag Queen,1991, the documentary about International Chrysis, and in Silent Prey, 1997, a thriller set in a convent school, as the Mother Superior.

She had never gone through with genital surgery, and in middle age decided to return to being a man. Brian turned his life into performance art in an Off-Broadway production in 2000, called Boys Don’t Wear Lipstick.

He is one of the contributors to Daylle Schwartz’s book, Straight Talk with Gay Guys: What Girlfriends Can't Tell You and Straight Men Won't, 2007.
  • Keith Greer (dir). Boys Don't Wear Lipstick. Scr: Brian Belovitch, with Brian Belovitch. Play. Players Theatre. New York. 90 mins Oct-Nov 2000
  • D.J.R Bruckner. “The Man That Almost Got Away”. New York Times. Oct 31, 2000.

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