
27 June 2013

Canadian (auto)biographies


The original GVWW bibliography from 2007
Canadian (auto)biographies
Hoax biographies
(auto)biographies that are almost unobtainable
French and Belgian (auto) biographies and Histories
Biographies with the pre-transition name in the title 
Advice Manuals I: 1957-1979
Advice Manuals II: 1980-2000
Advice Manuals III: 2001-2017

Non-Fiction Books on other topics by trans authors


  • Inge Stephens & Alexis Lefrançois. Alain, transsexuelle. Vis-à-vies. Saint-Lambert, Québec: Héritage, 1983.
Alexandra Highcrest. Sex worker.
  • Alexandra Highcrest. At Home on the Stroll: My Twenty Years As a Prostitute in Canada. Toronto: A.A. Knopf Canada, 1997.
Brigitte Martel. GVWW FR.WIKIPEDIA Chanteuse.
  • Brigitte Martel. Né homme, comment je suis devenu femme. Montréal: Québécor, 1981.
Clara Ford. Hostler, murderer.
  • Patrick Brode. Death in the Queen City: Clara Ford on Trial, 1895. Natural Heritage, 2005.
Darrin Hagen. Performer.
  • Darrin Hagen. The Edmonton queen: not a riverboat story. Edmonton: Slipstream Books 1997. Reissued as Edmonton queen : the final voyage. Edmonton: Brindle & Glass pub. 2007.
David Reimer.  EN.WIKIPEDIA   CBC
  • John Colapinto. As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised As a Girl. Toronto: HarperCollins Publishers, 2000.
Dianna Boileau. GVWW Secretary, first patient at Clarke Institute Gender Clinic
  • Dianna as told to Felicity Cochrane, with an Introduction by Leo Wollman. Behold, I Am a Woman. New York: Pyramid Books, 1972.
Erica Rutherford. XTRA Artist.
  • Erica Rutherford. Nine Lives: The Autobiography of Erica Rutherford. Charlottetown, PEI: Ragweed 1993.
Frances Olympe Cormier
  • Frances Olympe Cormier. Frances with an "E": Our Story! Moose Creek, Ont: Pilgrim Publications, 1995. France avec un s: notre histoire! Moose Creek, Ont: Publications du Pèlerin, 1995.
Guilda. GVWW FR.WIKIPEDIA XTRA Performer, artist.
  • Guilda et Denis Monette. Guilda: elle et moi. Montréal: Editions Québécor 1979.
Jamie Lee Hamilton. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA Sex worker, activist, political candidate.
  • Barbara Daniel. She’s No Lady: The Story of Jamie Lee Hamilton. Cormorant Books Inc, 2005.
John White. EN.WIKIPEDIA Don Akensen insisted when his book was published that the story of Irish-Canadian John White, MP made more sense if we assumed that John died young and that his sister Eliza had taken over his identity. More recently Akensen has said that this was a hoax, and the book is now listed as fiction.
  • Donald H.Akenson. At Face Value: the life and times of Eliza McCormack/John White. Montréal. McGill-Queen's University Press,
Katherine Johnson. Inmate
  • Katherine Johnson and Stephanie Castle. Prisoner of Gender: A Transsexual and the System. Vancouver: Perceptions Press, 1997.
Lisa Salazar.
  • Lisa Salazar. Transparently: Behind the scenes of a good life. Lisa S. Salazar, 2011.
Madeleine Charest.
  • Madeleine Charest. Le dur combat d'une femme. Chertsey, Québec: Madeleine Charest, 2006.
  • Madeleine Charest. Enfin, la lumière! Québec: Madeleine Charest, 2009.
Marie-Claude Paquette.
  • Marie-Claude Paquette. 17: autobiographie. Longueuil: Éditions Médialib, 2002.
Marie Mayrand.
  • Marie Mayrand. Le combat de la mère d'un transsexuel. Collection Transformation. Montréal: Éditions Le Cercle international des gagnants, 1986.
Michelle Ann Duff. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA motorcycle racer
  • Michelle Ann Duff. The Mike Duff Story: Make Haste Slowly. Toronto: mad8 Pub., 1999.
Patrick Verret.
  • Patrick Verret. Changer de sexe pour vivre enfin: le long combat de Manon devenue Patrick. Laval, Québec: Vivre enfin, 2005. English translation by Chris Duncan: Changing Sex to Finally Live: The Long Struggle from Manon to Patrick. Laval, Québec: Vivre enfin, 2006.
Stephanie Castle. Activist
  • Stephanie Castle. Feelings: A transsexual's explanation of a baffling condition. Vancouver: Perception Press, 1992.
S. Bear Bergman. EN.WIKIPEDIA Writer.
  • S. Bear Bergman. Butch is a Noun. San Francisco: Suspect Thoughts Press 176 pp 2006.
Yanni Kin. GVWW
  • Yanni Kin. Regarde-moi, maman!: témoignage d'un transsexuel. Outremont: Lanctôt éditeur, 2002.

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