This site is the most comprehensive on the web devoted to trans history and biography. Well over 1700 persons worthy of note, both famous and obscure, are discussed in detail, and many more are mentioned in passing.

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20 December 2011

Some Events of the year 2011. Part 2: Persons.

Some events of 2010.  Some events of 2009.  Some Events of 2008.

Part 1:  Organizations, Legislation, litigation.
Part 2:  Persons.
Part 3:  Spouses and Family, Trans Kids, Political, Celebrities, Sports.
Part 4:  Nemeses, Internet.
Part 5:  Doctors, Medicine, Genetics.
Part 6:  Deaths
Part 7:  Art, Fashion, Music
Part 8:  Theatre & Cinema
Part 9:  News Media, Journals
Part 10:  Books.

Public & Private Events

A trans man and a trans woman, by chance on the same plane from Amman. Jordan to Egypt, both without revised passports, were refused entry and sent back to Amman.

Justine-Paula Howard, Durban, finally got her ID changed.

Natasha Saitoti, founder of Transgender Foundation, and in transition.

Patricia Dludlu, school teacher, sentenced to 7 years for abusing a 25-year-old, raped in jail and refused medical attention.
Acey Mercer, New York State, client advocate.

Alejandro Iglesias, Argentina, disclosed that he was trans on Big Brother reality show Dec 2010; in April 2011 he became one of a few trans to get his ID changed, and active in campaign for gender identity law.

Allyson Robinson, associate director of diversity for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) flies frequently with an M on her ID.

Amber Yust, who went to the Department of Motor Vehicles in San Francisco to record her sex change - and then got a letter from a DMV clerk saying homosexual acts were "an abomination that leads to hell" - will receive a $55,000 legal settlement.

Anastasia St. Clair-Hannah, executive housekeeper fired after a background check outed her. She is suing.

Andrea Jones, Tennessee, who was refused a change of her driver’s license because she is a man, took off her top and as Mr Jones was charged with indecent exposure (a law that applies only to women). She spent 23 days in jail.

Andrea Viveros prom queen.

Ashley Yang, airport screener, forced to be male, fired, won compensation.

Avery Mitchell, Calgary, winner of breast implants in competition by AMP 90.3 Radio.

Beth Elliott, released a revised edition of her autobiography, and wrote a rebuttal of the Brennan-Hungerford letter to the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women.

Biancah Melanie Ortiz awarded the David Acosta Revolutionary Leader Award by the Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative.

Bradley Manning, political prisoner, is being held in solitary confinement in Quantico brig in Virginia. Each night, he is forced to strip naked and sleep in a gown made of coarse material. He has been made to stand naked in the morning as other inmates walked by and looked. His trial finally started in December.

Brittany Roche, in geography liaison, has completed transition successfully.

Brooke, is a New York firefighter.

Chris Cochrane, Halifax, was shot in the arm during an attempted home invasion.

Chris Goldman, Maryland, completed transition.

Chrissy Polis was attacked in April in the restroom of a Baltimore McDonalds, and in December was arrested for disorderly conduct after calling the police to report a robbery.

Christy M, who had been rudely ejected from a Ross Dress for Less store in 2011, was informed that the store has now issued special instructions to staff to not do so.

Claudia Vásquez Haro, teacher at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, obtained her revised identity certificate.

D.B. Karron must repay $4 million after using grant money for sex changes for self and three others.

Dallas Denny revived Chysalis Quarterly. In it she has raised serious questions about what has happened to IFGE.

Dana Beyer, Maryland, cleared of ethics charges resulting from political activities.

Dana Peterson, police lieutenant, Hartford, Connecticut, refused canine certification.

Domaine Javier, who appeared on an MTV reality show, “I’m Passing as Someone I’m Not”,was then expelled from California Baptist University for having ‘falsely’ claimed to be female on her application.

Drew Cords, Albany, completed transition.

El’Jai Devoureau, New Jersey, who has lived as male for 20 years, was hired by a drug treatment centre to watch men giving urine samples for drug testing, and then fired on the second day, after an acquaintance informed his bosses.

Florencia de la V, of Argentina, appears in a series on the Disney Channel in Spain.
Catholic school teacher Jan Buterman in Alberta, dismissed for "not being aligned with the values of the Catholic Church", rejected $78,000 cash settlement.

James Scott, Texas, disabled house husband. Wife applied for voiding of marriage on grounds of transsexuality. Judge ruled that a divorce was appropriate.

Janet Mock, editor at, shared her transition story.

Janis Stacey sued Agere Systems & LSI.

Ja'Von Crockett becomes a pastor and is on television.

Jovanie Saldana, who has been 14 months in a women’s prison in Philadelphia, complained about being forced to give oral sex to a prison officer, and the prison authorities then noticed that she is trans and transferred her to a men’s prison.

Juani Santos, Cuba, diagnosed as a trans man 1972, finally has surgery.

Justus Eisfeld, of Global Action for Trans Equality, received revised diploma from University of Amsterdam as its president was on a trip to New York.

Katie Hill, Tulsa, portrayed in local newspaper.

Kissy Bates , Minneapolis, was stabbed multiple times and left to die by her boyfriend, Arnold Waukazo.

LaShawn Peterson and her husband, together for 14 years, received an apology that their application for a marriage licence had been turned down.

Lyralisa Stevens, serving 50 years to life for murder in California, wants surgery and transfer to a women’s prison.

Malcolm Himschoot, married father of three, installed as pastor at Parker United Church, Denver.

Meggan Sommerville, of Oswego, Illinois, in transition with drivers licence changed, has filed two charges of discrimination in that her employer will not allow her to use the ladies’ toilets.

Morgan Page, Toronto activist, Community Services Co-ordinator, sex worker, Lukumí priest.

Nikki Araguz, Texas, honored at the Harvey Milk rally in Austin, rode in the Houston Pride, is still appealing the ruling that she and her husband were not legally married, and has been charged with stealing a Rolex watch.

Oneal Ron Morris, Florida, arrested for pretending to be a doctor and ‘pumping’.

Ophelia De'lonta, inmate in Virginia, again attempted self-castration, sued to state to pay for a sex change, without success.

Pauline Park called for transgendering higher education.

Rachel Tudor, English professor, Southern Oklahoma State University for 7 years, denied tenure and fired.

Ray Clarke is in transition.

Ray Grosz, transitioning to male at Barnard, an all-female college.

Rebekah Brewis is an involuntary inmate in a male ward at Oregon State Hospital.

Robin Mathy, who filed an ethics complaint against Michael Bailey in 2008, did so again after his sextoy demonstration.

Ruth Wood, lay minister, Calvary United Church, Kingston, Ontario, completed transition

Sandy Battista, Massachusetts inmate, has received the right to receive female hormones.

Spencer Cullen, Phoenix, robbed Walmart to pay for surgery.

Susan Stanton accused of homophobia, firedas Fort Worth, Florida, city manager, and hired as Canton city clerk.

Susan Stryker, historian, is now director of the University of Arizona's Institute of LGBT Studies in Tucson.

Tenika Watson, who was in the car crash with Teddy Pendergrass, is interviewed.

Toby Hemker, Michigan, transitioned.

Tona Brown, Baltimore, violinist, is working on an album.

Trudie Jackson, ex prostitute and inmate, is doing a public policy degree in Phoenix.

Valerie Villalta, escaped death threats in El Salvador, and is now an activist for gay and trans Latinos.

Vandy Beth Glenn, of Georgia, fired state legislative aid. Supreme Court of Appeals ruled in her favor of District Court.

Victoria Kolakowski became a trial judge in California.

Wendy Iriepa quit her job at the Cuban sex studies centre after Mariela Castro objected to her boyfriend, but then she and Ignacio Estrada of Cuba were married on Fidel Castro’s birthday.

It was reported from India that some parents are having daughters, aged 1- 5, surgically reassigned as boys, to avoid future dowrys. Although this was later denied.

An Afghan transvestite (ezak?) is humiliated by the police, and her image put on YouTube.

Abdul Qawi Jamil, Malacca, arrested by religious police for cross dressing.

Adi, Tel Aviv, fired for transitioning, awarded 30,00 NIS.

Ayumu Mogi, Osaka, has got a job at a nursing home.

Bhawana Dhakal, Nepal, still without citizenship papers despite 2007 Supreme Court ruling.

Bhumika Shrestha, represented Nepal at the UN, despite a stoppover at Qatar where the discrepancy between her appearance and her ID was questioned.

Fouzia Janah, Bahraini lawyer, took on more intersex cases.

Hender Gercio, Diliman, Quezon City, objected to being referred to as male, but the administration decided otherwise.

Jin Xing was dropped as judge on a TV talent show in Zhejiang Province because “transgender identity could have negative effects on society”.

The recently married Kamran and Wajahat of Karachi were murdered.

Patarchokchain Sarawit fell in love with a Kashmiri shawl salesman, lived with his family for two years and supplied 36 lahk rupees. While she returned to Germany for surgery, her fiance became engaged to another woman.

Randi, a beggar in New Delhi, was released from a two-year sentence at the beggars home because transgender.

W, Hong Kong, appealing to refusal to let her marry.

In Dera Gahazi Khan, 3 hijra, Mona, Matu Reema & Kansal Mastoi, were abducted from a wedding and raped.

2,500-year-old skeleton found outside Prague is male-bodied but buried in the female way.

Abi Hamilton (previously Jan) is having problems transferring her army pension to the Strathclyde Police plan, and with colleagues treating her as a man.

Adriana, of Valencia, unable to get work or accommodation as a woman, has returned to being a man.

Aleksa Lundberg, Swedish actress 29, who transitioned at 18, objects that she was sterilized, and that she has to pay attention to her voice. She has played a theatre piece based on her own life all over Sweden.

Ayla Holdom, helicopter pilot, on UK royal wedding guest list.

Cathy Daniels of Burnley, Lancashire, has had genital surgery, but NHS East Lancs does not fund breast enhancement.

Scottish prisoner William Wallace, 5 years for dealing drugs, became androphilic in jail, changed name to Cassie, and has applied for a gender change.

Chloe Avrillon, France, went to court for judicial recognition of her marriage which pre-dated her transition. It was refused.

Chloe Oliver, ex-bodybuilder, father of five, after 17 years living in France, completed transition at age 60.

Chrisie Edkins, of Southampton, previously a 16 stone bodybuilder, now works as a model, and had recorded an album.

Diane Hughes wants to stay married.

Dominik Sejda, a Czech, left her husband and son 15 years ago on becoming a man. Now his son is becoming a woman.

Fatine Bahari granted a visa to stay in the UK, and then left her husband.
Gina Philbin, grandmother in Gainsborough.

Joanne Cassar, Malta, lost appeal and still not able to marry. Next step, the European Court of Human Rights.

Kerry Marshall impersonated Kate price at the bank and withdrew £9,000.

Kim Oakland of Carlisle, endures prejudice and prepares for surgery.

Kristy Cass of West Sussex almost bled to death after an attempt at self-surgery. She will soon have proper surgery.

Lee Brooks of Perthshire has been charged with obtaining sexual contact by fraud, in that he deceived two women.

Louise Lamb, ex-soldier, now a train driver.

Lucinda Ferguson, Galashiels, shocked by the level of abuse she has received from both men and women of all ages since setting up home in the region.

Natasha Gray, ex-Navy, now pole-dance teacher

Oliver Danes. His mother paid for his breast removal.

Nicole Sanders has spent £200,000 in 12 years transforming her body: five breast operations, four nose jobs, a brow lift, cheek implants, jaw surgery, chin implants, calf implants, filler injections in her lips, botox jabs and sexual reassignment surgery.

Nina Kanagasingham, charged with the murder of Sonia Burgess, has been held in a men’s prison, has been found guilty to manslaughter.

Robin White, barrister, London.

Miss Sahhara, from Nigeria, living in London, was named Miss International Queen runner-up at the Tiffany contest in Pattaya.

Sandra Buljubasic, a Dane with Bosnian roots, was attacked in Koprivnica, Croatia.

Two drag queens, Lady Shaun and Calvin Fox were attacked in separate incidents in Liverpool’s gay quarter.

Stephanie Booth, Business woman, proposed to take over Wrexham football club, her hotels went into administration, and was burgled.

Stephanie Collinsof Surrey told to use disabled toilets at Sainsburys supermarket. Sainsburys quickly apologized.

Tina Cook, of Darlington, told by JobCentre to dress as a man to get a job.

Victoria Saxe-Coburg of Poole, Dorset, who transitioned 20 years ago, was told off at Poole Stadium for using the ladies’ toilets and told to use the disabled instead.

HBS author Rose White of Calderdale Yorkshire, who last year initiated a complaint to the ECHR re the NHS spending too much on her sex change, completed transition at age 63, continued her legal case, and wrote to her local paper objecting to drag persons in local Pride parade.

Kerry Whybrow, ex fireman, civil unioned.

Partial paraplegic, Donna Macklan of Albury-Wodonga, NSW-Victoria, attacked by couple with a shovel who severely damaged her and her wheelchair. Graeme Loxton and Christie Keighran also shouted ‘hermaphrodite’. They have been convicted and ordered to pay $2638 compensation for damage to the wheelchair.

Marcelle, Canberra, appealled and got a passport with an F.

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