This site is the most comprehensive on the web devoted to trans history and biography. Well over 1700 persons worthy of note, both famous and obscure, are discussed in detail, and many more are mentioned in passing.

There is a detailed Index arranged by vocation, doctor, activist group etc. There is also a Place Index arranged by City etc. This is still evolving.

In addition to this most articles have one or more labels at the bottom. Click one to go to similar persons. There is a full list of labels at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar. There is also a search box at the top left. Enjoy exploring!

30 December 2011

Some Events of the year 2011. Part 10: Books.

Some events of 2010.  Some events of 2009.  Some Events of 2008.
Part 1:  Organizations, Legislation, litigation.
Part 2:  Persons.
Part 3:  Spouses and Family, Trans Kids, Political, Celebrities, Sports.
Part 4:  Nemeses, Internet.
Part 5:  Doctors, Medicine, Genetics.
Part 6:  Deaths
Part 7:  Art, Fashion, Music
Part 8:  Theatre & Cinema
Part 9:  News Media, Journals
Part 10:  Books.


Who reads and writes gay romance novels. Straight women apparently.

$£¥ €=Excessively overpriced books.

++ added later

· Genny Beemyn & Susan Rankin. The Lives of Transgender People. NY: Columbia University Press, 2011. A survey of 3,500 transsexual women, transsexual men, crossdressers, and genderqueer individuals in the US.

· Kyla Bender-Baird. Transgender Employment Experiences: Gendered Perceptions and the Law. State University of New York Press, 2011.

· Diana Blok. See Through Us: Portraits of Gay Women, Men and Transsexuals in Turkey. Blok, 2010.

· Peter Boag. Re-Dressing America's Frontier Past. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011. “A vivid picture of a West where cross-dressing--for both men and women--was pervasive, and where easterners as well as Mexicans and even Indians could redefine their gender and sexual identities. Boag asks, why has this history been forgotten and erased?”

· Margarita Camacho Zambrano. Cuerpos encerrados, cuerpos emancipados: travestis en el ex penal García Moreno. Editorial Académica Española, 2011. “Las realidades de una comunidad transgénero, todavía estigmatizada y violentada en todos sus estratos sociales, es un secreto a voces que se evidencia aún más, para quienes lean este trabajo de investigación, la autora refleja desde su percepción muy cercana y palpable, como ésta estigmatización se agudiza al interior de la cárcel, individuos marginados por la sociedad como son los reclusos, son quienes a su vez, marginan a las transgéneros, pero siguiendo la misma práctica hipócrita de una sociedad machista y sexista, las someten como un objeto sexual, el deseo implícito y oculto.”

· Sheila L. Cavanagh. Queering Bathrooms: Gender, Sexuality, and the Hygienic Imagination. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010. “Based on 100 interviews with GLBT and/or intersex peoples in major North American cities, Cavanagh delves into the ways that queer and trans communities challenge the rigid gendering and heteronormative composition of public washrooms.”

· Trystan Cotton (ed). Transgender Migrations: The Bodies, Borders, and Politics of Transition. Routledge, 2011. “A collection of emerging and established scholars to examine the way that the term "migration" can be used not only to look at the way trans bodies migrate from one gender to the (an?) other, but the way that trans people migrate in the larger geopolitical contexts of immigration reform, the war on terror, the war on drugs, and the increased policing of national borders.”

· Ivan E. Coyote (ed). Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2011. “Contributors such as Jewelle Gomez, Thea Hillman, S. Bear, Chandra, Amber Dawn, Anna Camilleri , Debra Anderson , Anne Fleming,Michael V. Smith and Zoe Whittall explore the parameters, history, and power of a multitude of butch and femme realities.”

· $£¥ €. Zowie Davy. Recognizing Transsexuals: Personal, Political and Medicolegal Embodiment. Ashgate, 2011. “Interviews with transsexuals at various stages of transition to offer an account of transsexual embodiment and bodily aesthetics.”

· Morty Diamond (ed). Trans/love: Radical Sex, Love & Relationships Beyond the Gender Binary. Manic D Press, 2011. “Dating, sex, love, and relationships among members of the gender variant community.”

· Alex Drummond. Queering the Tranny: New Perspectives on Male Transvestism and Transsexualism. True Colours Publishing, 2011. A Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist with clinical specialism and research interests in Adult ADHD, Sexual Minorities (LGBTQK issues) and Transgender spells it out for beginners. Excerpt.

· Noach Dzmura,. Balancing on the Mechitza: Transgender in Jewish Community. Berkeley, Calif: North Atlantic Books, 2010. Winner of the Lambda Literary Award. Various Jewish experiences.

· Diane Ehrensaft. Gender Born, Gender Made: Raising Healthy Gender-Nonconforming Children. New York: Experiment, 2011. A parents’ guide by a psychologist.

· $£¥ €. Patricia Elliot. Debates in Transgender, Queer and Feminist Theory: Contested Sites. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate Pub, 2010. “A central concern is the question of whether the theories and practices needed to foster and secure the lives of transsexuals and transgendered persons will be promoted or undermined - a concern that raises broader social, political, and ethical questions surrounding assumptions about gender, sexuality, and sexual difference; perceptions of transgendered embodiments and identities; and conceptions of divergent desires, goals and visions.”

· $£¥ €. Leslie C. Guditis. When a Transsexual Family Member Transitions: A Qualitative Exploration of the Family’s Experience. Proquest, 2011. A 144 page PhD thesis. “This study consisted of interviews with 20 family members and/or romantic partners of transsexual individuals who have already transitioned. They were asked to tell their story about their relationship with their transsexual loved one before, during, and after transition. The intended benefits of the study were increased knowledge about the relationships of transsexual individuals with their loved ones, as well as insight for family therapists and other mental health professionals who work with transsexual individuals and/or their loved ones.”

· $£¥ €. Rosanne Terese Kennedy. Rousseau in Drag: Deconstructing Gender. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. “Kennedy reads Rousseau's well-known but brief flirtation with cross-dressing as a starting point to dramatically reconsider the standard reading of Rousseau as a misogynist.”

· Irwin Krieger. Helping Your Transgender Teen: A Guide for Parents. Genderwise Press, 2011. Basic information for parents.

· Charles Le Goffic. Fêtes et coutumes populaires Les fêtes patronales-Le réveillon-Masques et travestis-Le joli mois de Mai-Les noces en Bretagne-La fête des morts-Les feux de la Saint-Jean-Danses et Musiques populaires. Free Kindle, 2011. Also as a free eBook.

· Gesa Linemann. Das paradoxe Geschlecht: Transsexualität im Spannungsfeld von Körper, Leib und Gefühl. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften / Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, 2011. “Die paradoxe Struktur der transsexuellen Geschlechtsveränderung lässt sich nur verstehen, wenn man nicht von Subjekten ausgeht, die ihr Geschlecht einfach wechseln können. Vielmehr gilt es, die Dimension der subjektiven leiblichen Erfahrung einzubeziehen und zu verstehen, wie diese mit einer objektivierten zweigeschlechtlichen Ordnung verschränkt ist.”

· Jana Marcus. Transfigurations. 7 Angels Press, 2011. Photographs. “I discovered that gender is both real and illusory, natural and constructed. By capturing the physical and mental transformation from one sex/gender to another, the photos reveal the importance of the body in gender identity, as well as the effects of transformative practices on the body, which creates a reality beyond ordinary experience.”

· Aurélie Martinez. Images du corps monstrueux. Paris: Harmattan, 2011. “Le monstre ne vient-il pas à point nommé pour exacerber les peurs et les fantasmes sur les diverses mutations identitaires face à la norme et aux évolutions techniques de la science?”

· Moe Meyer. An Archaeology of Posing: Essays on Camp, Drag, and Sexuality. Macater Press, 2011. ‘Diverging from the text-based premise of most queer theory, Meyer utilizes performance studies and interpretive anthropology to examine camp and drag performances in the spaces in which they appear. He explores a variety of topics—from transsexual striptease and Harlem drag balls to the death of camp—within the genre of queer drag and sexuality performance.’

· Glenn W. Olsen. Of Sodomites, Effeminates, Hermaphrodites, and Androgynes: Sodomy in the Age of Peter Damian. PIMS, 2011. Front Matter.

· Laurie Penny. Meat Market: Female Flesh Under Capitalism. O Books, 2011. “The important chapter on trans women sets out clearly and succinctly why the transphobic attitudes of radical feminists like Julie Bindel and Janice Raymond must be rejected. This is an issue that I suspect few cis women have given much thought to and its importance will become apparent in the very near future as the struggle for trans rights becomes more prominent.”

· Catherine Platine. The Cybeline Revival. Lulu, 2011. Review.

· Julia Reuter. Geschlecht und Körper: Studien zur Materialität und Inszenierung gesellschaftlicher Wirklichkeit. Bielefeld: transcript, 2011. “Julia Reuter [gibt] einen Überblick über die Relevanz und Vielfalt körper- und geschlechtersoziologischer Sichtweisen auf die moderne Gesellschaft.”

++ Megan M.Rohrer and Zander Keig. Letters for My Brothers: Transitional Wisdom in Retrospect.  Wilgefortis, 2010, Kindle 2011.  Essays by Jamison Green, Raven Kaldera, Lou Sullivan, Cristopher Bautista, Malcolm Himschoot.  

· Jon Ronson. The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry. New York: Riverhead Books, 2011. Not about trans, although there is section on David Shayler. There is more on the DSM and David Spitzer.

· Martine Rothblatt. From Transgender to Transhuman: A Manifesto On the Freedom of Form. Martine Rothblatt, 2011.

· Kristen Schilt. Just One of the Guys? Transgender men and the Persistence of Gender Inequality. University of Chicago Press, 2011. “As tall, white FTMs see more advantages than short FTMs and FTMs of color, these experiences also illustrate how men's gender advantages at work vary with characteristics such as race/ethnicity and body structure.”

· Francoise Sironi. Psychologie(s) des transsexuels et des transgenres. Odile Jacob, 2011. “Sironi ouvre à une compréhension nouvelle des vécus transidentitaires, en décrivant comment appréhender et accompagner, sans les discréditer, ces expériences de métamorphose humaine. Elle montre également en quoi les trans-identités sont en fin de compte un nouveau paradigme qui nous aide à penser les identités émergentes à l heure de la mondialité : métis culturels, migrations planétaires, familles recomposées, homo-parentalités, adoptions internationales.”

· Brock Thompson. The Un-Natural State: Arkansas and the Queer South. University of Arkansas Press, 2010. “Thompson analyzes the meaning of rural drag shows, including a compelling description of a 1930s seasonal beauty pageant in Wilson, Arkansas, where white men in drag shared the stage with other white men in blackface, a suggestive mingling that went to the core of both racial transgression and sexual disobedience. These small town entertainments put on in churches and schools emerged decades later in gay bars across the state as a lucrative business practice and a larger means of community expression, while in the same period the state's sodomy law was rewritten to condemn sexual acts between those of the same sex in language similar to what was once used to denounce interracial sex.”

· Sarah Wong and Ellen de Visser. Inside Out: Portraits of Cross-Gender Children. Zwolle: Uitgeverij d'jonge Hond, 2010.


· Helen Berry. The Castrato and His Wife. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. The life of Giusto Ferdinando Tenducci. Both Mozart and Bach composed for him. While the title connotates a book by Virginia Prince, Tenducci was a man who asserted his masculine identity despite his gender surgery. Review.

· Chaz Bono and Billie Fitzpatrick. Transition: The Story of How I Became a Man. New York: Dutton, 2011.

· Jean-Pierre Bourgeous (ed). Le curé travesti. Lausanne: Humus, 2011. “Dans une malle, dénichée chez un brocanteur, des milliers de petits papiers parcourus d'une fine écriture. Une masse de feuillets consacrée à la description très minutieuse de fantasmes de travestissements et de combinaisons sexuelles. Poésies, comptines, courts récits, parodies, fragments... L'auteur de ce flot luxurieux est un abbé, officiant dans le Centre de la France, au milieu du siècle dernier...”

· Beth Elliott & Geri Nettick. Mirrors - Portrait of a Lesbian Transsexual. CreateSpace, 2011. Revised edition.

· Jon-Jon Goulian. The Man in the Gray Flannel Skirt. Random House, 2011. A cis man in a skirt. Article.

· Shuniyya Rumaha Haiibalah. Jangan Lepas Jilbabku!: (Please Do Not Remove My Hijab). 2011.

· Paul Hendrickson. Hemingway's Boat: Everything He Loved in Life, and Lost, 1934-1961. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2011. A large section on Gregory/Gloria Hemingway.

· Nick Krieger. Nina Here Nor There: My Journey Beyond Gender. Beacon Press, 2011. A very well-received autobiography.

· Toni Newman. I Rise-The Transformation Of Toni Newman. Kindle, 2011. “Toni tells her story of being a 'sissy boy', a scholarship student, a business professional, an escort, a drag queen, a NYC prostitute, an LA dominatrix, and finally, a transsexual attending law school in order to help her transsexual sisters in need. From cross-dressing and Bible Study classes in Jacksonville, North Carolina, to writing and studying while tending to the fetish fantasies of Hollywood’s A-list, I Rise is far from a tale of fitting in.”

· Kathy Anne Noble. Two Lives: A Transsexual’s Story and the Fight for Recognition. Zeus Publictions, 2011.

· Edi Oliveira. Journal d'un travesti. Favre SA, 2011. “Un jeune Brésilien arrive en Europe, la vingtaine, hétéro et naïf. Il veut juste échapper à la misère de son pays, travailler pour aider sa famille. Entraîné dans la prostitution, il finit par trouver son indépendance dans le milieu et devenir un professionnel expérimenté.”

· Chloe Jane Oliver. Finding Chloe. Matthias Press, 2011. Review.

· Faith Turner. Me and Julia Reeds. Kindle, 2011. “A curious, wayward little Texas boy, despite his traditional, conservative upbringing, becomes a transsexual escort and adult entertainer, making lots of money and living the fast life, only to lose it all in the end, before picking up the pieces of a shattered life to carry on.”

· Hubert Verneret. Le travesti de l'étoile: Jeanne Baret, première femme à avoir fait le tour du monde. Précy-sous-Thil: Armançon, 2011. 1766 –9, botanist set sail in male disguise.

· Fabrice Virgili and Danièle Voldman. La garçonne et l'assassin. Histoire de Louise et de Paul, déserteur travesti, dans le Paris des années folles. Paris: Payot & Rivages, 2011. Paul Grappe spent the Great War passing as female. After the amnesty for deserters, he reverted to being male, and then annoyed his wife to the point that she shot him.
· Cris Beam. I Am J. Little Brown Books for Young Readers, 2011. A trans boy growing up. Cris is the foster mother of a trans.

· Elliott DeLine. Refuse. Smashwords, 2011.

· Herman Frank, Esq. Ultimate Revenge: Involuntary Transsexual. Trafford Publishing, 2011.

· Catherine Ryan Hyde. Jumpstart the World. Knopf, 2010. Leslie Feinberg’s younger sister. This novel reopened the estrangement between them.

· Brian Katcher. Almost Perfect. Delacorte Press, 2009. 2011 Stonewall Children’s and Young Adult Literature Award.

· Mike Perry. Klec pro majáky (A Cage for Beacons). Zlín: Kniha Zlín, 2011. The first Czech trans man autobiographical novel.

· Justine Saracen. Sarah, Son of God. Bold Stroke Books, 2011.

· Jon Smith. The Boy Who Was Born a Girl. Arrow, 2011.

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