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31 December 2009

Some Events of the year 2009 - Part 3: Books and the arts

 This is just some of the books and arts that happened in 2009.

Part 1: Legislation, litigation, organizations, news media and bookshops
Part 2: persons
Part 3: art, movies, theatre, books

Painting & Photography

Tiwi Islands: Melbourne photographer Bindi Cole’s photographs of a Tiwi sistagirl Crystal Love wins a Victorian Indigenous Art Award.

Spain: a calendar of Virgin Mary photographs all modelled by trans women.

Films & Television

See the trailers here and here.

The Amazing Truth About Queen Raquela. Dir: Olaf de Fleur Johannesson, scr: Olaf de Fleur Johannesson & Benedikt Jóhannesson, with Raquela Rios as herself and Valerie Einarsson as herself. Iceland/Philipines/France/Tahiland 80 mins 2008. Raquela gets from the Philipines to Iceland. Will she get to Paris?

Be Like Others. Dir & Scr: Tanaz Eshaghian. Canada/Iran/Uk/US 74 mins 2008. Sex changes in Iran.
Chan di Chummi. Dir: Khalid Gill, with Ainee, Sonya and Boota. Germany/Pakistan 80 mins 2009. Transsexuals in Lahore.

La Dany. Dir: Jim Giles. With La Dany. Canada 2009. A street performer in Medellin, Columbia.

Life is Hot in Cracktown. Dir & scr: Buddy Giovinazzo based on his short story, with Kerry Washington as Marybeth, and Mark Webber as Ridley. US 99 mins 2009. Prostitution, crack, lifes of crime.

Morrer Como Um Homem. Dir: João Pedro Rodrigues, scr: Rui Catalão & João Pedro Rodrigues, with Jenni La Rue as Jenny & Fernando Santos as Tonia. France/Portugal 133 mins 2009. problems of an aging drag performer.

Prodigal Sons. Dir: Kimberly Reed, with Kimberly Reed. USA 86 mins 2008. Kimberly meets her long estranged brother..

Rage. Dir & scr: Sally Potter, with Jude Law as Minx, Eddie Izzard as Tiny Diamonds. UK/US 98 mins 2009. Played Berlin Film Festival in February.

Still Black: A Portrait Of Black Transmen. Dir: Kortney Ryan Ziegler. US 77 mins. 2008.

Stock Shock. Dir: Sandra Mohr, scr: Liz Bolwell & Sandra Mohr. With Martine Rothblatt. US 72 mins 2009. What happened to Sirius Radio after Martine left.

Taking Woodstock. Dir: Ang Lee, scr: James Schamus base on the book by Elliot Tiber & Tom Monte, with Live Schreiber as Vilma. US 110 mins 2009.

Transproofed. Dir Andrea James, scr: Andrea James & Calpernia Addams, with Calpernia Addams as Ava and Andrea James as Joyce. US 14 mins 2009.

Two Spirits. Dir: Lydia Nibley, scr: Russell Martin & Lydia Nibley US 65 mins 2009. . Documentary on the homophobic murder of 16-year-old Fred Martinez, a Navajo nadleeh.

Veselchaki. Dir & scr: Feliks Mikhaylov, Russia 2009. Five Moscow drag queens go on a tour in the countryside.

Nicole Kidman in The Danish Girl, still in pre-production.

Heaven and Earth, a highly fictionalized film about James Barry, met financing problems and may have been discontinued.


Bette Bourne, had her life done as a play at the Edinburgh Festival.

Jo Clifford’s play, Jesus, Queen of Heaven, at Glasgay Festival.

Pieter-Dirk Uys/ Evita Bezuidenhout put on the play MacBeki: A Farce to be Reckoned With.


  • Giovanna Ambrosio. Transvestism, Transsexualism in the Psychoanalytic Dimension. Karnac Books. 2009.
  • Arturo Arnalte. Transfugas, travestis y traidores: Rebeldes Ejemplares De La Historia De Espana. 2009.
  • Robin Bauer. "Ihre Eltern dachten, dass sie ein Junge wäre.": Transsexualität und Transgender in einer zweigeschlechtlichen Welt. Maennerschwarm. 2009
  • Dan Baum. Nine Lives: Death and Life in New Orleans. New York: Spiegel and Grau, 2009. One of the nine is Joann Guidos, whose pub in New Orleans stayed open during Hurricane Katrina.
  • S. Bear Bergman. The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2009.
  • Mark J. Blechner. Sex Changes: Transformations in Society and Psychoanalysis. Routledge. 2009.
  • Jula Böge. Ich bin (k)ein Mann: Als Transgender glücklich leben - Ein Ratgeber. Agenda Verlag. 2009.
  • Joseph Bristow. Oscar Wilde and Modern Culture: The Making of a Legend. Ohio University Press. 448 pp 2009: 138-140. 3 pages on Herman von Teschenberg.
  • Julia Burg. Abnormal = Normal? Homo- und Transsexualität in den Filmen Pedro Almodóvars. Grin Verlag. 2009.
  • Sara-Jane Cromwell. Becoming Myself: The True Story of Thomas Who Became Sara. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2008.
  • Mara Drummond. Transitions - A Guide To Transitioning for Transsexuals and Their Families. 2009
  • Ernst Günther. Travestie - Die große Revue: Carte Blanche. 2009.
  • Joanne Herman. Transgender Explained For Those Who Are Not. AuthorHouse. 2009.
  • P. J. Heslin. The Transvestite Achilles: Gender and Genre in Statius' Achilleid. Cambridge University Press. 2009.

  • Walt Heyer. Perfected with Love. Longwood, Fla.: Xulon Press. 2009. Heyer has returned to being a man. Sequel to Trading My Sorrows, 2006.
  • Franziska Hofmann. Transsexualität: Wenn Körper und Seele nicht zusammenpassen. Grin Verlag. 2009.
  • Morgan Holms. Intersex: A Perilous Difference. Susquehanna University Press. 2008.
  • Morgan Holms. Critical Intersex. Ashgate Pub Co. 2009.
  • Elli Hunter. Der bunte Mann: Aus dem Leben eines Transvestiten. ElliVersum Verlag. 2009.
  • Icon Group International. Intersex: Webster’s Timeline History, 1869 – 2007. ICON Group International, Inc. 2009.
  • Gary Kinsman & Patrizia Gentile. The Canadian War on Queers: National Security As Sexual Regulation. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2010.
  • Evelyn Kleinert. Transsexualität / Transidentität - Die Betrachtung zwei erzählter Lebensgeschichten vor dem Horizont der Identitätstheorien von Erikson, Mead und Goffman. Grin Verlag. 2009.
  • Amanda Lear. Je ne suis pas du tout celle que vous croyez. Paris: Hors collection, 2009.
  • Axel Léotard. Mauvais genre. Paris: Hugo & Cie, 2009.
  • Katja Losensky. Der intermediale Zugriff auf die Figur der Charlotte von Mahlsdorf. Grin Verlag. 2009.
  • Tommi Avicolli Mecca. Smash the Church, Smash the State!: The Early Years of Gay Liberation. City Lights Publishers. 2009.
  • Markus Orths. La mujer travestida. Salamandra Publicacions Y Edicions. 2009.
  • Ousterhout, Douglas K. Facial Feminization Surgery: A Guide for the Transgendered Woman. Omaha, Neb: Addicus Books, 2009.
  • Julien Picquart. Ni homme ni femme: enquête sur l'intersexuation. Paris: La Musardine, 2009.
  • Miranda PonsonbyThe Making of Miranda: From Gentleman to Gentlewoman in One Lifetime. Gretton: Noble, 2009.
  • Raphaela Reiber. Die Rolle des Transvestiten bei Almodóvar. Grin Verlag. 2009.
  • Elizabeth Reis. Bodies in Doubt: An American History of Intersex. Hopkins Fulfillment Service. 2009.
  • Laurie J. Shrage. You've Changed: Sex Reassignment and Personal Identity. Oxford University Press. 2009.
  • Brian Still. Online Intersex Communities: Virtual Neighborhoods of Support and Activism. Cambria Press. 2008.
  • Louis-Georges Tin. L'invention de la culture hétérosexuelle. Paris: Éd. Autrement, 2008.
  • Charles Upchurch. Before Wilde: Sex between Men in Britain's Age of Reform. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009. Features several anecdotes of trans persons in 19th century London
  • Volker Weiß. "... mit ärztlicher Hilfe zum richtigen Geschlecht?": Zur Kritik der medizinischen Konstruktion der Transsexualität. Männerschwarm. 2009.
  • Kelley Winters and Dan Karasic. Gender Madness in American Psychiatry: Essays from the Struggle for Dignity. Dillon, CO: GID Reform Advocates, 2008.


  • Hamish Pillay. The Rainbow Has No Pink. Johannesburg: 30° South Publishers, 2008.
  • Juliette Jourdan. Le choix de Juliette. Paris: Dilettante, 2008.
  • Zoe Whittall. Holding Still for As Long As Possible. Toronto: Anansi, 2009. Being young and in Toronto. Includes a trans ambulance driver.

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