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05 November 2023

Gabbi Tuft (1978 - ) wrestler, online fitness advisor

Tuft, born and raised in Sonoma north of San Francico, had childhood yearnings to be a girl, but turned to body building after being bullied at school. 

Tuft married in 2002, and they moved to Southern California, to start surfing and to continue muscle building. Tuft started professional wrestling in 2007 in the independent circuit, and a year later was signed to World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), and was assigned to the Florida Championship Wrestling territory as Tyler Reks. 

Over the next four years Reks – 6’2” (188 cm) and 280 lb (127 kg, 20 stone) rose to superstar rank on the WWE. 

However in 2012 after the birth of a daughter and a brother’s suicide, Reks/Tuft retired from wrestling. Tuft set up Body Spartan, an online fitness company promoting the ketogenic diet. In 2019 Tuft had open heart surgery. 

By 2020, the summer of Covid, Tuft had returned to exploring her female side, with full support from her wife. Using her expertise in fitness and nutrition to vary eating styles and sustainable approaches to exercise - a lot of trial and error - she managed to get the feminine body that she desired. 

In 2021 as Gabbi Tuft, she came out as trans. The Tufts now live in Austin, Texas, and Gabbi Tuft is popular on Istragram and Tik-Tok.

  • Jo Yurcaba. “Former WWE superstar Gabbi Tuft comes out as transgender”. NBC News, Feb 5 2020. Online.
  • Gabbi Tuft. “Before my transition, I was a WWE star, weighed 280 pounds, and had 6% body fat. It took a lot of trial and error to get the feminine body I always wanted”. Business Insider, Sep 17, 2023. Online.
  • Alanah Khosla. “WWE's first transgender star Gabbi Tuft admits it 'took a lot of trial and error' to get the 'feminine body' she wanted”. The Daily Mail, 18 September 2023. Online.    EN.Wikipedia    IMDB     WWE

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