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05 March 2023

The pinkwashing of Hershey's chocolate

There have been various articles about Hershey's using a trans model in an advertisement.

Personally when buying chocolate I always avoid Hershey's.  When I can get Ritter or Waterbridge, why would I even consider Hershey's?

However more seriously...

From Wikipedia:   

In 2019, Hershey announced that they could not guarantee that their chocolate products were free from child slave labor, as they could trace only about 50% of their purchasing back to the farm level. According to The Washington Post noted that the commitment taken in 2001 to eradicate such practices within four years had not been kept, neither at the due deadline of 2005, nor within the revised deadlines of 2008 and 2010, and that the result was not likely to be achieved for 2020.

In 2021, Hershey was named in a class action lawsuit filed by eight former child slaves from Mali who alleged that the company aided and abetted their enslavement on cocoa plantations in Ivory Coast. The suit accused Hershey (along with NestlĂ©CargillMars, IncorporatedOlam InternationalBarry Callebaut, and Mondelez International) of knowingly engaging in forced labor, and the plaintiffs sought damages for unjust enrichment, negligent supervision, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

In December 2022, Hersheys was subjected to a lawsuit over the amount of lead and cadmium in the company's products, especially the Special Dark bar, the 70% Lily Bar, and the 85% Lily Bar. The lawsuit alleges that the company failed to warn consumers about the amount of metal in the bars and is based on findings published by the Consumer Reports magazine in the United States.


The fact that Hershey's used a trans model is not something to be celebrated.  It is an embarrassment.


  1. Agreed about the trans model but the Daily Wire is getting their panties in a bunch over it :)

  2. Here is a more detailed account of Hershey's crimes and the US Supreme Court's approval thereof.

  3. When me and my mom shop at Lidl, I get a Way To Go! milk chocolate, almond caramel crisps and a Lidl Preferred Selection bourbon vanilla white chocolate bar. Both Fairtrade certified!


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