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17 October 2020

Three dancers in the mid-1960s who went for completion surgery

These are only snapshots. We know no more.

Zorana Pop-Simonović (1938 - ?)

Born in  Serbia, Zorana worked as a chorus girl from 1955, and then as a belly-dancer in a night club. In 1967 she was a car accident, and was outed by the doctors at the hospital. Thus out, she applied to the Yugoslav 4 government to have a sex change operation. 

  • Thomas Porter. “Car Crash 6 Uncovers a 12-Year Secret…Belly Dancer is a Man!” National Enquirer, Oct. 1, 1967.
  • TVIC, 2,23, Dec 15 1973: 5. Online.
  • Ms Bob. “Tabloids and Men’s Soft Core — Part 6”. TGForum, Sep 17, 2012. Online.

Roxanne Algeria (194? - )

  • Roxanne Algeria. “The man who became a woman: America’s Top 14 Topless Star tells All! My Sex Change … Why I Did It … My Love Life”. Confidential, 15 15,1, January 1967.
  • Ms Bob. “Tabloids and Men’s Soft Core — Part 6”. TGForum, Sep 17, 2012. Online

Shalimar (194? - )

The Ranchio Escondido in Juarez, 1964

A renowned performer originally from Mexico. She took up residence in Minnesota and was able to get in the program at Minnesota University Gender Identity Clinic. Urologist Daniel C. Merrill later took three cases including Shalimar and semi-fictionalized their stories.

  • “Latin Illusion: Shalimar”. Female Mimics: Premiere Issue, 1963: 18 12-8. Online.
  • “Shalimar … Mexico, Mexico City”. 22 Transvestism Around the World, 23 Number 1, S-K Press, 1964: 52-61. Online.
  • Daniel C Merrill MD. Trapped: The True Stories of Shalimar, 27 Linda, and Jackie – transsexuals who believed they were females born in a 28 male’s body. Xlibris, 2012. 

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