This site is the most comprehensive on the web devoted to trans history and biography. Well over 1700 persons worthy of note, both famous and obscure, are discussed in detail, and many more are mentioned in passing.

There is a detailed Index arranged by vocation, doctor, activist group etc. There is also a Place Index arranged by City etc. This is still evolving.

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27 December 2017

2017 Obituaries

Tony Sinclair (192? – 2017) Performer in Oklahoma City.

Diamond Lil (1935 – 2016) Atlanta performer.

Aleshia Brevard (1937 – 2017) performer, Hollywood actress, theatre director.

Andrea Susan Malick (1939 – 2015) photographer at Casa Susanna, camera work on Let Me Die a Woman.

Flawless Sabrina (1939 – 2017) performer, organizer of the pioneering drag pageants in the 1960s, including the 1967 final which was filmed as The Queen, which went to the Cannes film festival and made a star of Rachael Harlow.

Marissa Sherrill Lynn (1942 – 2017) activist, founder of Tiffany Club, IFGE.

Diane/Danny Torr (1948 – 2017) gender performer, author of Sex, Drag and Male Roles, 2010, with Johhny Science did drag king workshops to train women to pass as men.

Holly Boswell (1950-2017) early adopter of term ‘transgender’, activist.

++Ben Barres (1954 - 2017) neurobiologist who specialized in Glial cells, of pancreatic cancer.  

Mohammed Amin (1957 - 2017) a Pakistani ladies’ tailor working in Riyadh, Arabia, was arrested at a trans party and died that night in police custody.

Jenny Swift (1967 – 2016) on remand for murder, but in Doncaster men’s prison, by suicide.

Rowan Feldhaus (1967 – 2017) after winning a legal battle to change his name, died from complications after a hysterectomy.

Murder Count

Murders in the 12 months up to the Transgender Day of Remembrance. There 270 were recorded deaths this last year – plus many more nor reported, especially in countries were transgender is not recognized. However this is slightly down from the 295 in 2016. On the other hand, there was an increase in the US from 23 murders in 2018 to 29 in 2017 – almost certainly resulting from the change in the political climate. However Brazil, where 171 murders of trans persons were reported in 2017, has the largest count – and has more murders of trans persons than all the rest of the world together.

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