
22 October 2015

The Financial Times list of LGBT executives

The Financial Times has released its 2015 list of 100 LGBT Executives .   

It is no surprise that there are very few trans women – and no trans men at all – on the list.

4 Martin Rothblatt      CEO at United Therapeutics Corporation

61 Antonia Belcher      Building consultant

And in their Future Leaders  list:

7 Amy Stanning  Shared Services Director at Barclays Bank.

In 2014 The Financial Times List included

47 Margaret Stumpp  at  Quantitative Management Associates, a subsidiary of Prudential Financial,

96 Isabella Segal   Senior partner at accounting firm, Nyman Libson Paul

In 2013 The First Financial Times List included

33 Margaret Stumpp


See also executives, more in the past than current, who have been featured on this site.

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