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29 July 2015

30 trans persons in or from eastern Europe who changed things by example or achievement

  1. Franciszek Neugebauer (1856 – 1914) Polish author of seminal Hermaphroditismus beim Menschen. 1908, which is still untranslated. GVWW   PL.Wikipedia
  2. Ludwig L. Lenz (1889 – 1966) from Poznań, Poland, major surgeon at Hirschfeld's institute. GVWW   DE.Wikipedia
  3. Eugene de Savitsch (1902 - ?) St Petersburg-born author of Homosexuality, Transvestism and Change of Sex, 1938. GVWW
  4. Georges Zavitzianos (1909 – 1995) Greek psychoanalyst in Canada and then US, proposer of concept of homeovestism. GVWW
  5. Kurt Freund (1914 – 1996) Czechoslavak penile plethysmographer who emigrated to Toronto, and invented the binary made famous by Ray Blanchard. GVWW   EN.Wikipedia
  6. Aron Belkin (1928 - 2003) Soviet endocrinologist and psychoanalyst, who pioneered gender changes in the 1960s.  Obituary
  7. Viktor Kalnberz (1928 - ) Latvian surgeon, 1st ftm operation in USSR. GVWW
  8. Sava Perovic (1937 - 2010), Serbian sex change surgeon. YouTube
  1. Jerzy Kosinski (1933 – 1991) Polish novelist who wrote in English. Several trans characters. Discussion.
  2. Sanda Davis (1955 - ) Romanian now resident in Ontario, author of Am I a Man or a Woman? where "introjections", alternate identities, become the dominant personality. GVWW
  1. Corded Ware culture grave, 4500+BP apparently of trans woman. Newsarticle.
  2. Yelizaveta Petrovna Romanova (1709 – 1762) Empress of all the Russias from 1741, demanded drag balls at court so that she could transvest. GVWW
  3. Vasil Popovici (1815 – 1905) monk in the Orthodox Monastery at Țibucani in north east Romania. GVWW
  4. Felicitas Von Vestvali (1824 – 1890) from Szcsecin, Poland, actor of male roles in opera and theatre. GVWW

  5. Emil Vacano/Signora Sangumeta (1840 – 1982) Czech woman school-rider and a circus rider. Male novelist. GVWW
  6. Sandor Vay (1859 - 1918) Hungarian aristocrat and novelist. GVWW     HU.Wikipedia

  7. Mikas Karadzic (1862 – 1934) Montenegrin farmer, soldier. GVWW

  8. Michael Semeniuk (18?? - 1909) head waiter in Czernowitz, Austria-Hungary (now Chernowitz in Ukraine). GVWW
  9. Zaitzev (189? - ?) noted beauty, who frequented gay balls and private parties in Moscow and then Petrograd in the early years after the Revolution. GVWW
  10. Aleksandr Pavlovich (189? - ?) market trader in Astrakhan. GVWW
  11. Evgenii Fedorovich (1898 - ?) Soviet Agent. GVWW
  12. K (189? - ?) Kazan, Tartarstan, registered as female 1937 and removed from the military recruitment rolls. GVWW
  13. Tonë Bikaj (1901 – 1971) fought with Albanian partisans in WWII, later imprisoned and upset at being treated as a woman. Emigrated to Montenegro. GVWW
  14. Anton Prinner (1902 - 1983) Hungarian artist in France.  GVWW 

  15. Shura/Aleksandr Mikhailovich (1905 - ?) White Russian refugee in Beijing in 1930s, where her body masculinised (possibly Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) GVWW
  16. Zdenek Koubkov (1913 - ?) Czechoslovak athlete in 1934 Women's World Games, became a man the next year. GVWW

  17. Fetah Ejupi (1926 - ?) from 1944 in Yugoslav People's Liberation Army for 2 years before outed by a doctor. Then on village council. GVWW
  18. Jurgis Mačiūnas/George Maciunas (1931 – 1978) from Kaunas, Lithuania, moved to New York where co-founded the Fluxus art movement. EN.Wikipedia
  19. Holly Ahlberg (1934 - ) Photographer and artist from Latvia. GVWW
  20. Inna (1938 - ) Latvian engineer, 1st ftm surgery in USSR 1972 GVWW
  21. Desiré Dubounet (1951 - ) US fugitive in Budapest, LGBT activist, performer. GVWW 

  22. Paola Revenioti (1959 - ) Greek photographer, poet, activist. GVWW 

  23. Terzea Spencerova (195? - ) Czech author of Jsem trand'ak NewsArticle
  24. Anna Grodzka (1954 - ) Palikot Member of Polish Parliament 2011-5. GVWW     PL.WIKIPEDIA     Homopedia 

  25. L (1978 - ) Lithuanian who went to the European Court of Human Rights in 2006, where he won a ruling that Lithuania should recognise his gender. Lithuania chose to pay him €45,000 and not do so. GVWW
  26. Helena Vukovic (1972 - ) Serbian ex-army Major.   NewsArticle
  27. Rafalala (1982 - ) Polish artist, activist. GVWW    Homopedia  

  28. Masha Bast (198? - ) chair for the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights. GVWW

  29. Roman Sorokin (198? - ) Russian trans man, political refugee in France. GVWW
  30. Andreja Pejic (1991 - ) Bosnian-Australian model. EN.Wikipedia 

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