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12 December 2013

Some Events of the year 2013: Part 2: Persons.

Some events of 20122011, 2010, 2009, 2008.

This is just some of what happened in 2013.

Part 1: Organizations & Activists, Equal marriage, Other Legislation.
Part 2: Persons,
Part 3: Spouses, lovers and Family, Trans Kids.
Part 4: Political, Celebrities, Sports.
Part 5: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Imprisonment,Nemeses, Internet.
Part 6: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Legal, Obituaries.
Part 7: Dress Reform, Cis Surgeries, Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Performance.
Part 8: Art, Television & Radio, Adverts, Theatre, Cinema.
Part 9: Jargon, News Media, Journal.
Part 10: Archives, Books.

This is a general persons section. In additional there are sections below on transkids, trans and families, celebrities, show biz, political, sports, inmates, schools and universities, doctors, etc.
Audrey Mbugua has been to court seeking to get the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) to issue her with a KCSE certificate that reads Audrey and not Andrew.

Ngungu Nthungi – a Justice ruled that Nthungi's rights were violated when the police stripped her naked to ascertain her sex.

TDOR Zimbabwe remembered Naomi, AIDS activist who died in 2006.
Aiden Kaplan documented transition on Facebook.

Armani Nicole Davenport, Dallas, a performer known for giving silicone injections turned herself in Wednesday after one of her clients landed in the hospital.

Charlotte, US Army, not transitioning, outed by a colleague, NCO ignores fact as long as gender normative.

Christine Hayworth, Stonewall Veteran, destitute in Puerto Rico and taken to a shelter by anti-gay preacher.

Daytona Bitch fired as TD Canada Trust Pride drag queen after a 'blackface' performance.

Del is a student at Harvard Business School.

Denise Brogan-Kator, Michigan Lawyer.

Devon appeared on Katie show after being Homecoming Queen.

Domaine Javier suing California Baptist University after expulsion.

Donnie Collins – fraternity raised money for his top surgery

Elizabeth Tremblay, Maine, arrested for deserting US Marines in 1980. Then received discharge papers in female name.

Enza Anderson ridiculed at Toronto Airport.

Erika Falls & Liz Kandziolka featured in Idaho Statesman.

Jennifer Blair sued for right to free breast cancer screenings.

Jennifer Pritzker, Illinois, military and scion of wealth, announced transition.

Jodie Jones, Iowa City, won a civil rights complaint against sheriff's deputy who ordered her to leave women's restroom. More.

Kadin Henningsen, Jesse Krikorian, Duncan McCullough and Leiah Moser converted to Judaism while transitioning.

Kelly Hamilton, co-editor of Alive magazine, featured in St Louis Beacon.

Kristen Beck, ex-US Navy Seals, came out as trans, published an autobiography, was filmed wearing CND/peace/antiwar earrings, and badmouthed Chelsea Manning.

Lynn Conway. “Reminiscences of the VLSI Revolution: How a series of failures triggered a paradigm shift in digital design.” IEEE Solid-State Circuits,4,4, 2012.; "The Many Shaded of Out". Huffington Post, 07/14/2013. Also met Christine Burns, attended a White House reception and was featured in Windy City Times.

Mark Anderson/Sybil Barrington/Queen of Bermuda survived a car collision.

MoHagani Magnetek, Anchorage, ejected from bar after using ladies' room. Bar later apologized.

Morgan Wade, US navy diver, attempted to re-enlist without success.

Nikki Araguz married her second husband in Texas.

Nina Arsenault & Lexi Sanfino stripped on board a plane after inappropriate questions suggesting that they had been men.

Ophelia De’Lonta, serving a 73-year sentence in Virginia, won ruling that she should be assessed for gender change.

Rachel, Lou Reed's muse in the 1970s, is remembered.

Rohit Singh, Saskatoon, refused service at a bridal shop, which was later demonstrated against.

Rosie del Mar, 72, featured in The Advocate.

Sasha Fleishman was set on fire while sleeping on a bus in Oakland, California.

Savanna DeLong was dropped as a massage therapist at The Capital Club, Columbus, Ohio. The club pled no contest and paid a $1,000 fine.

Shannon Kearns ordained by Old Catholic Church.

Silas Hansen and his new name.

Sissy Goodwin, out transvestite in Dougals Wyoming.

Victoria Beltran, NY, arrested for phoning death threats to husband's mistress.

Vivian Diego, Hollywood, assaulted by 4 men who put her in hospital for a week. Two men later arrested.

Zoey Tur, Los Angeles helicopter-pilot-reporter, started transition.

US Changebacks:

Don Ennis, newsreader at ABC, announced start of transition in May, and in August, after a period of amnesia where he thought that it was 1999, no longer wanted to transition.

Philip Porter reverted after 32 years as a cheerleader and as a topless dancer.

Michael Wallent, Windows executive, after 6 years.
Arizona, in Israel, married a man who had left his previous wife and 3 children to be with her.

Israeli robber had his sentence reduced from 15 to 10 months because he needs to be kept in solitary confinement.

Joanne Leung, Hong Kong, now has a computing degree.

Lakshmi Tripathi met the Indian Women and Child Development Minister in January and demanded policies for the inclusion of transgender and gender nonconforming people, as discrimination against them encouraged atrocities on the community.

Marina, Israeli highschool teacher fired for talking about herself.

Maryani, Yogyakarta, performed the female Haj.

Mathira and her sibling Bakhsh, Rajgarh, Punjab, being denied their inheritance.

Pham Le Quynh Tram, Binh Phuoc, has had her female gender revoked for no good reason.

Sameer Neelam, fled from Hyderabad when outed as a trans man. Now in Bradford, UK.

Sanam Fakir, social worker in Sukkur,

Srinidhi, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, who has an MA in Business Administration, has opened a garment shop.

66-year-old Hong Kong man told by doctors that he is a woman. Actually he has Turner syndrome and congenital adrenal Hyperplasia.

24-year-old trans woman in Kolkata refused medical treatment.

W, Hong Kong, who completed surgery in 2008, granted right to marry her boyfriend, but they will still have to wait an extra year.

Yuval Topper-Erez, the first Israeli transgender man to get pregnant, now legally recognized as the baby's father.
Alexis, microbiology student at Leeds University, was shouted at and shoved in Student Union toilets. Security was called and supported Alexis.

Becci Allen, Exeter, 36, ex-football-hooligan, started transition.

Ben Smith wrote about transition in the Independent.

Bobby Barnes, Worcester, marrying his ex-babysitter.

Chris Wilson, Edinburgh, convicted of ‘obtaining sexual intimacy by fraud’, is now on the sex offenders register and facing jail time. Legal Opinion by Stephen Whittle.

Emma Chapman, Essex police, suing her force after having to come out because had male voice.

Fernanda Milan granted asylum in Denmark.

Helen and Felix Fenlon, a couple from Hull, together for 6 years, married and both transitioned.

Hinoi Tonkin, Middlesborough, lost 12 stone and is awaiting surgery.

Jamie Eagle and Louis Davies, students, South Wales, both transitioning.

Jenny Bowman sold her Cambridgeshire home to pay for facial feminization.

Joanne Cassar, Malta, finally allowed to marry.  ++ and awarded state honours

Katelyn Findlay, 18, convicted of robbery and assault.

Kirone McCaffrey's girlfiend paid for his breast reduction.

Katrina Harte, North Tyneside, phone payment of fine refused because she sounded like a man.

Kristina, from Lithuania, now in Germany, gave up her Lithuanian citizenship as there is no legal context in Lithuania to permit transition.

Lady Jane/Robert Clothier caught in a pedophile sting, sentenced to 26 months.

Laura Kate Dale was mocked and humiliated at an Xbox One Event in London.

Lewis Hancox, from My Transsexual Summer, reflects on the time since.

Luciano Lucia, Naples, testified at the Amanda Knox/ Raffaele Sollecito retrial that in fact it was her brother Antonio Aviello who killed Meredith Kercher.

Lucy Vallender, Wiltshire, ex-Army, now married Muslima.

Martina Castellana invested with a Cross of Malta.

Masha Bast, human rights lawyer, Moscow, made a public announcement that she is trans.

Nadine Williams, Neath, accused of rape.

Nathan Verhelst, used the Belgian euthanasia service to die after post-operative dissatisfaction.

Nemo remembers the 1960s.

Pammy Rose, finalist in Sunderland Echo Face of 2013.

Paris Lees, featured in Hate Debate on BBC Radio 1, number 1 in IOS Pink List and 1st trans panellist on BBC Question Time.

River Song barred from womens' toilets in St James shopping centre, Edinburgh. The same happened to Hannah Leith at the Paisley Centre.

Roman Sorokin, from Russia, sought political Asylum in France,

Sarah Baker, in Elmley prison, transitioned.

Scott McNally, London, accused of rape.

Stephanie Lowther, Middlesbrough, asked to be rehoused because of neighbours and told being trans is a lifestyle choice. However after a complaint the housing association organized diversity training and Stephanie was part of the program.

Stephanie Smyth, accused of being a witch and forced to leave Johnstone, Renfrewshire.

Treva Askey, after 23 years in army, transitioned and stayed with wife.

Vanessa Lacey, health and education officer for Transgender Equality Network Ireland.
Ashley Tonga success on X Factor New Zealand.

Julie, Samoan fa'afafine with world-famous rugby-playing brother.

Stephanie Dixon, beauty therapist, Christchurch, NZ, was losing clients as rumours of her past circulated, but after an article in The Press in April, her business went up.

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