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22 November 2013

23 trans persons in Brazil/Angola/Portugal who changed things by example or achievement

  • Nzinga Mbandi (1583 – 1663) ruler of the Ndongo who allied with the Dutch against the Portuguese. Nzinga wore male clothing and kept a group of men in female clothing. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA 

  • Domingos Rodrigues (1595 – 1621) Lisbon, slave dancer, executed on orders from the Inquisition. GVWW
  • Madame Satã (1900 – 1976) Rio de Janeiro drag performer, who served 27 years in prison. GVWW      PT.WIKIPEDIA

  • Tito Anibal da Paixao Gomes (1933 – 2007) from Madeira but lived in Lisbon,  fraudster. GVWW 

  • Laura de Vison (1939 – 2007) Rio de Janeiro teacher, transformista. GVWW    PT.WIKIPEDIA

  • Rogéria (1943 - ) Rio de Janeiro performer. GVWW

  • Jacqueline Galiaci (194? - ) 1st Brazilian to have gender surgery. GVWW   
  • Yeda Brown (194? - ) performer from Rio Grande Do Sul, muse of Salvador Dali. GVWW

  • Brenda Lee (1948 – 1996) from Pernambuco, but mainly in São Paulo. Sex worker, business woman, Aids activist. Human rights award named for her. GVWW    PT.WIKIPEDIA

  • Andréia de Maio (1950 – 2000) club owner, activist in São Paulo. GVWW    PT.WIKIPEDIA

  • Waleria Torres/ Martha C. Freitas (1950 - ) São Paulo, chemical engineer, sexologist. GVWW    PT.WIKIPEDIA

  • João W Nery (1950 - ) São Paulo, diving champion, psychologist, writer. GVWW PT.WIKIPEDIA 

  • Claudia Wonder (1954 – 2010) São Paulo activist, performer, writer. GVWW    PT.WIKIPEDIA

  • Katielly Lanzini (1961 - ) from Rio Grande Do Sul, sculptress, journalist, polital candidate. GVWW
  • Eric Barreto (1962 – 1996) Carmen Miranda impersonator. GVWW
  • Anderson Bigode Herzer (1962 – 1982) poet from Parana. His life was filmed as Vera, 1987. GVWW      EN.WIKIPEDIA

  • Roberta Close (1964 - ) Rio de Janeiro model and actress. GVWW    PT.WIKIPEDIA

  • Nadia Almada (1977 - ) From Madeira. Winner of UK Big Brother in 2004.  GVWW    EN.WIKIPEDIA 

1 comment:

  1. I can only imagine what they did in order to overcome the many obstacles placed in their way by society as they climbed the business ladder! A tip of my hat to all of them!

    And to you, Zagria, for bringing them to light!


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