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29 April 2013

Julian Schutting (1937 - ) academic, poet.

Jutta Schutting was born in Amstetten in Lower Austria. In despair at being female she attempted suicide at 16.

She trained as a photographer and then read history and German at Vienna University. From 1965 to 1987 she was a college teacher.

From 1973 Schutting was a published writer of prose, poetry and philosophy. In 1989 he transitioned to male. He did this to realize "Übereinstimmung mit meinem lebenslangen Lebensgefühl (my lifelong sense of life)“ and also said: "Ich werde ein bißchen mehr der Mann, der ich schon immer gewesen bin. ('I'm a little more of the man I've been always been)".

Julian has won several prizes for his novels.
  • Harriet Murphy (ed) Critical Essays on Julian Schutting, Riverside CA, Ariadne Press, 2000.
  • "Dichter Julian Schutting ist heute 75". NOE, 25.20.2012.

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