This site is the most comprehensive on the web devoted to trans history and biography. Well over 1700 persons worthy of note, both famous and obscure, are discussed in detail, and many more are mentioned in passing.

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19 December 2012

Some Events of the Year 2012: Part 3–Persons

Part 1: Organizations, Equal marriage.
Part 2: Other Legislation.
Part 3: Persons.
Part 4: Spouses, Family, Kids.
Part 5: Political, Celebrities, Sports, Festivals.
Part 6: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Imprisonment,Nemeses, Internet.
Part 7: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Obituaries.
Part 11: Bookshops, Archives, Books.


This is a general persons section. In additional there are sections below on transkids, trans and families, celebrities, show biz, political, sports, inmates, schools and universities, and doctors.

++ added later



Cleo K., Uganda, wrote an open letter to Parliament on her Facebook account.

Jacqui Louw, Durbanville, Cape Town, obtained court ruling from Home Affairs that her Identity Document should be altered.

Shafieka, Cape Flats, Capetown, Muslim mother of a 9-year-old boy had surgery at Groote Schuur Hospital.

Tiwonge Chimbalanga, of Malawi, now in South Africa, spoke out about her and her partner's arrest 2 years ago.

Wilson in Uganda.



Alice Miller, CIA, academic at Stanford.

Arin Andrews and Katie Hill, Tulsa, are a couple.

Ashley Ackley, who served with the US army in Iraq, was rejected when applied to join the Minnesota National Guard.

Barbra Siperstein, New Jersey activist.

Beth Scott, New Jersey, sued and obtained insurance coverage for a mammogram.

Bianca Feliciano settled for $10,000 and a pledge that the town of Cicero, near Chicago will adopt a policy to deal with trans people respectfully.

Brittany Novotny, attorney, selected by Oklahoma Magazine in its 40 under 40 series.

Bryn Kelly, New York, hairdresser, writer.

Charles Poulson, Iowa, graphic design, completing transition.

Chrissy Polis, Baltimore, a year after the beating.

Christie Ann Harvey, Oklahoma, obliged to go to appeal court to get her name changed.

Christine Radtke, Minnesota, sued her husband's health plan which had denied her benefits arguing that her marriage was same-sex. However Chief U.S. District Judge ruled that she was a woman under Minnesota law.

Colleen Francis, legally female, has created an understandable fuss at Evergreen College, Washington State, by using the sauna in the women's section of the gymnasium and exposing herself.
Connor Ferguson, Trenton, Ontario, was voted prom queen.

Dana Beyer, Maryland activist.

David Weekley, preacher at United Methodist Church, Oregon.

Dia Dipasupil has become a New York paparazzo.

Diane Wells, New York hereditary millionaire disturbs neighbors with her smoking and won't pay for repairs/ maintenance.

Domaine Javier, from California, was denied entry at Vancouver Airport because of an "m" on her passport and a dated photograph.

Eden Lane, television broadcaster, Colorado.

Gunner Scott, Boston, elected to Board of Corporators of Eastern Bank.

Holly Ryan, Newton, Massachusetts, appointed to town's Human Rights Committee.

Jay Kallio, New York, not told by his doctor that he had cancer and was denied treatment.

James Wilson, Massachusetts, charged with travelling across state lines for the purpose of coercing or enticing a minor to have sexual intercourse.

Jaslisa Griffin. Her boyfriend was attacked by a man who made homophobic comments after she used the women's toilets in a Manhatten McDonald's.

Jennifer McCreath, Newfoundland, delayed 90 minutes at US customs in Toronto, and had to pay $80 for having to change flights, because she has a M in her passport. After 'gender expression was removed from the Federal Trans rights Bill, she launched Trans Canadians Against Bill C-279. "If "gender expression" is not included, the bill should be thrown out completely".

Jessiah MacDonald charged $3,400 for hysterectomy in that Nova Scotia health insurance does not cover gender surgery.

Joy Ladin transitioned, marriage fell apart. Joy and wife Christine Benvenuto both wrote books telling it as they saw it. Ladin's friends objected to Benvenuto's account. Both books shortlisted for Lamda Literary Awards.

Kaitlyn Bogas, celebrity chef, Vancouver, lost her career by transitioning, is now head chef at a fishing lodge.

Kara Hayes (more), Ohio, has spent $70,000 to transition and to look like Britney Spears.

Kelly Worrall, Burnaby, BC, EA Sports video games, transitioned.

K.L. Successfully sued Alaska's Department of Motor Vehicles to change its policy requiring drivers to undergo complete gender-reassignment surgery to change the sex on their license.

++Kristin Paget, security specialist, ex-Windows, now at Apple.

Kylar Broadus, Missouri attorney, testified to US Congress re ENDA about how he was harassed out of his job.

Lana Moore, firefighter in transition.

Lance Hicks, Detroit activist.

Linda Martinez, Guatemala, is a male schoolteacher by day and a female sex worker at night.

Mandi McKee, Tampa, Florida, was a cis man until took anti-baldness medicine, Propecia. She is suing Merck, and appeared on Anderson Cooper's talk show. Video. The National Center for Transgender Equality condemned the appearance.

Maria Chico, California, meets her father after 30 years.

W Meredith Bacon, professor at University of Nebraska at Omaha.

Mia Macy, denied employment at the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives sued under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Mia Tu Mutch, San Francisco, honored for willingness to testify.

Monica Helms, Arizona, trans-military activist.

Nikki Araguz sentenced to 50 days for stealing a Rolox watch.

Nina Arsenault, and Barbie, both Toronto, in the news because previously short-term lovers of Luka Magnotta, who was accused of murder and fled to Germany.

Nong Ariyaphon Southiphong/Andy South (more) reality show contestant now living as female.

Paula Witherspoon, Dallas, at hospital with her husband, ticketed for 'lewd purpose' for using washroom in the intended fashion.

Riki Wilchins ponders the new transsexuals. ++Response.

Ronaldo Silva, Brazilian inmate attempted to escape in really bad drag.

Seamus Johnston and his wife Katherine Anne McCloskey, University of Pittsburgh, investigated re bomb threats.

Sean Chase, probably New York, wanted for mortgage scams.

Scout proposed to his girlfriend at US White House LGBT Pride Month event. Followed by hate emails.

Stevie Crecelius
, Denver, ex-cop in transition.

Tamsyn Waterhouse three-year campaign to remove extra psychological testing in US for trans pilots but not other pilots.

Tatiana Pineros, 34, head of Bogata's social welfare agency, with a $360 million budget and 2,000 employeees.

Tegan Marie Smith, was taken off her flight at Dallas airport, on a nominal charge of drinking, and interrogated about why she is trans.

Temmie Breslauer, New York, arrested in a subway station for illegally using her dad's discount card. Unlike other such miscreants she was asked about her genitals and chained to a fence for 28 hours. She is now suing.

Thomas Beatie, Arizona, mother of 3, cannot divorce his wife of 10 years because Arizona does not recognize 'same-sex marriage'.

Trevor MacDonald, 27, Winnipeg, has been nursing his infant son for 16 months, but was told by La Leche League Canada (LLLC) that he cannot lead support circles or serve as a breastfeeding coach because he identifies as a man, which goes against the organization's definition of motherhood.

Victoria Cruz, New York, awarded Justice Department's National Crime Victim Service Award.

Walt Heyer, changeback who would abolish the option of transition for all, was able to use the new California law removing the proof of surgery, to get his birth certificate returned to male.

Wayne Alan Cunningham, Nova Scotia, charged with confinement and assault, on the run, and later found dead in Ontario.

XY: successfully applied to have the gender designation on the birth certificate changeds.

Mother in Goiania, Goiás, Brazil, raised her daughter as a boy for two years before being found out.



Yuki Anma, Nagoya, has opened a group, a hotline and a dining bar.

Bharathi, 25, is now an Evangelical Church of India pastor in Chennai.

C., Hong Kong, sued Christian Zheng Sheng College for delaying her transition by 10 years.

D.K. Mersin, Turkey, has requested to the Directorate of Religious Affairs that she return to being a man.

Evie, Obama’s nanny while in Indonesia, 1969-71.

Fettan Ceyda, policeman in Istanbul, dishonourably discharged after being caught as trans prostitute.

Gabriel Paolo Diño elected chair of student council, University of the Philipines.

Qian Jinfan, (more) 84, calligrapher, in transition.

Leona Lo complained to bus company SBS transit after one of their drivers shouted ‘Ah Kua and adopted a woman’s gait as he “sashayed” past me’. The bus company announced that the bus driver ‘is deeply apologetic and we will be taking disciplinary action against him’.

Ramona, Philippines, interviewed.

Sittichai ‘Pond’ Suafug and Benhamaporn ‘Ben’ Rotjutakul are a couple, and able to legally marry in Thailand.

Swati Barua, Mombai, obtained court intervention as her parents threatened doctors and the doctors therefore require a court order.

W., Hong Kong has won the permission to lodge a final appeal against the law that bars her from marrying her boyfriend.

Yuval Topper, 24, gave birth in Tel Aviv.

Man, Osaka, registered as male under 2004 law, sued to be recognised as his wife's son's legal father.

Man with moustache in UAE arrested in drag in women-only park.

Two siblings (more) in Yunnan both had surgery with Dr Zhao Yede to become male.



Alex Kaminsky, (more) Berlin, in transition, supported by mother, but absent father requested that she be committed to Berlin's Charité hospital. The Kammergericht court ruled in his favour. Over 10,000 signed a petition in protest.

Angel Jordon, Carlisle, caught buying drugs.

Alexandra Svobodova, fake gyencologist, arrested, Bechyne, Czechia.

April Ashley, MBE for services to transgender equality, to be focus of the Homotopia exhibition in Liverpool.

Ashlyn Parram, Boston, Lincs, used Equality Laws to sit exams in girls’ uniform.

Cambell Kenneford, 16 Leighton Buzzard, is transitioning.

Charlotte Goiar, 39, won a ruling in the High Court that Galacian Health Service should pay for her to have genital surgery.

Connor McCormack/Aaron Lampard, Guildford, convicted of fraud and sexual assault.

Crystal Warren on front page of The Sun after admitting to sex with over 1,000 men.

David Mossey, 51, Plymouth, starting transition.

Diana, of the London Rollergirls was featured in a new video by the Pet Shop Boys.

Fernanda, a Guatemalan asylum seeker in Denmark, was placed in the men’s wing and raped, She fled and ended up in a brothel in Jutland, where she was found in a police raid, She was sheduled to be deported back to Guatemala, but her case was reopened at the last moment.

Foxy Roxy, ex RAF, gets 8 months for keeping a brothel.

Frances Harris 71 convicted of fraud, gets 15-month suspended sentence.

Gareth Williams, (more) the dead spy and maybe transvestite found in a sports bag. Inquest held, but questions not answered.

Gary Norton, Coventry, 75, ex-RAF, after 23 years as a woman, is attempting to return to being a man.

Georgia Ziadie caused a rumpus with her new book on the Windsors, wherein she suggests that Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon and her brother David were born to the family cook.

Giovanna Del Nord assaulted in a pub in Leicester.

Jane Fae, journalist. Featured in BBC documentary. Interview.

Jenny-Anne Bishop & Elen Heart two transitions, a marriage and a civil union.
Julia Griffiths.

Juliet Jacques completed transition, completed her Transgender Journey blog series in the Guardian (longlisted for the Orwell Prize in 2011), has a column in the New Stateman.

Karen Gale, forced out of the Metropolitan Police 27 years for wanting to transition is returning as a Special Constable.

Katharina, Germany, qualified IT specialist, cannot get IT work and is obliged to do sex work.

Lita. Deported from Sweden to Russia.

Luke Anderson winner of Big Brother contest.

Malene Lang Hansen, Copenhagen, was winning a pub competition for enhanced breasts when in the last few days a new women (who seems to be a stock photo) suddenly appeared and went into the lead. The apparent winner has never appeared in reality.

Monica (more), Antwerp, admitted being trans after 19 years of marriage and her husband is trying to have the marriage annulled.

Paul is said to be the UK’s first known male mother. His husband separated, after media hunt to find him. The Sun set up a special hot line phone number. Caroline Lucas, the Green Party MP for Brighton tabled an Early Day Motion at Parliament condemning the media’s attempts to discover his identity.

Paula Johnson, 63, has completed transition.

Paris Lees (includes interview audio) "has quickly established herself as an art reviewer and commentator on issues of diversity. Her writing has appeared in the Guardian and the Independent, in Attitude magazine, and in Pink News. She has regular columns in Gay Times and Diva. She has appeared on Radio One and BBC TV ... and acted as a consultant on several programmes about trans people. Most notably, she launched a unique magazine, META, earlier this year". Videos. Interview wuth Pink News.

Ria Cooper, transitioned socially in 2011 at age 17, has now decided to change back before surgery.

Roz Kaveney, Guardian blog. IOS Pink List, 65, first novel: Rhapsody of Blood.

Ruth Rose, Sussex, ex-RAF, surgery at 80.

Saralee Fisher, Tyneside, previously convicted of indecency, let off group therapy after transition.

Sandy Manley, 52, Southport, Lancashire, is transitioning.

Stephen George, then a woman in Broadmoor psychiatric prison, was one of the many abused by Jimmy Saville.

Italian police arrested 28 members of a prostitution ring that had brought trans women from Brazil and other South American countries.



Annabell Quor, 74 Otago, guilty of leaving her dog to die of heat stroke in car.

Aram Hosie and his wife Senator Louise Pratt.

Cate McGregor, Lieutenant Colonel, Order of Australia, senior political strategist, cricketer. Will continue in her job.

Heather Stokes, Adelaide, respected criminal barrister, reappeared in court after transition.

Josie Emery, 65, author of The real possibility of joy : a personal journey from man to woman.

Stephanie Dixon, 43, New Zealand having birth certificate problems.

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