
28 July 2011

Olivia Jensen (1943 - ) earth sciences professor.

Oliver Jensen did his BSc, MSc and PhD at the University of British Columbia. He became professor in the Earth and Planetary Sciences department at the McGill University in Montréal. He also married and had two children.

After five years of careful consideration, Oliver transitioned to Olivia in 1989, through the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry (now CAMH) in Toronto.

She is still teaching at McGill.

*Not the model.

1 comment:

  1. From myself regarding incorrect details...

    Born in 1943
    Consulted Clarke Inst. but didn't follow their transition model. Transitioned via the normally purely independent methods that were common for Montreal transsexuals in the '80s and '90s. That is, without compliance to any management models. Otherwise, the story is approximately correct.


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