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11 December 2010

Gene Armstrong (1898 - 1962) and Noel Armstrong (1900 - 1968)

Geneva and Nola of Anderson, Indiana, who had four elder brothers, were 33 and 31 when their mother died in 1931.

They then switched to dressing as men, explained that they had only recently learned that they were men, and that their mother, desperate for daughters, had raised them as girls. They asked a court to change their names to Noel and Gene.

++Gene married and became father to a daughter and stepdaughter.  He became co-owner of the local potato chip company.

++He died in 1964; Noel died in 1968.

  • “Miscellany, Dec 7, 1931”. Dec 07, 1931. Time.   Archive.
  • L.H.Hamsley. “Imposters in Petticoats”. In David O. Cauldwell (ed). Transvestism … men in female dress. New York: Sexology Corporation. 1956: 63.
  • "Gene Armstrong". Anderson Herald Buletin, Oct 23, 1962: 15.
Find a Grave(Gene D Armstrong) Find a Grave(Noel W Armstrong)

Thanks to researcher Kyle Phalen for finding the Find a Grave sites.

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