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15 October 2010

Angie Xtravaganza (1966 – 1993) sex worker, performer.

Angel Segarra was one of 13 children, of many different fathers, of an abusive Puerto Rican mother in the South Bronx.

At the age of 15 she was taking female hormones, courtesy of the quack doctor Jimmy Treetop, and presenting as female on Christopher Street. She was inspired by Dorian Corey, and lived for a while in the House of Corey.

At 16 she was a star at the voguing balls, standing out by her fashion sense, as opposed to the outlandish costumes of Corey and Pepper LaBeija. She won the prize for being the most convincing model.  She performed at Sally's Hideaway.

She lived by turning tricks and was the house mother for the Xtravaganza clan, being regarded as a mother by trans women and hookers several years older than herself.

Anji was diagnosed with Aids at the age of 25, and died of complications at the age of 27. Her ashes were sent back to the South Bronx, but under the name of Angel Segarra.



    1. Dear who ever the Hell u r sum of ur crap is true but others r here say my uncle YOGI aka titi Angie(who we respected and called titi angle til deaf) was our family we lived and experience the truth so focus on his drag life and not his personal life... here's a question where was angie buried????? Who was their???? Here's ur answer no 1 but us his real family and I say he cuz on his earn it reads angel segarra not angle extravaganza and who was by him when he dies???? My mother his baby sister and that BITCH of a mother whom u speak of did everything in her power 2 pay 4 his awake cuz his extravaganza family vanished but tats life huh

    2. do you know who represented your family at Angie's memorial?

  2. You don't seem to have much respect for Angie as you simply describe her as your uncle. My account is similar to the accounts in The New York Times, Open City, Wikipedia and Paris is Burning. Please explain how those four accounts are okay by you, but mine is not.

    1. Zagria!!! U didn't live with him we did!!We was around him offen we knew the truth,we blood!!!We have he's ashes he will forever remain with us!!! U as well as the rest will be story tellers.

  3. He's our blood u r not.. we lived,we share, we laugh n we cry together.U r just a story teller like everyone else!!!

    1. Angie is featured here, and in Wikipedia, because she is admired for her achievements despite her short life. Just what are you objecting to? If the account written above is wrong, what are the facts?

      Also I notice that you have not attempted to alter the similar account in Wikipedia. If the account is wrong, alter them in Wikipedia and post the true version here.

  4. zagria ur right! i will speak of the truth , once i found out how to go about it ... we loved him how he was n who he became... thank u

  5. Don't ever say i don't have respect for titi Angie You have no idea how i suffered at 13 at the moment i was told of his death... I knew Angel n Angie How he was born n who she became before death.... I sat by his bed in the hospital with my mother n aunt n cousins.... For you to speak of my grandmother like that is unbelievable she has 8 children including Angie... She raised 4 of her grandchildren n is a widow... i'm not only angry at your story but at every story that includes misinformation

    1. I would love to talk with you. I'm writing Angie's biography based on interviews I did with her.

  6. Angie was a legend and a superstar of the NYC underground Ball World. Your family should be very proud of her. Angie is one of the most respected icons of this scene and had a major influence on it.

  7. if her mother was always there for her, why was she treated like a slave by her? why was she forced to live on the streets? such a wonderful mother would have taken her child in, regardless of gender, and made sure she was safe from prositution and the harshes of the world. Instead, Angie's mother let her lead a life of homelessness and selling her body to feed her FAMILY of like minded people.

    Angie was more of a mother than her own mother. And a truly inspiring person. To go to such great lengths to be who you are meant to be, is admirable.

  8. Rest In Peace. You are loved and not forgottenđź’•


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