
19 September 2008

Lilo Wanders (1955 - ) travestiekünstler.

Ernst-Johann Reinhardt was born in Celle, Lower Saxony.

He became involved with gay theatre at Breman University. He was one of the founders of the famous Schmidt-Theater in Hamburg in 1988. There he developed the persona of Lilo Wanders.

Lilo had a successful program on VOX television from 1994-2004, Wa(h)re Liebe (an equivocation between true love/commercial love) where she hosted segments on all aspects of sex. She has appeared in theatre and in 10 cinema films.

She proclaims herself as gay, but has a wife, two children and a foster child, although for a while she and her wife lived in a threesome with a man.
  • Lilo Wanders. Tja, meine Lieben (Yes, my loves). Econ 1997.
  • Lilo Wanders. Wa(h)re Liebe – A-Z (True love for sale – A-Z). Heel 2001.
  • Lilo Wanders. Erotische Scharfmacher (Erotic Agitator). Europa Verlag Hamburg.
  • “Ernie Reinhardt”. Wikipedia: Die freie Enzyklopaedie.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10/4/10 05:50

    Although I'm a straight man, I found Lilo Wanders to be a very professional TV figure. The Wa(h)re Liebe show was extremely interesting and also very humorous too. I wish her/his..LOL show could have been aired on USA television. But I had the privilege to live in Germany for 13 years and when ever I got the opportunity to see this show, I would always tune in. Lilo Rocks!!!!


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