
25 June 2008

Nadia Brönimann (1969 - ) travestie-dancer, steward, butler, performer.

Christian Brönimann was born in Memmingen, (map) West Germany. He was adopted by a Swiss couple in 1975. He trained in hotel management.

From 1988-93 he was a travestie-dancer in Geneva, Berlin and Basel. In 1994 he was a steward on luxury yachts in the Mediterranean. Then he ran a sandwich business in Tauranga, New Zealand for a year, then returned to Switzerland as a butler to a woman billionaire.

Christian transitioned to Nadia with 14 operations in 1998. The health-insurance cost of these operations was reported in the press. She has published two books, been the subject of a television documentary, and has become a performer.

  • Nadia Brönimann & Danial J. Schüz. Die weiße Feder. Hat die Seele ein Geschlecht?. Bern: Zytglogge-Verlag 389 pp 2001.
  • Alain Godet (dir). Sex-Change - Wie Christian zu Nadia wurde, with Nadia Brönimann. Switzerland TV 53 mins 2004.
  • Nadia Brönimann & Alfred Wüger. Seelentanz: Ich folge meinem Weg. Zurich: Woa 256 pp 2006.

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