This site is the most comprehensive on the web devoted to trans history and biography. Well over 1700 persons worthy of note, both famous and obscure, are discussed in detail, and many more are mentioned in passing.

There is a detailed Index arranged by vocation, doctor, activist group etc. There is also a Place Index arranged by City etc. This is still evolving.

In addition to this most articles have one or more labels at the bottom. Click one to go to similar persons. There is a full list of labels at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar. There is also a search box at the top left. Enjoy exploring!

Navigating this Encyclopedia

The Gender Variant Who’s Who Encyclopedia has been going since 2007.  There are in excess of 1700 entries, and thus some navigation aids are required.

Ways of navigating:

a) Start with the most current and read each entry in reverse chronological fashion.  No-one is known to have reached the earliest entry this way.

b) In any search engine:   

“whatever” site:    

This is statistically the most common way, although not the most recommended.

c) There is a site search box at the top-lefthand corner, and another in the sidebar.   They work quite well, and may offer more than one article featuring your search term.

d) The Indices.  There are four.  By default you are in the “Main” mode.   See the Horizontal menu close to the top of the page if in a browser, or the drop-down menu if on a phone.  There are 16 other modes.   The first four after "Main" and "About Zagria" are Index, Cis Index, Media Index and Place Index.   These four are updated at the end of each quarter.  The first contains a list of all trans persons for whom there are entries.  They are sorted by occupation and/or avocation.   There is also a section on the different kinds of Changing Back; on traditional third gender roles, and on other groupings (Pansy, Imperial Court, Eurovision, Sexology Magazine, HBIGDA/WPATH, IFGE, Autogynephilia, HBS etc).   A Section on Legal Cases;  

e) The second index is of Cis persons who are found in our history:  doctors, lawyers, spouses, nemeses, etc.

f) The third index is media:  Books, Film and Television, Music, Untruths, Pictures, Lists.

g) The fourth Index is Place:  London, Paris, Casablanca, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Berlin, Moscow, Dublin, New York, Chicago, Baltimore, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Trinidad Colorado, Seattle, Portland, Atlanta, Toronto, Sydney, Buenos Aires, etc

h) Links.   Many of the articles have links to other articles.   This is probably the most fun way to navigate.  Just click on the link and go.

i) Labels.   Most of the articles have labels at the bottom.   Click on any of the labels to go to other articles with the same label.  In addition, if you scroll to the almost bottom of the right sidebar, there is an alphabetical list of all labels with a count of the number of associated articles.   Again just click and go.

j) Close to the top of the sidebar, under one of the two search boxes. there is a item, Popular Posts, which shows the most popular posts of the last seven days.

k) Below that is a Blog Archive.   This allows you to select a month and then the articles published that month.  If you have navigated in by another method, you will notice that this archive is open for the month  of the current article. 

If you are looking for a particular trans person, the first Index is the recommended approach.   Use ctrl-F, find in page. 

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