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29 December 2017

Trans in sports 2017

Aaron Stewart , 33, US soldier injured in Kuwait in 2015, who won eight medals including two golds Invictus as a woman at previous Invictus Games, competed at this year’s Invictus Games, Toronto as a man.

Alex Hahn, New Brunswick, played football at St. Thomas University in Fredericton last year, but now has dropped out to transition.

Chloe Psyche Anderson, 24, California, gave up on volleyball

Christina Ginther, 44, Minnesota, never played US football before, rejected by the Vixen team management despite a good try-out, but now accepted on Minnesota Machine .

Hannah Mouncey, 26, Australia, who previously represented Australia in men’s handball, denied a position in Women’s football.

Jacob Roy, 20, at University of New Brunswick in Saint John, dropped sports to transition.

Laurel Hubbard, NZ, 39, who previously held junior male weightlifting records, transitioned in 2012, won three women’s records in 2017, and will represent NZ.

Mark Beggs, 18, Texas, wrestling, obliged by state law to compete against girls, and won girls’ state title.

Pat Cordova-Goff, 17, California, accepted on girls’ softball team after passing of California’s A.B. 1266 law.

Pat Manuel, US boxer, reached Olympic Trials as a female boxer, transitioned 2013-4, 2016 approved by USA Boxing to fight as a man, now ready to fight at age 32.

Savannah Burton, actress from Newfoudland, competed for the 3rd time at the WDBF Dodgeball World Championships

Tia Thompson, 32, Hawai’i approved after three years by USA Volleyball to play in women’s division.

Tiffany Abreu, Brazil, who has 2 MVP awards for playing in men’s volleyball before transition in 2012. In 2017 she was authorized to play in women’s teams. Early 2017 played in a second divison team in Italy. Now signed a contract with Volei Bauru, in the Superliga.

Vanessa Sites, 31, Pennsylvania, roller derby player tried for Team USA

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