
13 December 2016

Trans & Intersex Sportspersons 2016

IAAF ruled that there to be no no restrictions on trans men in men's activities; surgery no longer required for trans women, but must demonstrate that testosterone level below 10 nanomoles per litre for at least one year.

Kristen Worley, cyclist, successfully challenged rule against artificial testosterone as her body does not produce natural female level.

Lauren Jeska, more former English Women’s Fell Running Champion 2010, 2011, 2012, British Champion 2012, stabbed Ralph Knibbs, head of human resources at UK Athletics, and 2 colleagues, apparently under fear of losing titles after being outed – this despite it being well-known in the fell-running community that Jeska was trans.

Lola Ryan, who rowed for Canada in the Pan American Games in the 1960s, is now teaching dance and theatre at the University of Ottawa.

Amelia Gapin on cover of Women’s Running.

Chris Mosier on US duathlon team, and in Nike advert, and featured in ESPN magazine .

Joanna Harper, runner and medical physicist, advisor to IOC, summarizes arguments re do trans women athletes have an edge. More    more

Caster Semenya became the first person to win all three of the 400m, 800m, and 1500m titles at the South African National Championships. On 16 July, she set a new national record for 800 metres of 1:55:33. The IAAF announced that Semenya was shortlisted for women's 2016 World Athlete of the Year.

Harrison Browne, National Women’s Hockey League player, has come out as trans.

Nattaphon Wangyot, competed in Alaska State Championships.

Ben Christiason, runner, Iowa, on high school men’s track team.

Schuyler Bailar, Harvard swimmer, on men’s team.

Jillian Bearden, cyclist, won women’s Tour de Tucson on first attempt. The Tour de Tucson featured 5 members of the Southern Arizona Gender Alliance (SAGA)/ Trans National Women’s Cycling Team – the first trans women team to be recognized by the IOC. One of whom, Anna Lisk completed the circuit is less time than when she was male 9 years earlier.

Mason Johnson, Quinnipiac University, Connecticut, will delay transition, and continue playing for women’s rugby team.

Catherine McGregor played in Women’s Big Bash Cricket League.

Rio Olympics

IAAF rules re maximum testosterone levels of 10 nanomoles per litre, apply for all female contestants. This rule is challenged and may lapse in 2017. Some cis women exceed this amount. “The IAAF said more than 30 female athletes had so far been caught up by the hyperandgrogenism regulation and that four had already undergone surgery and other treatments in order to lower their testosterone levels to what the IAAF said would qualify them as women. … it is not coincidence that all of the athletes who have so far been caught up in this issue are brown women from developing countries. Globe and Mail

Despite the supposed advantages that trans women have over cis women, they totally failed to qualify despite being permitted to do so. A few known or rumoured intersex (hyperandgrogenism) women did qualify, but only one won a medal.

María José Martínez-Patiño, CAIS, who was excluded from the 1988 Seoul Olympics after a sex chromatin test: “It’d be easy to believe because of the difficulties of that past that I would be opposed to any rules. That’s not the case. That would not be fair, not be ethical. I understand the positions of other people. I am in favor of rules.” She testified in favor of the IAAF’s upper limits before the arbitration court.

Opening ceremony hosted by model Lea T. ++and the German team was led in by Fabiola.

Caster Semenya won the gold medal in the women's 800 metres with a time of 1:55.28.

Dutee Chand, permitted to run under revised IAAF rules, but eliminated in first heat (50th out of 64).

Nothando Vilakazi, on South African women's football team, accused on social media of being a man.

It was reported in the Mail on Sunday that there were two unnamed trans women who have competed in a European championship, and were on the verge of being selected for the UK Olympics athletics team. “But worryingly for British sports fans, they have revealed they are so fearful of being exposed and ridiculed under the Olympic spotlight, they would ‘probably drop back’ if they found themselves in a medal-winning position”. If they were selected, it was not confirmed, nor were they outed. The story was based on statements by Delia Johnson, a diversity consultant for Trans In Sport, Northamptonshire Police and England Netball.

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