
13 December 2015

Some Events of 2015: Part 5: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Military, Cops & Firefighters, Conviction & Imprisonment, Homeless Shelters, US TSA, Nemeses

Part 1: Organizations & Activists, Equal marriage, Other Legislation.
Part 2: Persons, Changebacks
Part 3: Marriage, Lovers and Family, Trans Kids
Part 4: Politics & Government, Celebrities, Sports
Part 5: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Military, Cops & Firefighters, Conviction & Imprisonment, Homeless Shelters, US TSA, Nemeses
Part 6: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Legal, Deaths
Part 7: Autogynephilia, Drag, Butch, Dress Reform, Homeogender Surgeries, Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Music & Performance
Part 8: Internet, Art, Radio, Television, Adverts, Pornography, Theatre, Cinema
Part 9: Jargon, News Media, Journal Articles & Studies
Part 10: Archives & History, Books.

Schools, Universities & Colleges


Adriana Souza, 33, director of the General State School on Moreira Island, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul.

Amanda Swager, 32 chemistry teacher in Chino, California, raised male but female DNA, changed to female over a weekend.

Andrea Carolina, Mixed Secondary School No. 4, La Estancia, in Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico, dismissed at parents' demand, put to administrative work, but Court of Arbitration ruled that she should be reassigned back to teaching.

Camila Godoi, 43, São Paulo, dismissed by Colégio Cristão de Jundiaí, and from the secular Colégio Anglo-Jacareí on the same day.

Gayle Roberts, 1st teacher in Vancouver to transition in 1995, is now retired.

Jes Simmons, 61, has returned to academia after 18 years of discrimination.

Kai M Green, teaches queer studies at Northwestern University.

Karen Scott teaching in Yosemite, California High school.

Kath Khangpiboon was offered a job at Thammasat University, then the offer was retracted.

Lucas, elementary school teacher, Florida. One parent filed a complaint.

Luiza Coppieters, 36, taught philosophy at Colégio Anglo Leonardo da Vinci, São Paulo, transferred to admin work at ⅓ of salary, despite support of students.

Manabi Banerjee appointed head of the Krishnanagar Women’s College in West Bengal.

Nourhan, with 12 years experience of teaching engineering, was not allowed to continue at Al Azhar University, Cairo.

Rachel Tudor was terminated at Southeastern Oklahoma State University in 2011 despite a recommendation for tenure. US Justice Department filed lawsuit 2015 alleging discrimination.

Sandy Stone, 1970s pioneer, professor at UC Santa Cruz, interviewed. Part 2.

Sports teacher, Alexandre Lopes de Pádua Arsênio, 31, in Curitiba, Paraná, has been arrested for killing sex workers and trans women


Anamika at Indian Instiute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, wrote about herself in the campus newsletter.

Anindita Mukherjee asked the NALSAR Law University in Hyderabad to issue their degree certificate with the Mx honorific.

Chris Kean, lunchtime supervisor at a Cambridgeshire primary school starting transition. Headteacher arranging for pupils to take a presentation so that they understand.

Elliot Parrot, elected as Oxford University Student Union Trans Officer.

Jack Saddleback elected University of Saskatchewan Student Union President – the 4th aboriginal and 1st trans.

Maria Clara Araújo, one of 95 students allowed to use their real name rather than their birth name in applying for university in Brazil.

Patrícia Aguilera graduated from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina using her real name, not her birth name.

Sam Lillit, Melbourne, declared as gender-queer, uses both sets of toilets at school.


Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, Lancashire now offers a module, The Drag Kings and Drag Queens of Performance, given by Mark Edward whose drag persona, Gale Force, opened the Liverpool Homotopian festival in 2012.


Abigail Austen, UK Army transitioned in 2007 as Jan Hamilton, served with NATO as Austen, now lives in Liverpool.

Carla Lewis, discharged from USAF for 'mental disorders'. Photo wearing t-shirt with message “Transgender Veteran: I fought for your right to hate me” viewed online 15,000 times.

Denee Mallon, 75, Albequerque, ex-US Army, 3 ex-wives, 5 children, became 1st person to be approved for transgender surgery under Medicare.

Doga Asi Cevik ex-Turkish Army, trans activist, died from complications after transgender surgery.

Hannah Winterbourne, UK Army's TG representative, completed surgery.

Helena, Serbian army officer, told to resign, won a ruling from human rights that the army had discriminated.

Jennifer Long, after two marriages, and 29 years in US Army, transitioned.

Jennifer Peace, 30, US Army Intelligence officer, post-op but regarded as a man by Army and addressed as 'sir'.

Jolee Al-Villar, sued USAF Research Laboratory, Kirtland, New Mexico for compensation after bullying, and being forced out.

Landon Wilson, kicked out of US military.

Logan Ireland, USAF, attended LGBT reception at White House.

Marianna Lively, 17, who has not yet changed her documents, reported for conscription as is required for all Brazilians registered as male, and photographs of her and harassment appeared on social media.

Rae Nelson, Navy Reserve and Arkansas Transgender Equality Coalition.

Scachar, lieutenant in the IDF, is now a man.

Shane Ortega, 28, sergeant in US Army, bodybuilder, man for 5 years.

Sheri Swokowski, 64, in US infantry for 34 years, will march in Pentagon Pride.

Cops & Firefighters

Brooke Guinan, 28, New York fire fighter, directed FDNY's “It Get's Better' video.

Stephanie Robinson, 61, became a police officer after transition. “never felt like she was trapped in a wrong body “.

Tamil Nadu police now have 3 trans constables a trans sub-inspector.

Trans and intersex candidates deemed medically unfit to join the Berlin police force


Roman police arrested a gang of Argentinian and Roumanian gangsters who trafficked Argentinian trans women to Rome and controlled them by drugs and violence.

Conviction & Imprisonment


Mandi Camille Hauwert, guard at San Quentin State Prison.

An Arizona prison guard is suing the state Department of Corrections saying he has been the victim of discrimination.


Note: the UK prison guidelines state: “trans people should be located according to their lived genders as opposed to their legal ones”. This was ignored in the cases of Vicky Thompson, Joanne Latham and Tara Hudson.

Ashley Diamond, US Georgia, released after serving about a third of her 12-year sentence for burglary and other convictions, after Justice Department said officials must treat a gender identity condition just as they other medical conditions.

Bianca Sawyer, first pre-op trans inmate in British Columbia to be transferred to a women's facility.

Brendon Forrest, NZ, is suing for hormone treatment.

Chelsea Manning, interviewed by Cosmopolitan.

Dominique Gulley, 23, at Wisconsin's maximum security prison has sued officials there, claiming they are violating her rights by not allowing her to live as a woman.

Jade Follett, NZ, has been moved from Rimutaka Prison near Wellington to a women's facility after a protest group raised her plight in the media. She had made a written request 2 months earlier, but it was not processed when a staff member went on leave.

Joanne Latham, 38, sentenced for attempted murder, died in HMP Woodhill, Milton Keynes, a Category A male prison.

Katelyn Findlay, 21, found serving time in Scotland's Corton Vale women's prison 'hell'. Now out and working as a escort.

Ky Peterson, 23, US Georgia, is serving 20 years (with 15 in confinement) Pulaski State Prison, a women's facility, for the October 2011 involuntary manslaughter of his rapist, whom he shot in self-defense.

Mia Rosati, 59, California, won a ruling by Federal Appeals Court that her rights may have been violated.

Michelle Kosilek, 65, Massachusetts, lost again in her attempt to get transgender surgery while in jail, this time at the US Supreme Court.

Michelle-Lael Norsworthy released one day before federal appeals court was to hear her request for California to pay for SRS.

Mishelw Lojan, an Ecuadorian, was sexually assaulted in Westchester county jail, New York. Westchester will pay $65k in compensation.

MT, New York, was repeatedly repeatedly raped by a Rikers Island correction officer and jail officials did nothing to stop it.

Jesse Hawthorne, 23, Newport, Wales, convicted of sending revenge porn photographs of ex-girlfriend.

Sandy Brown, Baltimore, mistreated in Maryland prison of Patuxent, obtained a ruling against the prison staff.

Senthooran Kanagasingham, 41, convicted of manslaughter of trans lawyer Sonia Burgess, was found dead in her cell at the all-male Belmarsh Prison.

Portuguese Sofía Janeiro, 18, and the Spanish Alesandra Chanel, 36, were arrested at the Burj Khalifa metro station in Dubai accused of using a female toilet. Each has been sentenced to a fine of 2,000 dirhams (478 Euros). They could not afford this and are in Dubai's central prison. While they live and identify as women, their passports do not agree. Amnesty International has called for their immediate release.

Tara Hudson, 26, sent to all-male Bristol Prison until a fuss made in Parliament and in the press. Then transferred to Eastwood Park prison, for women, then released after serving half her sentence of 12 weeks.

Veronica Bolina, 25, stripped, head shaved, face pulverized by guards in Sao Paulo prison.

Vicky Thompson, 21, found dead in all-male HMP Leeds.

Asli A. a convict in Maltepe prison, Turkey, was granted the right to change gender following the issue of a doctor’s report stating the inmate had gender dysphoria

Trans woman arrested during Baltimore riots in April was compelled to remove her bra, and put in a male holding cell.

California prison system announces rules to get state-funded SRS: diagnosed with GD, lived as target gender for 12 months, expressed a desire for 2 years.

US Georgia: new policy that if an inmate is diagnosed with gender dysphoria, a treatment plan will be developed to address the patient's physical and mental health. The plan will take into account prior treatment but will also be reviewed and updated as necessary.

Ontario: More than 40 transgender prisoners have been jailed according to their chosen identity, rather than their physical attributes.

In the Resocialisation Centre at Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, evangelicals among the prisoners auctioned the trans prisoners. To end this practice, the authorities created a special wing for LGBT prisoners.

La Picota prison, Bogota, trans prisoners working together for more dignity, following the 2011 Constitutional Court ruling.

Adelanto Detention Facility in the Mojave Desert of Southern California, a private prison run by GEO Group. 92 national civil-rights groups sent a letter to President Obama on Monday urging him to halt an impending transfer of transgender detainees to this facility.

The condition of trans prisoners in la Unidad Penitenciaria 44 de Batán, Buenes Aires Province , were denounced by a Provincial Commission.

Homeless shelters

Activist Öykü Ay, Istanbul, organised a shelter for trans persons. 

Misa, refugee from Syria: “If it were not for the Trans Guesthouse, I would be on the streets now”.

Casa Ruby – run by Ruby Corado, Washington DC, for trans persons.

Shelter at Perry Township, Indiana, still puts tarns women in with men.

Washington DC, number of beds doubles ta LGBT youth shelter run by Ruby Corado.

US Department of Housing and Urban Development issued guidance calling for access to shelter and programs to be based on a person’s self-identified gender. PDF

US Transportation Security Administration

TSA using X-Ray security machines single out trans persons as 'anomalies'.

Shadi Petosky, flying from Orlando was delayed by TSA and missed her flight for having a body anomaly.

Jen Richards was harassed at Chicago Midway airport.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit issued an order in the National Center for Transgender Equality’s (NCTE) lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The lawsuit was filed in July 2015 against DHS for failing to comply with the Court’s 2011 order to create regulations for the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) use of full body scanners in airports.


2015 Michigan Womyn's Music Festival announced to be the last.

Acra Lee Turner, 60, Baptist pastor, claims gay, and especially trans people, are dangerous pedophiles, violent rapists and ‘sex offenders’. He, himself, was previously convicted of violent rape.

Erick Erickson, on Fox News, blamed the shooting by white racist Dylann Roof of 9 black church-goers on society's acceptance of trans persons.

Family Research Council issued Understanding and Responding to the Transgender Movement, PDF. “There is no rational or compassionate reason to affirm a distorted psychological self-concept that one’s “gender identity” is different from one’s biological sex.”

Franklin Graham joined the 'bathroom panic' hysteria.

Jennifer LeClaire, senior editor on Christian news outlet, Charisma, blames Satan for rise in trans acceptance.

Germaine Greer still refuses to be polite about trans persons, and despite a petition against it, she gave a lecture at Cardiff University

Linda Harvey: “Demonic spirits are hard at work in the souls of many confused, defenseless children, seducing them to embrace nightmares of mutilated identity and dehumanizing sexual practices…”

Lynn Baker/Dirt has been featuring articles about trans persons (mainly trans men) who develop illnesses. Dirt ascribes the problem to other-sex hormones. More More.

Michael Savage: “What is this, upstaging the other guy who is simply gay?” Savaged wondered. “This is how crazy this is becoming. It’s not cool enough now just to be gay and have a husband as a gay man, now you have to be a transsexual who cuts your schmendrick off and becomes a woman. I really don’t following this, it’s insanity. It’s the meltdown of an entire society, it’s insane.”
Eduardo Cunha, now president of Brazil's lower house, is blocking any pro-LGBT bills.

The US GOP/Republican candidates have vied with each other to be more homo/transphobic. Caitlyn Jenner has announced that she will vote for one of them. More

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