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22 June 2015

Carol Anne Masters (1921–?) impersonator, model, actress.

Masters was dressed and treated as a girl until the 6th grade, on the pretence that every time that he wore trousers he got into a fight.

As a girl Masters had applied to act in the Hal Roach Our Gang comedies, and made the short list.

He served in the US Army during World War II where he played a female role in a few army shows.

Afterwards she lived in Los Angeles where she became known for cross-dressing at gay parties, and did some professional modeling and appeared in five films in small uncredited roles.

She came third in a beauty parade with 80 contestants.

She then became a professional female impersonator. She usually dressed as female outside work also.

At age 28 Carol wrote an autobiographical sketch for Sexology magazine, which was later reprinted in D.O. Cauldwell's Transvestism: Men in Female Dress, 1956.
  • Carol Anne Masters,. "Transvestite Confession." Sexology, xvii, 9 (April 1951): 567-76.
  • Carol Anne Masters. “Confessions of a Female Impersonator”. In D.O. Cauldwell. Transvestism: Men in Female Dress. New York: Sexology Corp, 1956: 85-92.
  • Vern L. Bullough & Bonnie Bullough. Cross Dressing, Sex, and Gender. University of Pennsylvania Press 1993: 244.

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