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05 July 2014

Nicole Dolder (195?–) software engineer, actor, director.

Raised in London, Dolder made a first effort at living as a woman in the 1970s, while working as an audio engineer, but was unable to complete transition.

From 1978 to 2012 Dolder worked for Hewlett Packard and associated companies as a development engineer and later as a software engineer. In 1979 Dolder gained a Masters in Electronic Engineering. In 1983 this involved a move to Edinburgh.

In 1998 Nicole started her transition, and she had surgery in Brighton.

She is interested in acting. In 2006 Nicole was co-founder of the Edinburgh theatre group, The Luvvies, and her first part was as Mrs Madrigal, the trans landlady in Tales of the City. In 2008 they presented her play Painted Eggs, based on her own experiences as a transsexual. She does the sound and lighting, and also has written, directed and edited several short films. From 2009 she has had her own recording studio.

Click here to watch a film by Nicole.    LinkedIn    FilmandTVPro    Patents

1 comment:

  1. Innovation, creativity and talent know no limits! Good for her!


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