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23 June 2014

Orlaith O'Sullivan (197? - ) writer, editor

O'Sullivan, born and raised in Dublin, completed a Ph.D. in Renaissance Literature at Trinity College, in 1997. She then became Curator/Cataloguer on manuscripts and early printed books at the Scriptorium/Van Kampen Collection in Grand Haven, Michigan which led to several volumes in The Bible as Book series.

In 2006 as part of becoming a full-time writer, Orlaith lived for some time on Madeira.

From 2010-2013 she was the Campaigns and Advocacy Manager for Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI), and edited two collections of writings by TENI members.

She has also compiled a bibliography of the Book of Common Prayer, and a bibliography of Robert Graves.

She was consultant editor for the first Time Out Guide to Dublin.
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