This site is the most comprehensive on the web devoted to trans history and biography. Well over 1700 persons worthy of note, both famous and obscure, are discussed in detail, and many more are mentioned in passing.

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17 June 2014

26 trans Latinas in the US who changed things by example and/or achievement

  • Clarabelle (18?? - ) queen mother of Los Angeles' Bunker Hill. GVWW
  • Geraldine Portica (189? - ?) from Mexico, chamber maid. GVWW 

  • Schlitze (1901 – 1971) from Mexico, carnie pinhead, film actor. GVWW

  • José Sarria (1922 -2013) of Colombian/Nicaraguan descent, caterer, performer, activist, founder of Imperial Court System. GVWW      EN.WIKIPEDIA 

  • Susanna Valenti (192? - ?) translator, broadcaster, femmiphilic activist. GVWW

  • Victoria Fenández (Vicki Starr) (1932 – ) from Puerto Rico, performer, archivist. GVWW

  • René Rivera (Mario Montez) (1935 – 2013) from Puerto Rico, actor in New York avant-garde films. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA

  • Nicole Murray Ramirez (194? - ) activist, Empress in Imperial Court System. GVWW

  • Christina Hayworth (194? - ) from Puerto Rico, soldier, Stonewall veteran, activist. GWVV

  • Holly Woodlawn (1946 - ) from Puerto Rico, actress, Warhol Superstar. EN.WIKIPEDIA
  • Sylvia Rae Rivera (1951 – 2002) of Puerto Rican/Venezuelan descent, Stonewall veteran, activist. GVWW   EN.WIKIPEDIA 

  • Lisa Carmelle (195? - ) from Puerto Rico, featured in Born a Man … Let Me Die a Woman. IMDB

  • Catira Reyes (Lady Catira) (1959 - 1999) from Puerto Rico, performer, pageant winner. EN.WIKIPEDIA
  • Ricardo (196? - 1995) from Cuba, sex worker, evangelist. GVWW
  • Mark Angelo Cummings (1964 - ) television personality, web broadcaster GVWW
  • Sophia Lamar (196? - ) from Cuba, performer, model. GVWW

  • Angie Xtravaganza (1966 – 1993) Puerto Rican mother, sex worker, voguing star. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA

  • Amara Vadillo (Sylvia Boots) (197? - ) from Cuba, porn star, convicted of murder. GVWW

  • Alexandra Reyes (1978 - ) Mayan, abused by family, finally accepted by US immigration. NewsArticle
  • Claudia Charriez (1982 - ) of Spanish descent, model. GVWW

  • Carmen Carrera (1985 - ) of Puerto-Rican-Peruvian descent, RuPaul Drag Race alumna, model. EN.WIKIPEDIA 
  • Gwen Araujo (1985 – 2002) murdered teenager. EN.WIKIPEDIA
  • Allanah Starr (198? - ) from Cuba, performer, porn star. GVWW    EN.WIKIPEDIA

  • Gia Darling (198? - ) from Guatemala, porn star. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA 

  • Bamby Salcedo (19?? - ) Los Angeles trans and HIV activist, featured in film TransVisible. GLAAD 

  • Harmony Santana (199? - ) of Puerto-Rican and Dominican heritage. Starred in film Gun Hill Road. EN.WIKIPEDIA 

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