This site is the most comprehensive on the web devoted to trans history and biography. Well over 1700 persons worthy of note, both famous and obscure, are discussed in detail, and many more are mentioned in passing.

There is a detailed Index arranged by vocation, doctor, activist group etc. There is also a Place Index arranged by City etc. This is still evolving.

In addition to this most articles have one or more labels at the bottom. Click one to go to similar persons. There is a full list of labels at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar. There is also a search box at the top left. Enjoy exploring!

29 December 2012

Some Events of the Year 2012: Part 10 - Jargon, News Media, Theses & Studies

Part 1: Organizations, Equal marriage.
Part 2: Other Legislation.
Part 3: Persons.
Part 4: Spouses, Family, Kids.
Part 5: Political, Celebrities, Sports, Festivals.
Part 6: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Imprisonment, Nemeses, Internet.
Part 7: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Obituaries.
Part 8: Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Music, Dance & Performance.
Part 9: Art, Television, Adverts, Theatre, Cinema.
Part 10: Jargon, News Media, Theses & Studies,
Part 11: Bookshops, Archives, Books.


Zagria's article on the Paris Prefecture established that 'transvestism' was in use a full century before Hirschfeld supposedly coined the term.

Some observations:

Increased usage of MAAB (male assigned at birth), FAAB, AFAB (assigned female at birth) AMAB.
Increased usage of SOGI (sexual orientation and/or gender identity), more so than of ‘sex and gender diverse" SGD.
'trannie' has largely lost its meaning as the umbrella word, although still used in that sense by older people. It is now mainly used by drag queens.
Associated Press is discouraging the use of the word 'homophobia' 'as it is not a medical condition'. They have not ruled on 'transphobia'.
The APA re its DSM has proposed to drop Gender Identity Disorder and use Gender Dysphoria instead. At least the bad word 'disorder' is gone, but remember that Norman Fisk proposed 'gender dysphoria syndrome' in 1973 to re-medicalize the concept as 'transsexualism' had by then lost its medical connotations.
'cis' is beginning to be used by cis people.

Magazines and newspapers:

Meta Magazine - produced by trans people for trans people


Afghanistan: Tahir Qadiry. "The Afghan girls who live as boys". BBC New Magazine, 27 March 2012.

Argentina: Emily Schmall. "Transgender Advocates Hail Law Easing Rules in Argentina". The New York Times, May 24, 2012.
Australia: Julia Medew. "Cross-sex treatment on the rise". Brisbane Times, May 21, 2012.

Bolivia: Lucas Waldron. "Transsexual in Bolivia ". Huffington Post, 10/31/2012.

Chicago: Lauren Everitt. “Store's specialty: transgender women”. Windy City Times, 2012-01-18.

China: Xu Jingxi. "In transition". China Daily, 2012-07-04.

India: Monalisa Das. "The big leap". India Today, February 23 2012.
Iran: Saeed Kamali Dehghan. "Iranian film shines spotlight on taboo subject of transsexuals". The Guardian, 2 November 2012.

Ireland: "They talk about gay or lesbian but never transgender". The Irsih Times, July 28, 2012.

Israel: Ofer Aderet. "Sex-change in Israel: Gender trap: The Health Ministry panel charged with approving sex-reassignment surgery has been slammed as non-transparent". Haaretz, 22.06.12. Online at:

Ivory Coast. Robbie Corey-Boulet. "Transgender Prostitutes Face Abuse in Ivory Coast". ABC News, December 10, 2012.

Kenya: Brenda Okoth. "Kenya: Gender Identity - the Other Sex, Part Three". AllAfrica, 29 November 2012.

Kuwait: "Kuwait continues LGBT crackdown, arrests transsexual man". bikyaMasr, 13 June 2012.
Malaysia: Liz Gooch. “Seeking the Right to Be Female in Malaysia”, The New York Times, Oct 5, 2012.
Nepal: Anjali Subedi. "Transgenders taking the pill to look beautiful ". Republica, Jan 24 2012.

New Zealand: Michelle Cooke. "Transsexual backs law change to alter her birth certificate". Stuff, 09/09/2012.

Pakistan: "Transgender Pakistanis face society's scorn". USA Today, November 9.2012.

Philippines: Sass Roganda Sasot. "Our Brave New World (A Five-part Series)", Outrage, Nov 21, 2012.,,,,

Thai women in Gulf States: Nantida Puangthong. "Transvestites, women warned against sex trade in Mideast". AsiaOne, Aug 25, 2012.

Turkey: Elif Shafak. “From homophobia to a moving apology in Turkey: As a groundbreaking film launches, Turkish attitudes to gay and transgender people are slowly improving – in the media at least”. The Guardian, 18 January 2012.

Winona, Minnesota: Alexandria Fisher. "Transgender: The journey to identity". Winona360, 03.08.12.

Wisconsin: Carley Rimkus. "The pieces of the identity puzzle". Royal Purple News, March 7, 2012.


"Mike Tyson sex change operation ‘a complete success’, say surgeons" Newsbiscuit, no date. This story was repeated as true by the Standard on Sunday (Zimbabwe), Spy Ghana and Zambia Watchdog.

Cheryl. “The Truth About The Gender Industry”. Cheryl’s Mewsings, Feb 26th, 2012.

Theses & Studies

  • Improving the Lives of Transgender Older Adults: Recommendations for Policy and Practice. Sage, 2012. Download. Newsarticle.
  • Silvan Agius & Christa Tobler. "Trans and intersex people: Discrimination on the grounds of sex, gender identity and gender expression". European Commission, 2012. Download.
  • Silvan Agius, Richard Köhler, Sophie Aujean & Julia Ehrt. Human Rights and Gender Identity: Best Practice Catalogue. ILGA Europe, TGEU, EU Directorate-General for Employment, December 2011. Download.
  • Gavi Ansara & Peter Hegarty. "Cisgenderism in psychology: Pathologizing and misgendering children from 1999 to 2008". Psychology and Sexuality, 3, 137-160, 2011. Download. Winner of the American Psychological Association Division 44 Transgender Research Award Prize. Abstract: "We assessed whether recent psychological literature on children reflects or contrasts with the zeitgeist of American Psychological Association's recent non-discrimination statement on 'transgender' and 'gender variant' individuals. Article records (N = 94) on childhood 'gender identity' and 'expression' published between 1999 and 2008 inclusive were evaluated for two kinds of cisgenderism, the ideology that invalidates or pathologises self-designated genders that contrast with external designations. Misgendering language contradicts children's own gender assignations and was less frequent than pathologising language which constructs children's own gender assignations and expression as disordered. Articles on children's gender identity/expression are increasingly impactful within psychology. Cisgenderism is neither increasing nor decreasing overall. Mental health professionals are more cisgenderist than other authors. Articles by members of an 'invisible college' structured around the most prolific author in this area are more cisgenderist and impactful than other articles. We suggest how authors and editors can implement American Psychological Association policy and change scientific discourse about children's genders.
  • Former military psychologist George Brown is preparing a study that shows that biologically male U.S. veterans are twice as likely as civilian men to identify as female and often decide to enlist to reassert their masculinity.
  • Andrew Cray & Kellan Baker. "FAQ: Health Insurance Needs for Transgender Americans". Center for American Progress, October 3, 2012.
  • Alice Dreger, Ellen K. feder & Anne Tamar-Mattis, “Prenatal Dexamethasone for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: An Ethics Canary in the Modern Medical Mine”. Bioethical Inquiry, 9, 3, 2012: 277-294.
  • Jaime M. Grant, Lisa A. Mottet, Justin Tanis with Jack Harrison, Jody L. Haerman & Mara Kesiling. Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of the Transgender Discrimination Survey. Washington: National Center for Transgender Equality & National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, 2012. Download. Newsarticle.
  • Jack Harrison, Jaime Grant & Jody L. Herman. "A Gender Not Listed Here: Genderqueers, Gender Rebels, and OtherWise in the National Transgender Discrimination Survey". Harvard Kennedy School's LGBTQ Policy Journal, 2,2012.
  • Michael S. Irwig, Anton Trinidad & Matthew St Peter. "Self-Castration by a Transsexual Woman: Financial and Psychological Costs: A Case Report". Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9,4, 2012: 1216-9. Health care costs associated with treating a patient after self-castration were almost four times greater than having an elective outpatient surgical castration. The patient presented to the emergency department and underwent a bilateral inguinal exploration, ligation and removal of bilateral spermatic cords, and complicated scrotal exploration, debridement, and closure. She was admitted to the psychiatric service for a hospital stay of three days. The total bill was US $14,923, which would compare with US $4,000 for an elective outpatient orchiectomy in the patient's geographical area. Abstract.
  • Worden wie je bent. about the situation of trans people in the Netherlands. Webpage.
  • Eurobarometer found: only 8% of people in EU know a trans person personally and a striking 13% have no opinion on the prevalence of trans discrimination (compared with 8% for sexual orientation). In some countries up to a third would not know. 45% of people in the EU believe trans people are discriminated. The report points out that those knowing a trans person are much more likely to be aware of discrimination on grounds of gender identity.

28 December 2012

Some Events of the year 2012: Part 9 - Art, Television, Adverts, Theatre, Cinema

Part 1: Organizations, Equal marriage.
Part 2: Other Legislation.
Part 3: Persons.
Part 4: Spouses, Family, Kids.
Part 5: Political, Celebrities, Sports, Festivals.
Part 6: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Imprisonment, Nemeses, Internet.
Part 7: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Obituaries.
Part 8: Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Music, Dance & Performance.
Part 9: Art, Television & Radio, Adverts, Theatre, Cinema
Part 10:  Jargon, News Media, Theses & Studies.
Part 11: Bookshops, Archives, Books.



The National Portrait Gallery has discovered that a painting they bought recently is not of the 18th-century cis-lady they thought that it was, but of the Chevalier d’Éon.

Trans Egeria. Paris 2011, Montreal 2012. Frédéric Fontan. Partial financing by Quebec government, sponsored by ATQ.

Christer Strömholm: Les Amies de Place Blanche. International Center of Photography, New York. May 18-September 2, 2012. Trans women Paris 1960s. There is an associated book.

Samantha Box: Invisible Youth. Photographs taken at Sylvia's Place in Manhatten of homeless GLBT youths.

Zachary Drucker, New York artist.



Accused. Episode 2.1 BBC “Tracie’s Story” . Sean Bean as Simon Gaskell / Tracie Tremarco. The tough-guy actor as a transvestite. IMDB. Newsarticle.

American Transgender. Leslie Schwerin (dir & scr).National Geographic Channel, May 1 2012. Newsarticle.

Amra Tomadery, a reality show for hijra on ATN Bangla.

"Paris Lees on BBC Breakfast". BBC, 13 Feb 2012, with Paris Lees and Livvy.

Cake Boss hired Carmen Carrera (ex-RuPaul's Drag Race) but only used her to flirt with a man who did not know and then fled in homo-panic. Carmen later objected vehemently.

Il commissario Montalbano. Episode 8.2 (RAI) 2.10 (BBC) “La danza del gabbiano (The Gull’s Dance)” Morgana Gargiulo as Giovanna Lonero. Entire. Two suspect are connected via Giovanna. BlogArticle.

Embarassing Bodies, 5,14. With Adele Deane, Philip Thomas, Consultant Urological Surgeon and Jeremy Clarke, Colorectal Surgeon . Channel 4 12 March 2012.

Enchanted Garden. With BB Gandanghari as a person with different genders in different dimensions. Philippines TV5 2012. BB Gandanghari's first major role since transition in 2009. Newsarticle.

Fatal Vows. Episode 1,3. "Secrets of a Dying Man". Investigation Discovery,
December 1, 2012. Angelo Heddington and Elizabeth Rudavsky. Entire.

Hit and Miss. Paul Abbott (creator) Sean Conway (scr) with Chloë Sevigny as Mia. UK Sky Atlantic 2012. A transsexual contract killer who discovers she has a child with her former lover. Newsarticle. Wikipedia.

Indonesia's Transsexual Muslims, with Maryani, Hannah Brooks. Vice, 7 Aug 2012. Entire.

Mother Truckers. UK Channel 4 9 Feb 2012. With lorry driver Vikki-Marie Gaynor and 4 cis women drivers. Newsarticle.

My Big Decision. Channel V, India, with Gazal Dhaliwal. Newsarticle.

My Dad is a Woman. Kim Duke (dir) with Jane Fae, Michelle and Phil Thomas, urological surgeon. ITV 45 mins 1 March 2012. Newsarticle.

The Real Housewives of Miami. Bravo Episode 2.11, Lauren Foster joined the fun. US Bravo 2012.

Ria: Diary of a Teenage Transsexual. Channel 4 12 June 2012. Documentary about life in Hull. Newsarticle, another.

Sons of Anarchy. Episode 5.5 “Orca Shrugged” Walton Goggins as Venus Van Dam. US FX 2012. Newsarticle.

A Transgender Life: Path To Personal Happiness. WUSA, Feb 14, 2012. With Consuella Lopez. Video & transcript Followup.

Transsexual Teen, Beauty Queen. Dab Murdoch (dir)With Jackie Green. BBC 3 57 mins 28 November 2012. Entire. Newsarticle on Jackie's mum. Newsarticle on Jackie.

Work It. Produced and written by Andrew Reich & Ted Cohen, with Ben Koldyke as Lee Standish & Amaury Nolasco as Angel Ortiz. US ABC 2012. A comedy based on the old-fashioned premiss of two cis men disguising as women to find work. Many GLBT groups complained about the insensitivity, critics panned it, and it was cancelled after 2 episodes.

50 Faggots. Randell Jensen (dir). Newsarticle. Trailer.


New electronic posters will scan your face to decide your gender and then show an appropriate advert.

Not a good year for sensitivity:

Libra Tampons in New Zealand. Comment.

Meteor WiFi in Ireland TENI complained to the Advertising Standards for Ireland which upheld the complaint.

Paddy Power bookmakers in UK & Ireland: Beaumont Society was consulted in advance, but the script that they saw was not the final version. BS did suggest that 'transgendered ladies' was better than 'transvestites'. Trans media Watch referred the advert to Clearcast who responded: “Clearcast has approved an ad for Paddy Power featuring references to transgendered people. Ads cannot be approved if they are felt likely to cause widespread general offence. In this case Clearcast took the view that the humour, while not to everyone’s taste, fell short of causing such offence. In reaching this view, Clearcast took into account the fact that the advertiser had sought a view from the Beaumont Society (a body run by and for those who cross dress or are transsexual) which did not find the script idea offensive. We regret any offence that may have been caused by this Paddy Power ad.” Research by Jane Fae.

Samsung Galaxy Tab in Israel:
Toyota in Japan

Proposition 5 in Alaska. and

On the other hand, this marriage equality advert in Australia won an international broadcast design award.

Then there are the Bearded Lady Bourbon adverts in Australia:


Adult Video News Awards finally agreed that the Best Transsexual Performer award will be featured on the same stage as the other awards.

Madison Montag nominated Transsexual Performer of the Year.


Aladdin: A Dream Come True at London's O2, 7/12/12-5/1/13. Lily Savage as Widow Twanky.

Boy in a Dress. Lajohn Joseph. 2012. Ovalhousetheatre. Newsarticle.

The Gospel According To Jesus Queen of Heaven. Jo Clifford. At the Brighton Pink Fringe.

Sex, Chips and The Holy Ghost. Jo Clifford. Opening play of 2012 “Play, Pie and a Pint” season at Oran Mor, Glasgow.

Tiffany’s Cabaret Show from Thailand, allowed to appear in Singapore. It was refused twice in 1980s because of ‘sensitive content’.

Torch Song Trilogy Revival at the Menier Chocolate Factory, London., directed by Douglas Hodge, with David Bedella as Arnold, and Sara Kesteleman as his mother.

TrAnnie – the Musical. Sydney Opera House, 6-23 December 2012. With Trevor Ashley, directed by Craig Ilott. Controversy. Trailer. Renamed to TrAshley at the last moment.

Transactivation. ONE national Gay & Lesbian Archives, Los Angeles, March 1,2012. With Heather Cassils, Zachary Drucker, Wu Tsang & Chris Vargas.

Director Phyllida Lloyd wants gender-blind casting to be legally required. She directed an all-female version of Shakespeare's Julius Ceasar at the Donmar Warehouse.

History of the Pantomime Dame. Presented by Michael Grade, with Berwick Kaler, BBC 4 19 December 2012 UK. Newsarticle.
  • Jo Clifford. "The Gospel According To Jesus Queen of Heaven. A personal history of a controversial play” in Ian Rivers & Richard Ward (eds). Out of the Ordinary: Representations of LGBT Lives. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Pub, 2012. (Jo performing is also featured on the cover).


Juliet Jacques. “Should trans screen roles be played by trans actors?”. The Guardian, 14 Jan 2012.

Zagria. “A partial list of trans women (and one man) playing trans in the movies.”

Kalki, writer, filmmaker and activist based in Chennai. She had played the heroine in the Tamil movie Narthaki, which highlighted the problems of transgenders.

Lana Wachowski put an end to rumors by appearing as herself in promotions for Cloud Atlas. She received the HRC's Visability award.

Ni'Erica Brooks, actress.

Ardhanari. Santhosh Sowparnika (dir) with Manoj K Jayan as Vinayan. India, in Malayalam 2012. Trailer. Newsarticle. A film abour hijras and kothis.

Common gender. Norman Robin (dir) Bangladesh 2012. Trailer. Newsarticle. Newsarticle. A love affair between a transgender person and a Hindu boy. A surprise hit in Bangladesh.

Crossing Over. Isabel Castro (dir) with Francis Murillo, Brenda Gonzalez and Abigail Madariaga. US, in Spanish 2012. Trailer. Newsarticle. Three Mexican trans women in Los Angeles filing for political asylum.

Facing Mirrors. Negar Azarbayjani (dir) with Shayesteh Irani as Adineh. Iran 98 mins 2011. Trailer. IMDB. Newsarticle. Best Performance at the Asia Pacific Screen Awards; Special Mention at the Molodist International Film Festival; Best First Feature at the Frameline Film Festival. A woman taxi driver and a trans man make a journey together.

I Am a Woman Now. Michiel van Erp (dir) with April Ashley, Marie-Pierre Pruvot, Colette Berends, Jean Lessenich, Corinne van Tongerloo. Netherlands 80 mins 2011. IMDB. Trailer. Review. The first generation of transsexuals who had their sex change in Casablanca back in the mid-1950s to 1960s take stock of their lives.

La Identidad de Justicia: Mujeres Trans en Cochabamba. Lucas Waldron (dir) Bolivia 14 mins 2012. BlogArticle. Full movie.

It Gets Better. Tanwarin Sukkhapisit (dir) with Nuntika Khampiranon as Tonlew and Penpak Sirikul as Saitan. Thailand 2012. The audience award at the closing of the first Hua Hin International Film Festival. IMDB. Newsarticle. Trailer. By the director of Insects in the Backyard. Saitan, a post-transsexual takes a holiday in the north; Tonlew is the driver at a Ladyboy club.

I Stand Corrected. Andrea Meyerson (dir), with Jennifer Leitham. US 2012. Trailer. Newsarticle. A profile of the jazz bassist.

Frankie Go Boom. Jordan Roberts (dir & scr) with Ron Perlman as Phyllis. US 2012. Trailer. Phyllis is a former inmate, now post-op. Review.

Kelly, James Stenson (dir). US 50 mins 2011. A documentary portrait of a troubled and struggling rural transgender teen in Los Angeles. Director interview. IMDB. Official Selection 2012 Slamdance Festival.

Go With Flo. Cary T. Cronenwett (dir), with Cary T. Cronenwett and Flo McGarrell. US 20 mins 2012. A profile of the sculptor.

He/She/He. Jill Peters (dir) . Newsarticle. Trailer. About the sworn virgins of Albania.

K-11. Jules Mann-Stewart (dir & scr), With Kate del Castillo as Mousey, Portia Doubleday as Butterfly. US 2012. IMDB. Trailer. Prison drama about the Los Angeles County Men's Central Jail .

En kongelig affære. Nikolaj Arcel (dir), Rasmus Heisterberg & Nikolaj Arcel (scr) based on the novel by Bodil Steensen-Leth, with Alicia Vikander as Caroline Mathilde Oldenburg, Mikkel Følsgaard as Christian Oldenburg and Mads Mikkelsen as Johann Struensee. Denmark 137 mins 2012. Caroline’s cross dressing is minimized. IMDB. Trailer.

Laurence Anyways. Xavier Dolan (dir & scr) with Melvil Poupard as Laurence, Suzanne Clément as Fred. Quebec 168 mins 2012. A literature teacher transitions. IMDB. Trailer. Un Certain Regard Award for Best Actress and the Queer Palm Award at the Cannes Film Festival. Best Canadian Feature Film at the Toronto International Film Festival. Laurence is a unisex name in French. Review.

Mayamohini. Jos Thomas (dir) with Dileep as Mayamohini. India 162 mins 2012. IMDB. Trailer. Full film. An abandoned husband hires a women to pass as his wife, who turns out to be a fugitive after evil businessmen killed his parents.

Musical Chairs. Susan Seidelman (dir), Marty Madden (scr) with Lavern Cox as Chantelle and Hedda Lettuce as Drag Queen 1. US 102 mins 2011. IMDB. Trailer. Ballroom dancing in New York. Review.

Pay It No Mind: Marsha P. Johnson. Michael Kasino (dir) with Marsha P Johnson. US 55 mins 2012. IMDB. Full Film.

Radio Wars. Sandra Mohr (dir) with Martine Rothblatt. IMDB. Trailer. Webpage.

Trans. Chris Arnold (dir), with Christine McGinn, Jamison Green, Masen Davis, Kim Pearson and others. US 2012. IMDB. Trailer. Newsarticle. Review.

Transgender Tuesdays: A Clinic In the Tenderloin. Mark Freeman & Nathaniel Walters-Koh (dir), with Veronica Klaus. US 2012. IMDB. Trailer. Webpage.

The Weight. Jeon Kyu-hwan (dir) with Park Ji-a as Dong-bae, and Jo Jae-hyun as Jung. Korea 2012. IMDB. Trailer. Queer Lion at the Venice International Film Festival. A hunchback funeral-home worker with a transsexual step sibling.

What A Drag. John Petti (dir) with Selena Hoe-Mez and Krystal Caring. Canada 8 mins 2012. Ottawa's drag scene. "They may not believe they're gay or feel they are gay but they are accepted, so they kind of latch on to doing drag so they can be the woman they want to be. And some of them move forward and get the breast implants and take the hormones. " Entire.

Zenne Dancer. Caner Alper & Mehmet Binay (dir) with Kerem Can as Can. Turkey 99 mins 2012. IMDB. Trailer. Newsarticle. Best First film at the Antalya Orange Film Festival; Best International Feature and Best Supporting Actor at FilmOut San Diego. A father murders his gay son. A secondary character is Can, a male female belly dancer.


Danny La Rue biography film announced. 

Dallas Buyers Club. Jean-Marc Vallée (dir) with Jared Leto as Rayon. US 2013. IMDB. In 1986 the AIDS drugs that worked were not legally available in the US. Newsarticle.

I Am Divine. Jeffrey Schwarz (dir) with Divine, John Waters, Holly Woodlawn,. US 2013. IMDB. Trailer.

26 December 2012

Some Events of the year 2012: Part 7–Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Obituaries.

Part 1: Organizations, Equal marriage.
Part 2: Other Legislation.
Part 3: Persons.
Part 4: Spouses, Family, Kids.
Part 5: Political, Celebrities, Sports, Festivals.
Part 6: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Imprisonment, Nemeses, Internet.
Part 7: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Obituaries.
Part 8: Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Music, Dance & Performance.
Part 9: Art, Television, Adverts, Theatre, Cinema.
Part 10:  Jargon, News Media, Theses & Studies.
Part 11: Bookshops, Archives, Books.

Doctors & Sexologists 


The American Psychiatric Association issued 2 position statements in August 2012: Comment.
Position Statement on Access to Care for Transgender and Gender Variant Individuals
Therefore, the American Psychiatric Association:
  1. Recognizes that appropriately evaluated transgender and gender variant individuals can benefit greatly from medical and surgical gender transition treatments.
  2. Advocates for removal of barriers to care and supports both public and private health insurance coverage for gender transition treatment.
  3. Opposes categorical exclusions of coverage for such medically necessary treatment when prescribed by a physician.
Position Statement on Discrimination Against Transgender and Gender Variant Individuals
Therefore, the American Psychiatric Association:
  1. Supports laws that protect the civil rights of transgender and gender variant individuals
  2. Urges the repeal of laws and policies that discriminate against transgender and gender variant individuals.
  3. Opposes all public and private discrimination against transgender and gender variant individuals in such areas as health care, employment, housing, public accommodation, education, and licensing.
  4. Declares that no burden of proof of such judgment, capacity, or reliability shall be placed upon these individuals greater than that imposed on any other persons.
Eight surgeries M->F have been done in Baku by Dr Jamal Azimzade at Azn 5,000 each (€ 4,900).

Clinic in Belgrade: Dr Miroslav Djordjevic now doing 100 gender surgeries a year for $10,000.

The NHS gender clinic in Devon has seen a six-fold increase in referrals in six years. Those "who undergo gender change seldom need to access mental health services afterwards, while those who do not have treatment are likely to need psychiatric help throughout their lives. Financially it's a no-brainer".

Iranian news services reported that from 2006-10, 1,366 Iranians acquired permits for sex-change operations. 56% were MtF. To obtain the permit, application must be made to a court, and the case is then forwarded to the state medical office for processing. Iran (75 million population) has an official estimate of 15,000-20,000 transsexuals, although there are unofficial estimates up to 150,000 (=1:500). Iran is second to only Thailand in the number of gender operations. The state has begun providing grants of €2,766 for the operation, and more for hormone therapy. It also provides loans of up to €3,380 for a trans person to start their own business.

Dr Jens Pilegaard Bjarnesen, Copenhagen, removed the breasts of a 15-year-old trans boy in 2011. The Sexologisk Klinik at Rigshospital, which does gender surgery for the national health service, insisted that the boy wait till he be 18. The health agency, Sundhedsvæsnet, has criticized Dr Bjarnesen for completely removing the breast tissue, an irreversible procedure, rather than performing breast reduction surgery, and for not conducting thorough enough psychological and sexological testing.

Dr Christine McGinn was featured in the film Trans, and on the Dr Oz show.

Dr Carys Massarella, McMaster University, Hamilton gives a great lecture.

Robert Spitzer retracted his 2001 study on gay cures. "In retrospect, I have to admit I think the critiques are largely correct," he said. "The findings can be considered evidence for what those who have undergone ex-gay therapy say about it, but nothing more." He said he spoke with the editor [Ken Zucker] of the Archives of Sexual Behavior about writing a retraction, but the editor declined. He did not retract his work pathologizing trans persons.

Sam Winter, Hong Kong University, threatened with losing tenure on becoming 60. He is on the WHO Working group revising ICD-11.

Norman Spack, (more) pediatrician & endocrinologist at the Boston’s Children’s Hospital.

Joel Frader would like to help develop a clinic for transgender children in Chicago.
The Society for Humanistic Psychology called for an independent review of DSM-5.

Dr Qazi Rahman assistant professor in cognitive biology and director of psychology programs at Queen Mary University of London thinks that he has replicated the dubious Bailey results that no men are bi and that all women are.

Dr Brian Grunau, Vancouver, ordered a pregnancy test for a trans man with a stomach ache.

The Canadian Pediatric Endocrine Group endorsed the prognosis that pubertal blockage can safely be initiated in pediatric patients who experience gender identity disorder,

The most detailed biography yet of Harry Benjamin, in 4 parts, by Zagria.

Medicine & Genetics


Living near a busy road may double the risk of autism.

“Male” DNA found in “female” brains.

Eunuchs outlived other men by a significant margin. is a small blog whose feminist author examines the major theories of biological determination of transness and finds each of them to be somewhat lacking.

  • William R. Rice, Urban Friberg & Sergey Gavrilets. "Homosexuality as a Consequence of Epigenetically Canalized Sexual Development". The Quarterly Review of Biology, 87,4, December 2012. Summary. Newsarticle.

The brain differences between conservative and liberal. This is a stronger difference than between cis and trans, or between straight and gay.

  • James Olson. The Whole-Brain Path to Peace: The Role of Right- and Left-Brain Dominance in the Polarization and Reunification of America. San Rafael, Calif: Origin Press, 2011. Newsarticle. "Heterosexual men and lesbians are generally dominated by the left hemisphere of the brain, which is committed to sequential, thought-oriented processes. And heterosexual women and gay men are much more likely to be dominated by the right hemisphere of the brain, which regulates feeling and cultural awareness." A revival of 19th century inversion theory. 

The US Food and Drug Administration admits that approved drugs kill 100,000 a year. More.

"Half a million Americans died and nobody noticed: Was the US drug Vioxx responsible for far more deaths than has been acknowledged so far?"

The toxic venom from the Russell's Pit Viper reverses puberty in 29% of those who survive the bite. But it also causes kidney failure and loss of mental abilities, and most victims die.



Cis persons


Helen Gurley Brown (1922 – 2012) through Cosmopolitan Magazine gave women some of the freedoms that only men had before.

Gore Vidal (1925 - 2012) author of Myra Breckenridge.

Adrienne Rich (more) (1929 – 2012) poet, helped Janice Raymond with The Transsexual Empire.

Ethel Person (1934 – 2012) psychoanalyst, proposed primary and secondary TSs, biographer of Harry Benjamin.

Concetta Finocchio Jorgensen (1941 – 2012) daughter of Joe and Eve Finocchio of Finocchio’s, San Francisco.

Jenni Rivera (1969 – 2012) Mexican-American singer, GLBT ally, in a plane crash.

Killed by a trans person:


Karima Gordon died after Tracey Lynn Garner gave her an illegal butt transplant.

Trial of Padge Windslow (Black Madam) for killing Claudia Aderotimi by silicon butt injection.

Donna Perry, held on an unrelated weapons charge, is now being investigated for the murders of 3 prostitutes in Washington state.

Trans Obituaries – other than being murdered


Guilda (1924 – 2012) performer who settled in Montreal.

Colette Berends (1934 – 2012) Dutch performer, beautician, artist.

Asha Devi (1943 – 2012) Kuala Lumpur matriarch.

Kiira Triea (1951-2012) intersex/HSTS activist, of cancer.

Sarah Kirsch (1970-2012) musician, from Fanconi Anemia.

Kyle Scanlon (? - 2012) Toronto activist, by suicide.

Alexis Rivera (1978 – 2012) San Francisco activist, of complications due to Aids.

Lorena Escala (1987 – 2012) performer of the house of Xtravaganza, died in house fire.

Murdered Trans persons


The Marsha P Johnson murder case has been re-opened,

“There is no safe city — there is no safe state — for transgender people in the United States,” Lisa Mottet, a co-author of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey.

"In a groundbreaking report released by the Presidential Secretariat of Human Rights (SDH-PR) in July,
There were a record total of 6,809 human rights violations against Brazilian LGBTs in 2011, including 278 homicides.
Widely considered to be one of the highest rates of anti-LGBT violence in the world, these figures prompted minimal reaction from members of the Inter-American community who routinely denounce similarly horrendous statistics, such as the outrageously high homicide rates in Venezuela and northern Central America.
Similar to these instances, an overwhelming 27.5% of the victims were between 15 and 29 years old, further surpassed by a dramatically high 50.5% of victims whom identified as transsexual or transgender.
While similar atrocities in the United States, Chile, and other countries throughout the Western Hemisphere have led to the creation of anti-hate crime legislation, no such effort has occurred under the Rousseff administration."

265 murders of trans persons were recorded in 2012, and many more died without being recorded. These are but a small sample.
Suzie Mort (1963 – 2012) Openshaw, Manchester, by couple who then collected her benefits.
Madonna (1973 – 2012) Aracaju, Brazil. Attacked by a group with cobblestones.
Brandy Martell (1975 – 2012) Oakland, California, while sitting in her car by a man who had previously tried to pick her up.
Julia Collier (1977 – 2012) from Russia, murdered by UK husband in Turkey (or maybe not).
Agnes Torres (1983-2012) Mexican activist
Braicy Mejía Valdera (1985 – 2012) in Lima’s prostitution area.
January Marie Lapuz (1986 – 2012) south Asian GLBT activist in Vancouver.
Serap Güneşer (1987 – 2012) sex worker, Antalya.
Tuğçe Şahingün (1988- 2012) murdered in her car in Izmir.
Thapelo Makutle (1988-2012) winner of the Miss Gay Makutle pageant.
JaParker Jones (1989-2012) stabbed by a stranger at a Washington DC bus stop.
Chrissie Azzapardi (1990 – 2012) Finsbury Park.
Coko Williams (? – 2012) East Detroit.
Axel Díaz González (1992 – 2012) beaten and stabbed by group of men in Estelí, Nicaragua.
Donta Gooden (1993 – 2012) Chicago.
Here is the best list of names for November 2011-November 2012:

Note the increase: 162 in 2009
179 in 2010
221 in 2011
265 in 2012
the majority from Brazil (126, 97 in 2011), Mexico (48, 23 in 2011), the USA (15, 9 in 2011), Venezuela (9, down from 14 in 2011), Honduras (8), Colombia (6, down from 19 in 2011), and Argentina (2, down from 9 in 2011), and In Asia most reported cases have been found in Pakistan (5), and the Philippines (4), and Turkey (5). The USA now has the 3rd largest total. Argentina had a very commendable 78% reduction.

Of course most countries did not supply data.

The outrageously bad Wikipedia page called List of unlawfully killed transgender people lists a total of 2 trans persons being killed in each of 2011 and 2012.

And also GLB persons have been murdered.

    24 December 2012

    Some Events of the year 2012: Part 8–Fashion, Pageants, Music & Performance

    Part 1: Organizations, Equal marriage.
    Part 2: Other Legislation.
    Part 3: Persons.
    Part 4: Spouses, Family, Kids.
    Part 5: Political, Celebrities, Sports, Festivals.
    Part 6: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Imprisonment, Nemeses, Internet.
    Part 7: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Obituaries.
    Part 8: Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Music, Dance & Performance,
    Part 9: Art, Television, Adverts, Theatre, Cinema.
    Part 10:  Jargon, News Media, Theses & Studies.
    Part 11: Bookshops, Archives, Books.



      Brazilian models:

      Homa Khakeeli. "Androgynous models who ignore the gender rules". Guardian, 25 November 2012.

      24 May 2012. The trans models were pulled from a fashion show at SM Mall of Asia for Philippine Fashion Week at PFW's insistence.

      Claudia Charriez, appeared at the trial of her ex-boyfriend who is accused of assaulting her.

      Connie Fleming on the cover of Candy magazine.

      Isis King in GLAAD-American Apparel campaign.

      Casey Legler, New York, is a female male model.

      72-year-old Liu Xianping, new androgynous supermodel.

      Lea T. First appearance after surgery.

      Felipa Tavares, model in Rio.


      Cis Portuguese underwear model, Renato Seabra, convicted in New York of killing and castrating his older lover.

      Beauty Pageants

      The Donald Trump owned Miss Universe & Miss USA now permits trans women as contestants.

      Olivia Culpo, the new Miss USA embraced the acceptance of trans women, and Sheena Monnin, Miss Pennsylvania USA resigned in protest. Miriam Quiambao, Miss Universe runner-up in 1999, tweeted her disgust.

      Jackie Green, Miss England finalist, profiled in BBC documentary.

      Jenna Talackova was rejected from Miss Universe Canada, but then accepted after media attention. She made the top 12. She was co-marshall of the Vancouver Pride Parade.

      Kevin Balot, Philippines, won the Miss International Queen in Pattaya. Photos.

      Laveleska Dredrish chosen as Miss Gay 2012 in Nicaragua.

      Marcelo Ohio won Miss Transsexual Brazil, the country's first transgender beauty pageant held 30 October in Rio de Janeiro. Photos. Video.

      Thapelo Makutle won the Miss Gay Makutle pageant, and later murdered.

      Miss West Virginia won Miss Queen USA at the Circus Disco, Los Angeles. (more)

      Music, Dance & Performance 


      Ai Haruna (more) featured in AsiaOne.

      Cindy Bullens, New England singer-songwriter, changed his name to Cidny and came out as trans.

      Eitaro, geisha dancer, Tokyo.

      Geo Wyeth, New York, musician and performance artist.

      Gotye declined to deny that he is trans.

      Harisu releases first new single for 6 years.

      Heather Cassils, performance artist and body builder.

      Huong Giang finalist in Vietnam Idol.

      Ian Harvie was interviewed by Lucas Silveira.

      Joe Stevens, guitarist with Coyote Grace.

      Kyaw, 106-year-old dancer, singer and widow addressed Burma’s first IDAHO.

      Kim Petras released Don't Wake Me Up on YouTube.

      Laura Jane Grace (previous known as Tom Gabel) of the band Against Me!, started transition.

      Titica, (more) Luanda, Kuduro's Dance Queen, and first international tour.

      Vaginal Davis, performer.

      Wang Maoli , opera performer, 1st surgical transsexual in Chongqing, and second in China, interviewed 21 years later.

      Jin Xing 1st US tour.

      23 December 2012

      Some Events of the year 2012: Part 6–Schools etc, Imprisonment, Nemeses, Internet.

      Part 1: Organizations, Equal marriage.
      Part 2: Other Legislation.
      Part 3: Persons.
      Part 4: Spouses, Family, Kids.
      Part 5: Political, Celebrities, Sports, Festivals.
      Part 6: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Imprisonment, Nemeses, Internet.
      Part 7: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Obituaries.
      Part 8: Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Music, Dance & Performance.
      Part 9: Art, Television, Adverts, Theatre, Cinema.
      Part 10:  Jargon, News Media, Theses & Studies.
      Part 11: Bookshops, Archives, Books.

      ++ added later

      Schools, Universities & Colleges


      Accrington: St Mary Magdalen's School primary school. Mr Upton will return as Miss Meadows.

      Camp Aranu'tiq, summer camp for transgender and gender variant youth.
      The University of Arkansas:

      at Pine Bluff: after complaints of discrimination, and a letter from the Department of Justice, Jennifer Braly allowed to use women's facilities.

      at Fort Smith (UAFS): Laura King's General Psychology course sessions with a trans student cancelled at last minute.

      Buenos Aires: first school for trans kids.

      Chelmsford: Teacher at King Edward VI Grammar School returned after transition.

      Concordia University, Montreal, students may use their chosen name on student ID

      University of Georgia: Professor of German, Max Reinhart arrested for trans prostitution.

      Giles Academy, Boston, Lincs, Ashlyn Parram, who has lived as a girl at home for two years, turned up for GCSE exams in girls' uniform, and was ejected until she printed off the section of the Equality Act and showed it to the headmaster.

      Harvard University Health Plan added genital surgery.

      Illinois, East Aurora School District set forth guidelines for transgender students to be treated according to their gender identity. The Illinois Family Institute is outraged. Then the School District issued revised policy against all bullying. In December the antidiscrimination committee was dissolved.

      Maryland: Trans student in suspended after defending herself.

      New Delhi: The Indira Gandhi National Open University welcomed the 'other category', ie hijra and trans.

      Oxford has removed its gender-specific dress code following a request from its LGBTQ Soc.

      Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburg introduced a policy that faculty and students must use the washrooms corresponding to the gender on their birth certificates.
      Later 2 students who had protested that policy were investigated re bomb threats.

      Rutgers University, haunted by a gay suicide two years ago, stepped up efforts for all GLBT students, and known trans students now expected and addressed in chosen name and gender.

      Stockholm school: gender neutral language is used, and boys and girls treated the same.

      Texas: Launched an LGBTQA program.

      University of Texas at Austin announced that trans student will be able to use preferred name on all university documents.

      Toronto school boy allowed to use boys room after 200 schoolmates signed a petition.

      Thammasat University: 5 trans students granted permission to wear female attire during the graduation ceremony.

      University of Victoria now had gender-neutral toilets.

      The Williams Institute and the UCLA School of Law now offers a LL.M. In Law and Sexuality including that pertaining to sexual orientation and gender identity.

      Zach Avery, 5, diagnosed by Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, her primary school was praised by Ofsted for how it handled her case.



      The first comprehensive history of Trans in Prison, in 6 parts, by Zagria.

      The first year of English and Welsh prisoners being located by legal gender rather than genital status. Non-imprisonment of convicted trans persons for that reason alone has stopped.

      Following a series of articles in the New York Review of Books, the US Justice Department revised its estimate of prison rape. The new estimate, 216,000 exceeds rapes outside prison. Thus the US is the first county to count more rapes of men than of women.

      Breanna Bradley Manning, still yet suffering cruel and unusual punishment in a US military prison, was nominated by members of the Icelandic Parliament for the Nobel Peace Prize. He was finally charged, and a preliminary hearing held. the trial is due in 2013.

      Carla Bruna, female impersonator, sued because put in female jail.

      CeCe McDonald (more) is serving 41 months in St Cloud men's prison, Minnesota for self-defense.

      Glen Cooper, Whangarei, NZ, sentenced to 2 years 1 month in a men's jail for wounding with intent to injure.

      Ophelia De'Lonta, in a men's prison, sued again to obtain surgery.

      Michelle Kosilek, Massachusetts inmate, won ruling to be provided with transgender surgery, but this was later suspended. However her lawyers were awarded $700,000 in legal fees. The team has offered to dismiss their request for legal fees if the state drops the appeal and pays for the surgery.

      Toronto Don Jail. Guard transitioning on job.

      Kingston penitentiary. Supply officer transitioning on job.

      Chicago Police Department's new procedures mandates that perferred names and pronouns are to be used, derogatory language not be used; transpersons are to be transported and jailed alone when possible; access to hormones to continue; possession of needles alone not to be taken as evidence of crime.

      England, Wales and Northern Ireland Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), after meeting with the National Trans Police Association, issued new guidelines that officers with a gender recognition certificate may carry out intimate searches of suspects of the same gender. When the police feel that they need to do an intimate search of a person who is possibly trans, the person is to be asked for their preference as to whether they wish to be treated as male or female, and failing that the lifestyle that they predominately follow is to be respected. As usual, the police are not to request an actual gender recognition certificate. Unfortunately the initial statement contained: the new guidelines would reduce the opportunity “for transvestite and transsexual detainees to attempt to ‘manipulate’ their stated sex in an attempt to embarrass and discredit the Police Service” - but this was quickly removed when questioned.

      Japanese Justice Ministry: Prisoners with GID can request a solitary cell, bathe alone, wear underwear and hair style of identity gender.

      Los Angeles Police announce separate detention facilities for transgender inmates.
      Tutwiler Prison for Women, Alabama. Equal Justice Initiative released a report on the frequent rape of inmates by the male corrections officers.

      US Supreme Court declined to hear Wisconsin's appeal of the ruling that struck down the Inmate Sex-change Prevention Act.
      • Nat Smith & Eric A. Stanley. Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex. Oakland, CA: AK Press, 2011. Review.



      Alan Chambers, President of Exodus International, declared at its annual meeting that there is no cure for homosexuality, and the promise of one offers false hope.

      Conway Hall, London, declined to host RadFem2012 in that it might contravene the Equalities Act. Sheila Jeffries article in the Guardian. Roz Kaveney's article. Both 29 May 2012.

      Dirt wrote an interesting essay on why she does not identify with RadFems.

      Germaine Greer was glitterbombed at a book signing in Wellington, NZ.

      John Derbyshire, a strident supporter of Michael Bailey and opponent of female suffrage, was fired from the conservative National Review after writing a piece that was too racist.

      John Mutoko, Zimbabwean gospel musician denounced homosexuality, racism and sex changes which he witnessed during his stay in the UK.

      Julie Bindel, in interview with Paris Lees, apologized for some of her written comments about trans persons. Video. This was denounced on Dirty White Boi and Gender Transder.

      Margaret Cerullo, a professor at Hampshire College, Massachusetts who has never written a book, thinking to support one trans woman whom she knows, demanded the suppression of the trans woman's wife' book even though she has not read it. With friends like this we don't need enemies.

      Maggie Gallagher was abandoned by a heterosexual male and left to raise their child alone. Hence she became the president and chairman of the National Organization for Marriage which opposes equal marriages and GLBT rights.

      Margaret Wente, Globe and Mail Columnist, Toronto, who endorsed Micheal Bailey and Alice Dreger, has been accused of plagiarism.

      Rob Anders, Conservative MP from Calgary West, who regards Nelson Mandela as a terrorist and suggested that the opposition leader accelerated his predecessor's death, put a petition on his website for his constituents to sign that claims that the trans right bill will give "transgendered men access to women’s public washroom facilities".

      Rosemary McLeod, Wellington, NZ, wrote 'Why I feel for the kids of ego-trippers', published in The Dominion Post about trans parents and refused to recognize their gender.

      Peter J Reilly. “Jill Stein And The Green Party On Protecting Female Only Spaces”. Forbes, 10/09/2012.


      Cesar Valle failed to appear at his trial for robbing a trans brothel and threatening to murder the prostitutes. A $1m warrent was issued for his arrest.

      Qasim Raqib, Detroit was given 25-40 years for mutilating Shelley Hilliard and setting her alight on the street.



      Rose White (Rxlx) attempted to re-introduce HBS to Wikipedia under the term Manifest Determination. White blamed ‘homosexuals at CAMH” for its removal. She also visited GenderTrender to inform them that “Lesbians must realise that everytime they put their tongue to another woman’s mouth or vagina they get some estrogen and it gives them the same dementia as Estrogen/HRT is know to do to menopausal women. This dementia and paranoia then outlets as man hating in general and transphobia in particular.”

      Donna Reiser, in her blog Purple Speaks, denied being Courtney Holder and wrote “this ‘Courtney’ person may have once been a real person but killed herself years ago since she got of being lumped with TGs and LGBTs”. Then Courtney wrote to Zagria using the pseudonym of ‘Purple’. Zagria replied that she was pleased to find that Courtney was indeed alive. ++In December Donna was quoted on Gender Trender. She did not like to be treated as she treats other trans women and be referred to by male pronouns. GT replied with a post on Donna, and Donna replied by making her blog private so that no-one can read it.

      Toronto trans porn star and activist Drew DeVeaux proposed the concept 'Cotton Ceiling' to explain the experiences queer trans women have with simultaneous social inclusion and sexual exclusion within the broader queer women’s communities. Basically, it means that cis queer women will be friends with us and talk day and night about trans rights and ending transmisogyny, but will still not consider us viable sexual partners. This was followed by workshop organized by Morgan Page: “Overcoming the Cotton Ceiling: Breaking Down Sexual Barriers for Queer Trans Women” as part of the Planned Parenthood conference at Toronto's Sherbourne Health Centre. Comments by Natalie Reed, Suzan Cook, CN Lester, Roz Kaveney.

      New blogs and Websites.


      Dylan, a University of Southern California student, has set up a tumblr website for US trans persons seeking accomodation.

      Jen created We Happy Trans.

      New Biography blog: Moje Transpłciowe Bohaterki - My Transgender Heroines 

      Buck Angel started a website for those who want to meet trans men.

      Gender Identity Watch. Radfem perspective with misgenderings, but a thorough list of US legal changes, with a few token entries for other countries.

      Apparently discontinued blogs etc (but some such do return after a break):


      TS-Si, the one-time HBS site that later renounced the label but retained a separatist tilt, has closed. was a forum where different members wrote biographies and histories about trans persons. In some ways the group was comparable to this blog. However it was a) designated an adult forum as if transgender were a sexual activity b) it was members only to prevent the public from reading it. It was active from 2002-8, and then activity fell off. This year the organizers decided that they really did not want to be read, and all lurkers (=readers) were purged. That reduced the membership to 2. The home page now says that the Group is being prepared for deletion.

      anger is justified

      Associacao das Travestis e Transexuais do RJ

      Bitterness Barbie

      The Gender Trust Blog

      Gender and Life's Paths

      Gender Reality

      Moving On Up a Little Higher


      Transgender Workplace Diversity

      Trans Universe


      TS/IS Liberation - author Dana Lane Taylor apologized. She now blogs at Interwebz.

      Blogs changed: 


      Riding the Second Wave announced that it has removed all trans themed blog entries and that transsexuals are not encouraged to read it.

      The Transexual Menace, like Women Born Transsexual, has become a general news digest, wherein it is difficult to filter out the non-trans stuff.

      Web Videos


      I am: Trans People Speak. A Project of Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition.