
01 June 2012

Vicki Marlane (1934 - 2011) performer

After being raised by alcoholic farmers in Minnesota, Vicki started as a dancer in a Minnesota gay bar in 1950. Vicki was then employed by Hedy Jo Star and toured the carnival circuit as a female impersonator. She also worked for a while as an alligator women.

She worked and was arrested as a call-girl in Florida. She toured nightclubs across the US sometimes using the name Mister Peel. Vicki settled in San Francisco and played a variety of clubs.

After surgical completion in the early 1980s she retired temporarily and went to live in San Diego with a friend. When the friend died she returned to San Francisco, where in 1998 she organized a show called Girls Just Wanna Have Fun who performed in the Tenderloin. This later became the The Hot Boxx Girls . She was known as the Lady with the Liquid Spine for her body flexibility while lip syncing.

In 2003 she was a Grand Marshall at San Francisco Pride. She performed at Imperial Court events and in Trannyshack. In 2009 she was named Best Drag Queen by SF Weekly, and a documentary, Forever’s Gonna Start Tonight, was made about her life and performance.

She died at age 76.

++In 2014 San Francisco renamed the 100 block of Turk Street after her.

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