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19 December 2011

Some Events of the year 2011. Part 1: Organizations, Legislation, litigation

Some events of 2010.  Some events of 2009.  Some Events of 2008.

This is just some of what happened in 2011.

Part 1:  Organizations, Legislation, litigation.
Part 2:  Persons.
Part 3:  Spouses and Family, Trans Kids, Political, Celebrities, Sports.
Part 4:  Nemeses, Internet.
Part 5:  Doctors, Medicine, Genetics.
Part 6:  Deaths
Part 7:  Art, Fashion, Music
Part 8:  Theatre & Cinema
Part 9:  News Media, Journals
Part 10:  Books.

Each year that I do this feature, it gets longer, partly because I know more places to look, but mainly because there is so much going on.  Good things, bad things.  Political, personal, media.  I try to gather them all together at year end.



Transgender and Intersex Africa – specifically for black persons, to deal with the inherited cultural problems of Africa.

Transgender Foundation, Kenya.

Exposures Festival, Edmonton. Carol D. Allan discussed her own struggle (and victory) with the Alberta Board of Education in the late1980s to continue teaching and expressed her disgust and disappointment that 20 years later, Jan Buterman (who was himself a part of the packed crowd) finds himself having to take on that same fight. Laine Mandlis’, a PhD student in the University of Alberta’s Department of Sociology spoke about the fight to remove gender identity disorder from the DSM. Lucas Crawford spoke about the complex relationships between identities like queer, trans and fat. Dean Spade spoke about the importance of questioning the social and political imperatives to “document gender” and the relationship between being able to prove one’s gender and citizenship

IFGE – no more annual conference
- Transgender Tapestry no longer published
- bookstore no more
- walk-in center in Waltham, Boston, closed
- webpage now requires a login.
- the separate Winslow Street Fund seems to have been raided for its money.

- Runs a Facebook news page.
Rikki Swin Institute. In 2000 the RSI purchased the purchased personal papers of Virginia Prince, Betty Ann Lind, Ariadne Kane, and Merissa Sherrill Lynn, and the next year with much fanfare those attending the IFGE conference were invited to an opening. In 2002, both the RSI and Ms Swin disappeared. The collection is now available as part of the University of Victoria Libraries, Vancouver.

Transsexual Menace was revived.

As there was no mention of transgender or transsexual in the 2011 Vancouver Pride Guide, Tami Starlite organized a separate Trans Celebration & Liberation March.

Genderqueer Chicago signed up local businesses to sign a pledge to keep their restrooms welcoming for people of all genders. Participants display a decal.

Silueta X, in Guayaquil, Ecuador; Diane Rodriguez fighting to changing gender on ID.

Sylvia Rivera Law Project did a teach-in at Occupy Wall St.

Transgender Health Empowerment runs Wanda Alston House, Washington, DC.
Trans Health Conference, Philadelphia.

LGBTA Youth Awards. Kim Pearson awarded Vanguard Award for her work on behalf of gender-variant youth and their families.

First TransFaith In Color Conference, Charlotte, NC, July.

Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund won the right to paid medical leave for facial feminization surgery.

Asociación de Travestis, Transexuales y Transgéneros de Argentina & Federacion Argentina Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Trans campaigned for the Ley de Identidad de Género with an excellent video.


Blue Diamond Society, Nepal, reports that of 200,000 transgender persons (out of 30 million) only 5 have obtained citizenship.

Samapathik Trust, Pune, Maharashtra, opened a beauty salon for trans persons.
TransFemale Association, Thailand, Sister’s Hand Project. Has obtained sponserships from the private sector, and is able to pay for gender surgery.

Arus Pelangi have gone to the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) re the murder of Shakira Harahap.

Gender Interactive Alliance explained that while the Pakistani supreme court directed the government to issue third-​gender ID cards in 2009, none have been given out yet. As a result, many transgender citizens lack any identification documents at all.

All-Pakistan She-Male Association welcomed the right to vote.

STP 2012. More

Trans-Aide accused the French minister for justice, Michel Mercier, of hypocrisy when he confirmed that the state will not recognise a change of gender identity without proof of “irreversible sterilisation”, in that France had supported Council of Europe resolution 1728 the previous year that sterilization was not required. They are continuing their struggle through the French legal system, which is the necessary precursor to taking the issue to the European Court of Human Rights.

Press for Change website is back up after problems.

WightConnect – a new group in the Isle of Wight.

TGEU has received significant funding from the Netherlands Government, and also from the Open Society Foundations.

TGEU, Interights and ACCEPT organized a Workshop on Transgender Rights in Central and Eastern Europe/former Soviet Union (CEE/fSU). “Recurring issues were absent or defunct gender recognition legislation; lack of knowledge by public officials. Medical specialists play a crucial role but expertise, facilities and treatment are rare. Given deficiency in funding and trans-friendly structures, support through having a trans community is crucial for trans people in the region”.

TDOR in Kiev brutally attacked.

The Independent on Sunday Pink List 2011 includes Sarah Brown, Christine Burns, Jay Stewart, Roz Kaveney, Bethany Black and others.

UNAIDS withdrew its funding from the Adi Senikau pageant in Fiji, which will now be the Yellow Tail Adi Senikau Pageant.

The Pacific and Asia Trans and Intersex Hui, Wellington, NZ, held ahead of the AsiaPacific Outgames.

OII: 14 days of Intersex.

Australian Mental Health, Human Rights and Law Reform Coalition gave its Bruce McGuinness award to Sally Goldner.

Equal marriage & civil unions

For a full history of the move towards equal marriage legislation see: This issue is important for trans people, especially in the US where upon widowhood or divorce, a trans person often finds that s/he has no legal standing.

The changes in what marriage is across time and cultures. Alternet, Nov 4, 2011.
Why rational conservatives would support equal marriage. New Statesman, 23 Sept 2011.

Why conservatives should welcome gay marriage. The Spectator, 5 Oct 2011.

UK Civil Union recognized as equivalent to marriage in Spain, but not in Canada.

Prime Minister Cameron on gay marriages. Even Conservatives are to the left of Obama on this issue. His proposal for a Tax Relief for married couples will include same-sex civil unions.
Brazil: Supreme Court voted 10-0 for gay civil unions.

California: three years after Proposition 8 removing equal marriage rights, the issue is still before the courts.

Delaware: approved Civil Unions.

Illinois: Civil Unions for both gay and straight couples.

New York: Senate voted 33-29 for gay marriages, and Governor signed the bill immediately.

Nova Scotia: Legally partnered same-sex couples in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, Canada, can now obtain a blessing from the country’s Anglican Church.
Rhode Island: Civil Unions for gay couples.

Louis Marinelli, formerly of the National Organization for Marriage, has changed his mind and is now pro equal civil marriage.

Suquamish tribe, Washington State approved same-sex marriages.

Ireland: Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010 came into effect

Lirchtenstein: voted 68% in a referendum for Registered partnerships

Scotland: consultation on whether to rewrite the traditional definition of marriage so that people of the same sex can marry found 60% in favour.

UK: the coalition government has stated that it intends for same-sex civil marriage to be legal in the United Kingdom by the next election.

Tasmania voted in favour of same-sex marriage, but needs federal approval.

Other Legislation, Litigation, other government and corporate actions, etc

UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution 23-19 calling for universal rights for GLB and T persons. The resolution was introduced by South Africa which was accused by Nigeria of “breaking the tradition of African group”.

After much talk, the Commonwealth failed to stand up for GLBT rights.

Argentina: - 2010 introduced equal marriages
- Security Ministry is allowing transsexual members of federal police and security forces to be recognized under the gender that they’ve adopted. The new ministry resolution also lets transsexuals wear the uniforms and use the facilities matching their adopted gender.
- by 167 votes against 17 and 7 abstentions, the Argentinian Lower House passed a gender identity bill. Under this law, trans people will be able not only to have access to gender recognition by a simple administrative procedure, without any kind of requirement, but also to hormonal and surgical treatments within the public health system with the only requirement of informed consent. To become a law, the bill has to be ratified next year by the Senate.

Canada: - a bill to add gender identity and gender expression into the Human Rights Act was passed by the House of Commons and was awaiting Senate approval when the election was called, and it died. It has been re-introduced by both an NDP and a Liberal MP, but is opposed by the ruling Conservatives.
Ontario. Despite Liberal Party support for adding gender identity to Canadian Human Rights Act, the governing Liberal Party of Ontario refused Parliamentary time to debate Toby’s Bill which would do the same thing in Ontario.
- London, Ontario: farmers' market that evicted a local candle and incense retailer because she had a transsexual clerk.
- Canada Border Services Agency issued a directive in August telling officers that transsexual and intersexed individuals can choose whether a man or a woman will search them.
Nova Scotia: fingerprinting required for all name changes except marriage, including gender transition and abuse victims.
Chile: the Movement for the Intergration and Liberation of Gay people (MOVILH the Chilean National Health Fund (FONASA) and the Chilean Ministry of Health (MINSAL) agreed a Gender Identity Congruency Protocol. Gender affirming surgeries and hormone replacement therapies will be like any other vital health service covered by the State.

- Bureau of Prisons. New rules permit a trans person not already on hormones to start taking them, and to live and dress as identity gender.
- Social Security Administration changed its gender notification policy to avoid outing workers to their employers. It had sent 700,000 no-match letters in 2010.
- State Department: further relaxed rules for changing passport gender.
- US Military: suspension of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell now permits openly gay and lesbians to serve, but trans persons still deemed unfit for service.
- Veterans Department: "Providing Health Care for Transgender and Intersex Veterans"
- American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators ( AAMVA ) recommended that transgender drivers be allowed to more easily change the gender markers on their driver's licenses.
Alaska: ACLU filed a lawsuit to the effect that denying the woman a license that accurately reflects her gender identity because she hasn't undergone surgery is unconstitutional.
California: - “gender identity and expression” added as a type of “gender” discrimination under the existing non-descrimination laws.
               - removed surgery requirement for revised birth certificate removed.
Connecticut: House of Representatives passed a bill to add “gender identity or expression” to its anti-discrimination law.
Illinois: A successful class action lawsuit was filed by the ACLU in that the state of Illinois refuses to change the gender on birth certificates of transsexual people unless they’ve undergone genital surgery.
           Cook County,announced new policy of jailing trans prisoners by gender identity rather than by birth sex.

Hawai’i: prohibited discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression as a public policy matter and specifically with regard to employment.
Maine: outlawed discrimination against transgender persons.
Maryland: House passed a bill give trans people protection from discrimination but it was quashed in the senate.
               -Governor quietly issued an executive order banning discrimination against transgender workers in state government.
                        - Transgender Equal Rights Act give trans people protection from discrimination in employment, housing and credit, but not ‘public accommodation’
Michigan: Two Republican state representatives introduced a bill Aug. 25
called the "Moral Values Bill" that would ensure no public funds could
be used to pay for sex change operations for prisoners.
Nevada: companies with more than 15 employees cannot discriminate against staff on the basis of their gender identity. They may demand appropriate dress codes and grooming standards for the individual’s preferred gender.
New York State: two trans women and one trans man are suing the city of New York over a requirement that they must have gender reassignment surgery in order to have their birth certificates changed.
North Caroline: Hospital Patient’s Bill of Rights now prohibits discrimination on basis of gender identity.
Ohio: Governor Kasich renewed executive non-discrimination order, but dropped gender identity and expression from it.
Oklahoma rejected possibility of revising birth certificates.
Oregan: - Portland: Adopts Trans-Inclusive Health Care for City Workers.
                 - Lamda Legal sued Oregan over denial of insurance for medical procedure for a state worker.

Philadelphia Transit Authority renewed its policy of gender stickers on its ‘trans pass’ and refused to consider the situation of trans persons.
Tennessee; Senate passed bill to ban all teachers in public elementary and middle schools from talking about GLBT subjects.
Texas: University of Texas in Austin has installed gender neutral toilets for trans and disabled persons.
Marriage laws :
               legal decisions in favor of James Scott and against Nikki Araguz.
                       A bill was introduced to remove proof of a sex change from the list of documents that can be used to obtain marriage licenses. While it cleared a Senate committee, it never made it to the floor.

                        A trans woman and a cis woman were able to marry.
Wisconsin: law banning hormone therapy for trans inmates struck down.
Vermont: clear statement in law that surgery is not necessary to update a birth certificate.
The Presbyterian Church (USA) now allows ordination of openly LGBT ministers, elders and deacons.
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) “will allow a transgender student athlete to participate in sex-separated sports activities so long as the athlete’s use of hormone therapy is consistent with the NCAA policies and current medical standards.”
Hong Kong: while transsexuals can marry as their acquired gender in China, Taiwan and Singapore, they cannot in Hong Kong. This was again confirmed by the High Court.

Malaysia: - High Court Judgein Taiping rejected application to order National Registration Department to alter gender on identity card of trans woman.
- boot camps set up and effeminate Muslim boys sent for physical education and religious classes.
           - The Women’s Minister described gay cure camps as traumatizing.

India: - Planning Commission taking input from Dalits, gays and lesbians and transgenders.
- Census: other category for transgender persons.
- Tamil Nadu: State government declared April 15, the date the transgender welfare board was set up in 2008, to be Transgender Day.
Nepal: census included third gender option.

Pakistan: - Supreme Court has ruled that Pakistanis who do not consider themselves to be either male or female should be allowed to choose an alternative sex when they apply for their national identity cards.
- Supreme Court ordered the election commission to collect data from the hijra community and register them as voters.
Thailand: PC Air specifically recruited katoeys.
Monks at Wat Kreung Tai Wittaya attempt to teach maleness too katoeys.
A court ordered the military on Tuesday to stop labeling transgender people as being mentally ill i
Turkey: Amnesty International report that the government has refused to back laws against discrimination and violence against GLBT persons and has allowed leading politicians to make explicitly homophobic statements.
- adopted a new set of asylum rules that include gender identity as a grounds for persecution. This applies to all EU Member States except the United Kingdom, which previously opted out of EU asylum policies.
- EU parliament voted for Human Rights for gays and trans people. A total of 586 MEPs voted, with 442 in favour, 104 against and 40 abstentions. Text of resolution.
- European Parliament has passed a resolution calling for WHO to stop classifying trans persons as mentally ill.
- Thomas Hammarberg, EU Commissioner for Human Rights, made a speech specifically on trans rights.
Finland: Transvestism is no longer a disease.

Germany: Constitutional Court declares compulsory surgeries unconstitutional. The plaintiff, a 62 year old transsexual woman, had acquired the so-called “small solution” with a name change, but not altered the civil status due to the requirement to undergo sterilization surgery. With a still “male” civil status she and her female partner had been denied the right to enter a registered same-sex partnership.

- report published by the Gender Recognition Advisory Group as a precursor to legislation which will be introduced next year. It will be similar to UK law.
- Louise Hannon, of Ireland, was awarded €35,000 after discrimination at her job at First Direct Logistics Limited.
- State paid for 14 sex-change operations over five years, mainly in UK
Italy: 2 law cases in Rome: sterilisation is not to be understood as a mandatory requirement for gender reassignment; a grant of gender reassignment in a case where the applicant eventually decided not to undergo gender reassignment surgery.

Lithuania: proceeds with plans to prohibit ‘medical sex change’. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe stresses that the proposal is an explicit infringement of the fundamental human rights, contradicting the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights which includes the right to sexual self-determination, as well as being at variance with the recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member states on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Malta:- trans man won right to have birth certificate altered.
- Justice Ministry has announced that it will simplify the process for transsexuals.
Netherlands: Human Rights Watch says that Article 28 of the Dutch civil code constitutes a violation of international human rights instruments by making recognition of gender identity conditional on medical intervention.

Portugal: after initial Presidential veto, Parliament confirmed the legislation, the President signed it, and the Gender Identity Law is now in effect. As Portugal has equal marriage laws, no divorce is required. There are no mandatory surgical requirements.

- coalition government rejected proposals to cover a minority of trans women who are not getting their pensionat the female age, but agreed to look at the matter further.
- New Police and Criminal Act Code of Practice: Annex F: Establishing Gender Of Persons For The Purpose Of Searching.
- West Berkshire: C. The Court of Appeal rules that her Primary Care Trust was entitled to refuse funding for breast implants.
- Equifax: where a person has changed his/her name but not (yet) obtained a Gender Recognition Certificate, both names are displayed to any enquirer about credit ratings.
- England & Wales: National Offender Management Service, Ministry of Justice: New prison guidelines for trans prisoners. Where to place a post-op without a Gender Recognition Certificate, a pre-op or a non-op with a GRC, a seriously committed pre-op etc. This is expected to end trans convicts avoiding prison because it is unclear where to send them.
- Home Office has begun a consultation on allowing an X on passports for trans persons.
- The Justice Minister has announced that the "starting point" for judges sentencing in disability and transgender murder cases was to double from 15 to 30 years.
- Equalities Minister has announced support for transgender pupils in schools, measures to tackle discrimination in accessing public services and greater steps to protect transgender people's privacy, including not having their transgender identity revealed at work without their consent.
Western Australia: two trans men who had been refused recognition as men by the state Gender Reassignment Board appealed and are now recognized.

Australia: Gender on passports may now be M, F or X.

1 comment:

  1. The world is fortunate to have trans-journalist Zagria so diligently research and archive trans folk history... long may she continue doing so...


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