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21 December 2011

Some Events of the year 2011. Part 3: Spouses and Family, Trans Kids, Political, Celebrities, Sports.

Some events of 2010.  Some events of 2009.  Some Events of 2008.

Part 1:  Organizations, Legislation, litigation.
Part 2:  Persons.
Part 3:  Spouses and Family, Trans Kids, Political, Celebrities, Sports.
Part 4:  Nemeses, Internet.
Part 5:  Doctors, Medicine, Genetics.
Part 6:  Deaths
Part 7:  Art, Fashion, Music
Part 8:  Theatre & Cinema
Part 9:  News Media, Journals
Part 10:  Books.

Spouses and Family

(We have several female spouses and lovers of trans men and trans women. But where are the male spouses and lovers?)

The wife of a self-declared Irish autogynephilic granted an annulment in B (formerly known as M) -v- L.   James Barrett of Charing Cross GIC, medical inspector, used an earlier report by Richard Green.

Andrea & Papi.

Danielle Brown and her father.

Diane and Lina

Fanny’s husband’s father transitioned at Stanford in the 1970s.

Helen Boyd is now a Lecturer of Gender and Freshman Studies at Lawrence University, and was awarded a Community Activist Award.

Nicola & Meg

Tomomi Sakura Osaka,

A grateful mother celebrates her son.

Trans Kids

“Children & Teens Caught In The Wrong Bodies”. Anderson, Season 1, Episode 48. Warner Bros. December 15, 2011. With Danann Tyler, Domaine Javier and Kyle Allums. Preview.

Transgender Kids. CBC, Oct 30, 2011. Complete.

I am Jazz: A Family in Transition. OWN, Nov 27, 2011

  • Wallace Wong. When Kathy is Keith. Xlibris, 2011. Newsitem. “He was inspired to write this book because many children he counselled had difficulty finding “things they could relate to” and their parents also had trouble finding books about these issues.”. 

Roberta Staley. “When boys would rather not be boys: Kids are being diagnosed—and identifying themselves—as transgendered younger than ever before”. Macleans, Aug 12, 2011.

Lornet Turnbull. “Kids challenge gender identity earlier — and get support”. The Seattle Times, July 30, 2011.

Fundamentalist Parents Who Have Attacked Their Own Gay/Trans Child.

“Born in the wrong body: how gender-identity issues affect children”. Irish Times, Dec 10, 2011.

“Children of 12 to be allowed gender drugs to prepare for sex change”. The Mirror, 10/04/2011.

“Some transgender youths look to black-market hormones”. AM New York, 4/5/11.

Kai Smith. “Supporting Transgender Children in the Primary Classroom: A Reflection”. Gender & Education Association, 16 Feb 2011.

“All Children Matter: How Legal and Social Inequalities Hurt LGBT Families”. Center for American Progress, Oct 25, 2011.

Trans Youth Family Allies YouTube Channel


10-year-old girlin Worcester was permitted to start new school year as a girl.
Alex at summer camp.

Cris Beam, author of I am J, mother to a trans daughter, and who spent years working with trans teens in New York.

Danann Tyler, featured in documentary ”Children & Teens Caught In The Wrong Bodies”

Hailey, featured in "Transgender Child: A Parent's Difficult Choice" on OWN.

Jackie’s 16th birthday present from her mum was a sex change operation.

Jazz - featured in the documentary.

Nicole, and her cis identical twin brother in Maine are going to school. She and her family were awarded by the ACLU.

Tammy, who has two mothers.

Tyler Littlejohn, New York,

A Mother’s Transition Story – in 3 parts.

A trans girl wanted to join the Girl Scouts which has caused confusion for the organization.

Sarah Hoffman and her son: “Because the problem ain’t Barbies. It’s bullies.”

Political Candidates & Parties

Anna Grodska, of Poland’s Palikot party, was elected to Parliament as a list MP.

Spain: Izquierda Unida-Verdes (United Left-Greens) proposed a bill to guarantee the rights of transsexuals.

Australia’ ruling Labor Party voted to support the introduction of equal marriage despite the opposition of Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

Brigitte Goldberg is the Avenir 2012 French Presidential candidate. Avenir 2012 grew out of Trans-Europe, but is not exclusively for trans persons.

Öykü Özen, who attempted to be a Turkish Republican People’s Party parliamentary candidate, and is head of Gökkuşağı Derneği (Rainbow Association), attempted suicide but was talked out of jumping from the fifth floor where Gökkuşağı Derneği is located, after a fight with her husband.

Shahana Abass, chairperson of the Punjab Shemale Protection Association (PSPA) hopes to run as a Pakistan Peoples Party candidate.

Swedish Christian Democrats voted to retain sterilization as part of a sex change.

Swedish Liberal Party to push for a removal of the requirement for compulsory sterilization for those undergoing a sex change.

US Democratic National Committee has elected Babs Casbar Siperstein to its executive committee.

Also: Openly gay Elio di Rupo now Prime minister of Belgium. The second only gay Prime Minister after Iceland’s Johanna Sigurdardottir.
Both Kalki Subramanian and Rose Venkatesan considered running, for different parties, in the Tamil Nadu elections.

Brittney Novotny ran to become a member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives. She received 35% of the votes in very conservative area.

Christin Milloy was a Libertarian candidate in Mississauga–Brampton South in the Ontario Provincial election.

Iowa Republicans: “We support an amendment to both the U. S. and Iowa constitutions that states that all marriages should be traditional one natural male and one natural female, omitting transgendered.”.

The Rashtriya Viklang Party in Uttar Pradesh has decided to field 50 trans candidates, including Shobha Bua for the chief ministerial candidate.

Also: Open Lesbian Ruth Davidson elected leader of Scottish Conservative Party.
Cities and towns
Bharathi Kannamma, computer programmer, ran for mayor of Madurai, Tamil Nadu.

Carla Antonelli was elected to the Madrid Assembly as a List PSOE member.

Carol Mapley, ex-cop, announced that she will be running for the Castle Douglas and Glenkens seat in Dumfriesshire in next year’s council elections.

Donna Milo ran for Miami City Commissioner.

Jenifer Rene Pool ran for an at-large position on the Houston city council.

Jenny Bailey, previously mayor of Cambridge, and her partner, Jennifer Liddle, ran for the East Cambridgeshire District Council.

Kamala Kinnar elected mayor of Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, in 2009 with a margin of 43,000 votes over nearest rival from the BJP. Two years late her election was declared "null and void" because the mayor's seat was reserved for a 'woman' belonging to scheduled caste category.

Katherine Haque-Hausrath, elected to council of Helena, Montana.

Marla Murphy, previously on Rapid City, South Dakota, council as Tom, ran again as Marla.

Sarah Brown is a Cambridge city Councillor, and on IOS Pink List.

Sandra Dunn came 3rd in mayoral contest in Amarillo, Texas.

Tony Briffa, previously deputy mayor, now elected mayor of Hobsons Bay, Melbourne, Victoria

Also: Houston Mayor Annise Parker re-elected to a second term.


Chaz Bono. His autobiography and a film on his transition were released; he was a competitor on Dancing with the Stars.

Stephen Beatty, son of Warren Beatty: "Chaz is a misogynist...This man doesn't represent our community. He especially does not represent those of us who are non-binary, non-op, women, or feminist men. Chaz needs to do some hard thinking about what it means to appoint oneself representative of a whole group without considering the desires of all the group's members."

Lady Gaga performs as Joe Calderone, and taunts fans by saying: “It’s not that I’ve been dishonest, it’s just that I loathe reality... The beginning of the story I never told you.”

Trans porn star Kayka Coxx calls cops on artist Allan D Hasty.

Peaches Geldorf talked about how she had dated a trans man.

Former New York Republican Rep. Chris Lee advertised for trans women on Craigslist.

Reality star, Kelly Osbourne ungraciously dumped fiance who was having an affair with a trans woman.

Liv Tyler taken for a transsexual. No big deal.

Sofia Vergara pleased to look like a transvestite.


Kye Allums, who continued playing on a womens’ basketball team before taking hormones, suffered a series of concussions, and had to stop participating.

The Chicago Outfit Roller Derby League now permits trans women to join.

Lana Lawless settled her suit against two golfing organizations that had barred her with ‘female at birth’ rules. They have now lifted the ban.

Chris Mosier, New York triathlon,

Samoa footballer Jonny Saelua part of American Samoan team in its World cup victory over Tonga.

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