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04 December 2011

Esdras Parra (1939 – 2004) writer, translator, painter.

Parra was born in Santa Cruz de Mora, Estado Mérida, Venezuela. He was a poet, essayist, narrator, translator and painter.

In the sixties he published novels: El insurgente (The Rebel),1967, Por el norte el mar de las Antillas (On the sea north of the West), 1968, Juego limpio (Fair Play), 1968. He was a co-founder of the magazine Imagen, where he was the editor for several years, and he was a major presence in the Venezuelan literary world.

After transition to female in Europe, Esdras was silent for many years, until she was awarded the Poetry Award of the Biennial Mariano Picón Salas of Merida (1993) with Este suelo secreto (This Secret Land), 1995. And she published two more poems: Antigüedad del frío (Seniority of cold), 2001, and Aún no (Not yet), 2004.

At her death she left several poems and unpublished texts and drawings.

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