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07 June 2011

Davide Tolu (1969 - ) writer, translator, activist.

Tulu was ejected from the women's toilets at age 14, and started using the men's. He spent time in feminist and lesbian organizations.

As David he published his autobiographically inspired novel Il viaggio di Arnold in 2000.

The next year, he founded Coordinamento Nazionale FtM, the first such group in Italy.

He has translated Leslie Feinberg and others into Italian. In 2004 he organized Feinberg's Italian tour, and was the author and director of One New Man Show, performed by Matteo Manetti. Until 2005 he was on the national council of Crisalide AzioneTrans. In 2008 he was co-editor with Buci Sopelsa of Tr@nscritti, a collection by trans persons, their spouses, family and friends.

He has also appeared in TransAzioni, 2004, by Mary Nicotra, Crisalidi, 2005, by Federico Tinelli and O sei donna o sei uomo, chiaro?, 2008, by Enrico Vanni.
  • Davide Tolu, with a preface by Iole Verde. Il viaggio di Arnold: storia di un uomo nato donna(The Journey of Arnold: Story of a Man born as a Woman). Roma: Edizioni Univ. Romane 292 pp 2000.
  • Mirella Izzo with Davide Tolu interviewed by Romina Tufts. “Tra uomini e donne non ci sono confine”. Gufetto.

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