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21 June 2011

Amadee Chatelle (187? - 1895) convicted of murder.

Amadee "had been a slave to an impulse to steal women's linen" since he was 13. For a period, he was incarcerated in a mental institution.

In 1894 he murdered a little girl in Stratford, Ontario. When arrested he was in women's clothes. This was taken to be an example of the new notion of sadism where lust and cruelty occurred together.

He refused all legal counsel, appeared to be delusional and only mumbles "Of such is the kingdom of heaven".

He was convicted of murder. Several prominent medical men swore affidavits that he was insane, that he suffered from Parathesia Sexualis. However this was rejected by the trial judge and later by the Dominion Cabinet, and Chatelle was hanged on 31 May 1895.
  • Martin Friedland. The Case of Valentine Shortis: A True Story of Crime and Politics in Canada. University of Toronto Press, 1986: 149-50.
  • Patrick Brode. Death in the Queen City: Clara Ford on Trial, 1895. Natural Heritage, 2005:60.

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