This site is the most comprehensive on the web devoted to trans history and biography. Well over 1700 persons worthy of note, both famous and obscure, are discussed in detail, and many more are mentioned in passing.

There is a detailed Index arranged by vocation, doctor, activist group etc. There is also a Place Index arranged by City etc. This is still evolving.

In addition to this most articles have one or more labels at the bottom. Click one to go to similar persons. There is a full list of labels at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar. There is also a search box at the top left. Enjoy exploring!

26 December 2010

Some Events of the year 2010: Part 3 – Internet, Sports, Medicine, Celebrities, Deaths

Part 2: Persons
Part 3: Internet, Sports, Medicine, Celebrities, Deaths
Part 4: Visual media
Part 6: Books


Confissões agridoces, previously a biography site, has become an advice site.

Dominic Scaia banned from Facebook in January after posting post-op chest photos. Facebook quickly backed down.

Yahoo group for mtf-ftm couples.

HBS International put a page on in January. It lasted less than a day.

Jennifer Usher threatened to sue transboutique for reproducing her logo.

Tran-Fried Fluff (HBS) blog was discontinued.

JoanneProctor HBS blog was discontinued, as was the New Zealand HBS site.

Jack Molay renamed his blog to Cross-dreamers.

Cassandra Speaks (HBS) blog was discontinued.

Diane Kearny’s HBS International site was discontinued.

TransBoutique was apparently discontinued in July but revived in December.

TransChristians was discontinued with the unfortunate death of Ephilei, its author.

Josef Kirchner complains about the article on this site, but only cites the comments by third parties.

Alice Novic. "Autogynephilia: An Illuminating, Gut-Wrenching Conversation with Ray Blanchard, Ph.D.". Crossdreamers. Oct 22, 2010. "Am I angry with Ray Blanchard? A little bit, for being such an old stick in the mud, because I think he could change his term for us without compromising his principles. He is no transgender activist, not even one bit. He has not given us useful slogans stamped with seal of science that we can take to our wives and our congressmen. But he is a scientist who has devoted a large chunk of his career to the rigorous study of us, a rather small, not terribly well funded group of people. And for that I am thankful, very thankful."

Intersex News Blogspot was discontinued in August. But see

Tracie O'Keefe declared 26 April as Sex/Gender Diversity Day. She also took a leaf out of the HBS book and condemned the usage of 'transgendered', using the same historically wrong claim that the word belongs to Virginia Prince. She proposed 'Gender Diverse' for the meaning that 'transgendered' usually has.

Before she took it down, Kay Brown's Transsexual, Transgender, and Intersex History was at Late in 2010 the menu portions of Kay's site have appeared at, but only the menu portions. Attempted click-throughs to the actual items do not work.

Renee Baker put up a one-country trans history blog without the courtesy of saying that it was limited to one country. She then apparently grew bored with the idea and discontinued. She puts Harry Benjamin and Janice Raymond together as a 'notable cisgender individuals'.

The Magazine Project was launched in October as a magazine for all LGBT women. In November it published two vehemently anti-trans articles, one by dirtywhiteboi and one by Bev Jo, and has published no pro-trans articles. It December it revised its remit and is now "an inclusive space for female-born lesbians only as we found it increasingly difficult to manage open discussions between female-born lesbians and trans groups".

Somebody in Indiana has visited Gender Variant Who's Who 91 times and always reads the review of Rose White's book and nothing else.

iPhone apps included Peekaboo Tranny (adds a Tranny to any photograph that you take) and an anti-gay marriage denunciation (now removed)


Bobbie Dittmeir, sportswriter.

Caster Semenya was permitted to return to international competitions in July, but was unable to participate in the Commonwealth Games due to injury.

Chris Tina Foxx, bodybuilder, transitioned.

Diane Neil, rugby player and landscape gardener, transitioned.

Kristen Worley, who had spoken out for Caster Semenya, visited India and spoke out for Santhi Soundarajam.

Kye Allums continues to play basketball for women's team until he starts testosterone.

Leyla Çalışkan, Turkish basketball scout and trainer.

Mikki Nicholson won the British National Scrabble championship.

Patti Dawn Swannsson, sportswriter.

US: Ladies Professional Golf Association voted to remove their 'female at birth' rule in the face of a lawsuit by Lana Lawless.

Doctors & Sexologists & Social Workers & Family

Draft version of DSM-5 published. Responses: OII. WPATH. Kelley Winters.

Aubrey Levin was arrested for sexually abusing a patient.

Bernard & Terry Reed of GIRES were given OBEs in the Queen's Birthday Honours list.

British Medical Association condemned reparative therapy.

Humboldt County, California, now has a transgender clinic.

Plastic surgeon, Mahmoud Eteifi, in Asyut, Egypt, was arrested for gender surgery on Norah Salah Salem without approval from the Ministry of Health.

Marci Bowers relocated her practice to San Mateo, California, following differences with the Mt San Rafael hospital in Trinidad, Colorado.

Pierre Brassard of Montreal became an associate of Satori World medical in San Diego.

Stan Lansdell, a social worker in Bradford, was struck off for shouting homophobic abuse at a 13-year-old trans girl.

Dr Dix P. Poppas has performed partial clitorectomies on young girls and then used a vibrator to test their remaining sensation.

Dr Maria New (previously associated with ISNA spinoff NATFI) prescribed dexamethasone to pregant women concerned that their child might be CAH, specifically to stop the daughter becoming lesbian.

**** Drs Poppas & New are proceeding in accordance with the guidelines associated with the Alice Dreger terminology of Disorders of Sex Development.

Medicine & Genetics

Lu’s Pharmacy in Vancouver ended its women-born-women policy, but even so did not have enough custom and closed in June.

Richard Albin who discovered PSA, said that it is pointless for all men and trans women over 50 to have frequent PSA tests for prostate cancer.

NHS West Kent ceased referrals for transgender persons, couple seeking IVF and gastric band surgery.

Research into pain: "Research with transsexuals fits better with scientists' understanding of hormones and pain. Among male-to-female transsexuals who take estrogen to enhance female sex characteristics, some studies have found that one-third develop chronic pain; among female-to-male transsexuals who take testosterone to enhance male characteristics, chronic pain improves."

BPA found on money and receipts.

The Estrogen Dilemma for cis women.

Are 25% of US cops doing T?

Oliver James. "Why genes are leftwing: The right loves genetic explanations for poverty or mental illness. But science fingers society". If genes cannot explain ADHD, why assume that they can explain gender variance.

Anne Moir who coined 'brain sex', says that brain sex is often other than body sex even in cis individuals.

Cordelia Fine. Delusions of Gender: how our minds, society, and neurosexism create difference. 2010 "Many of the studies that claim to highlight differences between the brains of males and females are spurious. They are based on tests carried out on only a small number of individuals and their results are often not repeated by other scientists. However, their results are published and are accepted by teachers and others as proof of basic differences between boys and girls. All sorts of ridiculous conclusions about very important issues are then made. Already sexism disguised in neuroscientific finery is changing the way children are taught." Article in Guardian. Review by Ben Barres.

Rebecca M. Jordan-Young. Brain Storm: The Flaws in the Science of Sex Differences. 2010. Review in LA Times.


There was a tissy in Hong Kong when word went round that one of the top three in the Miss Hong Kong pageant was trans.

Bradley Manning, the US soldier accused of leaking documents to Wikileaks, was speculated to be transgender.

Chaz Bono completed transition.

Chingy, rap star, was involved with trans rapper Foxxjazell two years ago, and now with Sidney Starr.

David Letterman mentioned Amanda Simpson's federal appointment, and his announcer feigned trans panic.

Eric Green, NFL player, sued for forcible sodomy.

Gareth Williams, the GCHQ/MI6 intelligence officer whose body was found in a locked holdall in his flat, had a £15,000collection of female clothing and wigs. Police are still undecided whether or not he was transvestite, and whether or not he was into bondage.

Actor James Franco did drag for the cover of Candy Magazine.

Susan Sarandon vomited on by drag performer, Rose Wood.

Stephen, son of Warren Beatty and Annette Bening is reported as trans.

Cis Obituaries

Roy Ward Baker (1916 – 2010) director of Dr Jekyll and Sister Hyde.

Mary Daly (1928 – 2010) transphobic feminist theologian at Boston College who mentored Janice Raymond.

Sava Perovic (1938 - 2010), Serbian sex change surgeon.

Teddy Pendergrass (1950 – 2010) soul singer who in 1982 crashed his car and crippled himself. His passenger, Tenika Watson walked away.

Tom Murray (19? - 2010), director of Almost Myself, died of a heart attack.

Michael Portantino (1958- 2010) publisher of recently closed San Diego Gay and Lesbian Times. An apparent suicide jump from a 7-story hotel.

Killed by a trans person:

Peaches Burton, Philadelphia, was charged with killing a trick and set fire to the hotel room.

Akira Jackson, youth program specialist for T-LISH, Transgender Ladies Initiating Sisterhood, at the Asian and Pacific Islander Wellness Center in San Francisco, charged with the killing of her boyfriend.

Trans Obituaries – other than being murdered

Presumably 200 or so trans persons died in the Haiti earthquake, but have not been identified as such in the press.

Renata Monet (1948 – 2010) killed her pastor, Karen Johnson, of the Unity Church of Christianity, and then killed herself.

Cláudia Wonder (1954 – 2010) performer, singer, writer, activist of cryptococcosis .

Maxwell Anderson (1956 – 2010) trans activist involved with Southern Comfort.

Stella Nova (1960 – 2010) punk musician, died of cancer.

Flo McGarrell (1973 – 2010) sculptor died in Haiti earthquake.

Arena (1974 -2010) Argentinian travesti died of flu in Paris.

Ephilei (1983-2010) author of Transchristians and Answering-Islam died in a car accident.

Roz Houston (? - 2010), Tasmanian activist, died after a long illness.

Murdered Trans Persons

Over 200 murders of trans persons were recorded in 2010, and many more died without being recorded. These are but a small sample.

Wong (1945 – 2010) Johor Baharu, Malaysia.

Sonia Burgess (1947 – 2010) Outstanding immigration lawyer, was pushed under a tube train.

Myra Ical (1958 – 2010) Montrose, Texas.

Angga (? – 2010) East Jakarta, died after being injected with a litre of silicone.

Derya Y. (1974 – 2010) Antalya, Turkey.

Amanda Gonzales-Andujar (1980 – 2010) New York.

Roberto Gonzales Onrubia (? – 2010) Madrid, tortured, humiliated and murdered by two homeless women whom he had invited to stay at his home.

Victoria White (1982 – 2010) New Jersey.

Mahsa (1986 – 2010) Tehran, murdered by her brothers. Her father forgave the brothers.

Stacey Blahnik (1979 - 2010) house mother, Philadelphia.

Ray Jones (2009 – 2010) hit by his mother's boyfriend for acting like a girl.

Here is the best list of names for November 2009-November 2010

There is a Wikipedia page called List of unlawfully killed transgender people which lists fewer than 6 trans people being killed each year, and with only one exception they are all in the US – which would make the US the most dangerous country in the world. That is of course nonsense. We are being killed in the 100s and in almost every country in the world.


  1. Joanne Proctor came out of retirement and changed the name of her blog to:

  2. Ah ah. The subtle difference between trans-fried-fluff and trans-friedfluff.

    I notice that trans-friedfluff quotes the transphobe, CCHRer and friend of Janice Raymond, Thomas Szasz in an approving way."


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