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25 November 2010

Angel dela Vega (1977–) seer, actress.

The seventh of eight children raised by market-stall traders in Agoo, La Union, Philippines, Judiel Nieva was known as a child to have special powers, and was consulted as a healer.

At age 10 Judiel, first at home and then at a spring in the hills above Agoo, began receiving apparitions of the Virgin Mary, every Saturday and on Her Feast Days. This climaxed in 1993 when an estimated million persons gathered to witness the visitation, which included the aroma of roses and a dancing sun. Cardinal Sin officiated mass on the apparition site.

However Judiel also received death threats, and accusations were made that the Nieva family were spending donations, supposedly for building a church, on personal consumption. The Virgin Mary left and began to appear to Allan Rudio in Murphy, Cubao, instead. In 1995, by which time Judiel had been seen cross-dressed, the Catholic Church condemned the Agoo Apparitions as Constat de Non Supernaturalitate.

Judiel grew up to be Angel dela Vega. In 2002 she was in a car accident. In 2003 she was an actress in the film Siklo, playing a woman who has an affair with her neighbour.

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