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12 April 2010

Luana Ricci (1963 - ) musicista.

Marco Della Gatta did a diploma in piano at the Conservatory of Lecce and in jazz at that of Bari. He worked with the Notte della Taranta and l’Orchestra della Pro­vincia di Lecce.

In 1989 he married a woman, and they had a son and a daughter. From 1991 he was the organist at the Lecce Cathedral, but without a contract.

After the death of his father, he could not die without being himself. In 2008 Della Gatte decided to transition to Luana Ricci. Luana was dismissed as the organist at Lecce Cathedral.

in 2010, she helped trans woman Emily De Salvo in her audition for the Bari Tito Schipa Conservatory by providing piano accompaniment, and was the organist for the ordination of female priest Maria Vittoria Longhitano.

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