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07 March 2010

Tima die Goettliche (1965 – ) actor, singer, author, Travestiekünstler.

Marcus Timo Schrader was born in Munich. He also uses the name: Timo Lewandowsky.

Timo moved to Berlin in 1983 to improve his stage career. He made his debut as a transvestite in Ladies Neid (1984), and he left a lasting impression on director Rosa von Praunheim, who cast him in almost all his movies, including as the young Charlotte van Mahlsdorf in Ich bin meiene eigene Frau, 1991.

The Theatre Head Attack Theatre used Tima's acting skills in Frauen schlafen nie (1994), and Praunheim made him a cult star with Neurosia - 50 Jahre pervers (1995), a feature film about his own life. Four years later, Tima received critical acclaim for his sensitive portrayal as Dörchen Richter in Der Einstein des Sex - Leben und Werk des Dr. M. Hirschfeld, 1999, again under the direction of Praunheim.

He did numerous bit parts on TV series and movies, and was cast alongside Rainer Hillebrecht on Berlin Bohème. Still, he prefers stage to film, and appeared as Elvira in Elvira, die Samenbankmörderin von Schloss Gerolstein (2000), and as a chanteuse in Intima geht's nicht (2001). He is also an author, and a qualified tailor, and makes his own costumes.

  DE.Wikipedia        Spreedosen.

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