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15 February 2010

Erik Schinegger (1948 - ) skier.

Erika Schinegger was raised in Agsdorf, Austria. She was the world champion women's downhill skier at the Alpine World Ski Championships in 1966. While preparing for the 1968 Olympic Games the International Olympic Committee (IOC) determined that he was chromosomally male.

19-year-old Erika was surprised at this news, but accepted it, and started living as male, with hormones and surgical reconstruction. Erik trained to the point that he defeated male champions, but was simply refused a place on the Austrian National Men's team.

He twice married a woman and also fathered a daughter. He currently owns a children’s ski school and two inns in Agsdorf.
  • Erik Schinegger & Marco Schenz. Mein Sieg über mich. Der Mann, der Weltmeisterin wurde (My victory over myself: the man who became a female world champion). München: Herbig. 1988. L'homme qui fut championne du monde. Ma victoire sur moi-même, Paris, Editions Michel Lafon, 1989. Autobiography.
  • Kurt Mayer (dir) Erik(a). With Erik Schinegger. Music by Olga Neuwirth. Austria 86 mins 2005. His story.
  • Patricia Nell Warren. “Intersex Skiing Star”. Outsports History. 2006. NO LONGER AVAILABLE.
  • Patricia Nell WarrenErik Schinegger. An Intersex Epic in Alpine Skiing” in The Lavender Locker Room: 3000 Years of Great Athletes Whose Sexual Orientation Was Different. Wildcat Press, 2006.

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