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18 June 2007

Whatever happened to ... Teri Toye

This article revised, March 2009.

1984. Just three years after Caroline Cossey (Tula) was outed when she came to attention by being a 'Bond girl' in For Your Eyes Only, and as a consequence lost most of her modelling contracts. Just three years after 1981, in New York, the new fashion sensation was the openly transgender Teri Toye, who had moved to New York from Iowa to study fashion. She was offered modeling work, especially for the cult fashion designer Stephen Sprouse, but also for Karl Lagerfeld and Jean Paul Gaultier. Her success allowed Lauren Foster, whose career had wobbled after she was outed, to spring back. 

There is a Teri Toye doll by Greer Lankton's husband, Paul Monroe. Teri was maid of honor at Greer's wedding.

However after three years, Teri split the scene. She returned to her native Iowa where she works in historic preservation and real estate.


  1. Check out Teri's myspace page

    It is a tribute page created by Teri's friends but completely approved by Teri. Leave her a message and she will definately get it personally.

    PS: Teri never worked in a construction

  2. just a correction
    this doll was made by Paul Monroe, not Greer Lankton


  3. Anonymous17/2/09 23:55

    This is an interview with Teri in V Magazine. Okay, interviewer/designer Andre Walker says some VERY annoying things from a trans perspective (he calls SRS a 'look'??), and I found it pretty offensive they compared Teri to Ru Paul (who is, hello, a gay man, not a transwoman). But when they let her talk, Teri is charming in the interview, says she still lives in Iowa right next to her sister and mom and seems very grounded. Good for her!

  4. Anonymous13/3/09 15:39

    I am soo happy to see teri in the news again. what an style icon - as a wee-gay-lad grew up loving the marraine faithfull, jean shrimpton, Francoise Hardy look and then moved to NYC in 1981 and there it was all right in front of me. good times! whichever side yer on Teri remains a style bomb. great that SS is getting some of the recogintion he deserves too!

  5. Anonymous31/1/11 20:08

    I met Teri in Iowa in 1979 ish. I was "dating" her freind Brenda Ross. She came to our house with her Sister both wearing CALVIN kLIEN coats (very big deal back then). I was wearing a little black suit thinking I looked very mod, very English Beat.
    Teri announced that I looked like Merv Griffin. Needless to say I was devistated. But felt much better when i realized the Evian Spray she was spritzing up her nose was to help with coke-drip.
    After that, I didn't take to heart much of what she said, but spent the evening trasfixed by her beauty. She embodied the Sprouse look.
    MJ Heuring, Seattle


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